Together, your Internet even better

Articles tagged with: collectif ldigital

RezoGirls is back !

on Friday, 01 October 2021 Posted in Archives Rezopole

RezoGirls is back !

France-IX Lyon, en partenariat avec LDIGITAL, vous convie le mardi 19 octobre à 18h30 à la 14ᵉ rencontre RezoGirls. Une nouvelle table ronde avec pour thématique « Les femmes : garantes du numérique responsable ? ».


Le numérique responsable est une démarche d’amélioration continue qui vise à réduire les empreintes écologique, économique et sociale des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC). En somme, il s’agit de continuer d’utiliser les technologies pour développer son activité, mais tout en mettant en place des solutions au quotidien pour réduire son impact environnemental.


Pour qu’il soit plus responsable, le numérique doit donc réduire son impact sur l’environnement mais pas seulement ! Le numérique responsable implique donc d’examiner l’ensemble des pratiques aussi bien au niveau des usages qu’au niveau sociétal.


Comment fait-on pour rendre le numérique responsable plus éthique et inclusif ? Nos trois intervenant·e·s débattront sur le sujet en se basant sur leur expérience respective et apporteront une analyse pertinente de ce phénomène.



     18h30-18h45 : Accueil
     18h45-19h00 : Présentation des intervenant.e.s
     19h00-20h30 : Table ronde
     20h30-21h45 : Cocktail - Jacques Lafargue traiteur


En vous inscrivant, vous acceptez, si vous apparaissez sur les photos prises lors de l'événement, que celles-ci soient publiées sur notre site, nos réseaux sociaux & ceux de notre partenaire.


Je m'inscris


Afin de vous accueillir dans les meilleures conditions sanitaires, les équipes de France-IX Lyon & LDIGITAL se tiennent informée des mesures et préconisations des autorités publiques.

Pour accéder à l'événement, les participants devront donc présenter l'une des trois preuves suivantes constituant le "pass sanitaire" :
    • Certification de vaccination (schéma complet)
    • Test PCR / antigénique de moins de 48h
    • Test RT-PCR ou antigénique positif attestant du rétablissement de la Covid-19 datant d'au moins 15 jours et de moins de 6 mois
NB : Les auto-tests ne sont pas acceptés.





Diplômée de l’Institut Supérieure d’Agriculture de Lille, spécialité environnementaliste, le parcours d’Anne-Sophie Banse est largement tourné vers la protection de l’environnement avec le constat heureux d’une prise de conscience grandissante de tous : entreprises, collectivités, particuliers.

Chef de projets depuis 10 ans à l’ADEME, agence de transition écologique, elle œuvre sur des sujets variés : recyclage, économie circulaire, écologie industrielle, transports… Et dernièrement, le numérique responsable.



Aurélie Fallourd a passé quatre ans comme pilote QSE pour plusieurs clients au sein de la SADE puis rejoint SERFIM T.I.C. en 2012 en tant que Responsable d’affaires.

Elle est promue Responsable QSE-RSE en 2014 et intègre le Codir de l’entreprise. Après une formation en Management & Leadership, ses missions s’élargissent jusqu’à prendre en charge le Système de Management Intégré de SERFIM T.I.C., et devenir référente pour le groupe SERFIM de la commission sur la responsabilité sociétale des entreprises et la mixité professionnelle.



Issu de différents horizons, Frédéric Lacrabere s’appuie sur des années d’écologie dans différentes associations et des études en éthique et en développement durable. Il a découvert le monde de l’éco-conception web il y a quelque temps lors d’une formation de développeur web.

Frédéric a intégré Open Cylife en s’occupant de la création des contenus éco-conçus et de recherche sur les impacts du numérique pour les partager avec la communauté. Aujourd’hui, il est formateur dans le numérique responsable.




À propos des RezoGirls       

Vous êtes une femme et vous travaillez dans le secteur Réseau & Télécom ou plus largement dans le numérique et vous souhaitez rencontrer d'autres RezoGirls ?

Venez partager votre expérience dans un cadre convivial et décontracté...




À propos de LDIGITAL 

LDIGITAL est une association qui œuvre pour la mixité dans les métiers du numérique. Autrement dit pour la féminisation de ces métiers, où les femmes sont sous-représentées et où elles ont leur place à prendre.
LDIGITAL travaille auprès de jeunes filles pour leur faire découvrir les métiers du numérique et surtout l’opportunité qu’ils représentent pour elles, tant la diversité est intéressante.
LDIGITAL accompagne aussi les femmes qui se réorientent et réinventent leur vie professionnelle. LDIGITAL est à leurs côtés pour les acculturer à la densité des métiers de cette filière, pour leur permettre de rencontrer leurs homologues qui ont une expérience dans ces domaines et pour accéder à leur job de demain, avec une ouverture aux entreprises.
LDIGITAL attache une grande importance à travailler aux côtés des entreprises pour favoriser la mixité au sein de la structure et sa mise en place.
LDIGITAL encourage femmes et jeunes filles à prendre leur place dans cette filière dynamique et les entreprises à les accueillir, pour un monde mixte.




Participate to the RezoGirls #13 !

on Friday, 31 July 2020 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Participate to the RezoGirls #13 !

Rezopole, in partnership with 1Kubator, invites you on Tuesday, September 29th at 6:30pm at 13ᵉ meet RezoGirls. A new round table with the theme "E-reputation: beware of the boomerang effect! ».

There are a multitude of expressions to name e-reputation: web-reputation, cyber-reputation, digital reputation, web reputation, Internet reputation or online reputation. But in all cases, it is the digital image that the Internet reflects of a person, natural or legal person or brand.

E-reputation therefore delivers elements about a person or a brand, without them being able to fully control them. Warren Buffet had this sentence: "It takes 20 years to build a reputation, but only five minutes to destroy it". This has never been truer than it is today, in our ultra-connected world.


At a time of fake news, revenge porn, harassment, etc. how to manage its e-reputation? Our four speakers will discuss the subject based on their respective experiences and provide relevant advice.





     18h30-18h45 : Welcome
     18h45-19h00 : Presentation of the speakers
     19h00-20h30 : Round table
     20h30-21h45 : Cocktail - Jacques Lafargue caterer






To participate in Rezopole events, you must be at least a Silver member (free).



Freelance designer orbiting in the fields of video games, the web and pedagogy, Antoine Gouy believes in the power of the network and people. The human being is his priority. He uses the methods of the freelance company to lead project teams towards their goals with sense and benevolence. 

Antoine also transmits these notions in the project program he runs on the Ynov campus in Lyon. His goal: to train students to listen to others in order to, let's face it, change tomorrow's world.




Specialized in economic intelligence and expert in social networks, Fanny Loubaton has been assisting companies in their digital communication for the past ten years. From the definition of the strategy to its deployment, she helps structures, actors and collaborators to reveal themselves on social networks. She offers a qualitative and educational support around social networks to guarantee the good visibility of the message and the increase in skills of the teams around the digital.



Marie Marcotte is a lawyer in Lyon. Her practice focuses on commercial and liability law, intellectual property and innovation law, as well as digital and e-commerce law.
Throughout her career, she has advised and defended companies of all sizes, from very small businesses to large groups, operating in a variety of sectors such as digital, telecommunications, mass distribution, franchising and industry.



About RezoGirls       


You are a woman and you work in the Network & Telecom sector or more broadly in the digital sector and you would like to meet other RezoGirls ?

Come and share your experience in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere...



About 1Kubator 


The leading network of start-up incubators in France, 1Kubator supports, provides office space and finances innovative and digital projects. In 10 months, entrepreneurs go from the idea to the market, and to fundraising 1ʳᵉ.





Crédit pictogrammes : Santé vecteur créé par freepik -





Participate to the RezoGirls 12 !

on Friday, 15 November 2019 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Participate to the RezoGirls 12 !

Rezopole, in partnership with La Cuisine du Web, invites you on Tuesday, December 3rd at 6:30 pm to 12ᵉ meet RezoGirls.

During this new round table, several speakers will discuss the theme "Inequalities in entrepreneurship: how, thanks to Digital, are women reversing the trend? ». The debate will be followed by a cocktail reception.


Despite persistent differences, some figures show a positive trend in female entrepreneurship in France. Companies run by women today employ on average 13 fewer people than those run by men, compared to 64 fewer people between 2012 and 2014. Similarly, disparities between women and men entrepreneurs tend to narrow in terms of wealth creation.

Is this positive evolution driven by the Digital Revolution? Our four speakers will discuss the subject based on their respective experiences and provide a relevant analysis of this phenomenon.


ProgramLes Toques Blanches Lyonnaises

     18h30-18h45 : Welcome
     18h45-19h00 : Presentation of the speakers
     19h00-20h30 : Round table
     20h30-21h45 : Cocktail - Jacques Lafargue caterer






To participate in Rezopole events, you must be at least a Silver member (free).



Graduated from Skema Business School in 1993, Beryl Bès created BB-A Conseil, an insurance and credit brokerage firm, in 2009. Convinced of the potential of crowdfunding to support business development, she created MyAnnona in 2014. This platform offers women who are undertaking online and face-to-face financial support. Co-author of a book on crowdfunding and business at Editions Eyrolles, Beryl is also a speaker at Force Femmes and 100,000 entrepreneurs and, since January 2019, General Delegate of the LDigital Foundation.


Passionate about new technologies since a very young age, Alisson Foucault has always wanted to make technological innovation useful. His interest in topics related to High Tech led him to study computer science and organize events for the general public.

The discovery of virtual reality is a love at first sight: thus Alisson created UniVR Studio in 2014! Very quickly, the customers follow one another, and push the company on a path that will become the DNA of UniVR Studio: the use of virtual reality for professional training.


Tiphaine Frugier has been a professional in communication and event organisation for 12 years and specialises in digital communication and the digitalisation of companies. Volunteering as an association, meeting others and learning from all these experiences, helped her discover what she really wanted: to become an entrepreneur! It integrates Girlz In Web above all because it is a benevolent network and mutual aid is permanent. What could be more normal than to highlight women who want or are pursuing a career in the Digital and new technologies!


A graduate of the ETH of Sceaux and the University of Munich, Jade Le Maître is one of the 20% of French women engineers. Robotics entered his life in 2010 with his research project on Human-Robot Interaction. She then embarked on robotics events and met Max Vallet, with whom she founded Hease Robotics in 2016. At the same time, Jade mentors start-ups in the Lyon French Tech network and invests in Lyon-is-Ai. She is also an expert evaluator at the European Commission on collaborative projects related to robotics and a member of the Holnest Club.


About RezoGirls        


You are a woman and you work in the Network & Telecom sector or more broadly in the digital sector and you would like to meet other RezoGirls ?

Come and share your experience in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere...




About La Cuisine du Web 



An independent association whose aim is to promote Web and Digital entrepreneurship in Lyon, La Cuisine du Web is defined as an action-tank to help companies and professionals by promoting meetings in a unique and offbeat atmosphere.









Participate to the RezoGirls 11 !

on Monday, 03 June 2019 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Participate to the RezoGirls 11 !

Rezopole, in partnership with Digital Campus Lyon, invites you to the 11th RezoGirls meeting on Tuesday 18th June at 6.30 pm.

During this new round table, several speakers will discuss the theme "The Rise of Artificial Intelligence: What are the risks for gender diversity? ». The debate will be followed by a cocktail reception.

In the introduction, let us quote Larousse, who defines Artificial Intelligence as "a set of theories and techniques implemented in order to produce machines capable of simulating human intelligence".

After a brief history of Artificial Intelligence, and some examples of dysfunction reproducing, amplifying, or even creating discrimination in their decisions, our speakers will debate based on their respective experiences and provide a relevant analysis of this phenomenon; the gender imbalance generated by the development of AI.


ProgramLes Toques Blanches Lyonnaises

     18h30-18h45 : Welcome
     18h45-19h00 : Presentation of the speakers
     19h00-20h30 : Round table
     20h30-21h45 : Cocktail - Jacques Lafargue caterer






To participate in Rezopole events, you must be at least a Silver member (free).



Flavien Chervet is an entrepreneur by day, a prospective lecturer by night. The young company of which he is CEO, Exoflow, creates and runs intrapreneurship programs to help companies reinvent themselves and innovate. Passionate about Artificial Intelligence and its impact on society, he founded the "Meetup IA Lyon" in 2016, bringing together 2500 enthusiasts. He is also vice-president of the Lyon-iS-Ai association, do-tank, whose mission is to demystify AI and educate for its good use.


After an engineering degree from INSA and a DEA, Virginie Mathivet did a doctoral thesis in Artificial Intelligence on genetic algorithms and neural networks. She then turned to teaching and, for more than 10 years, passed on her knowledge of Artificial Intelligence, robotics and connected objects. Today, she works in TeamWork's innovation laboratory as Director of R&D. She is also author of books on AI and speaker.

As a teacher-researcher in robotics and neuroscience, Cécile Pacoret explores human-machine relations and how their collaboration makes it possible to better understand their respective workings. Between technological and therapeutic innovation, she attaches great importance to experimentation and field experience. Convinced that human and artificial intelligence are complementary, she participates in Fab Labs and seminars to make technology accessible to all and discuss the reality of the field with the public.

About RezoGirls        


You are a woman and you work in the Network & Telecom sector or more broadly in the digital sector and you would like to meet other RezoGirls ?

Come and share your experience in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere...



About Digital Campus 

Digital Campus is the leading network of web schools in France, with 10 campuses in metropolitan France, Reunion Island and Senegal. The school prepares its students to become future digital professionals, ready to meet the challenges of digital technology. Digital Campus Lyon, located within the Digital Region Campus, offers web training in alternating or initial training and delivers two certified level I & II titles.









RezoGirls #10 is sold out!

on Tuesday, 26 February 2019 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

RezoGirls #10 is sold out!

Many thanks to all of you for your interest in this event.

See you on Tuesday, March 5th at 6:30 pm at the TUBA for this evening debate on the theme "Emotional Quotient: New Measurement of Intellectual and Functional Skills in Business". The whole closed with a cocktail reception.

We are closing the registrations today.


Nous clôturons ce jour les inscriptions.









Sign up for the next RezoGirls

on Friday, 15 February 2019 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Sign up for the next RezoGirls

Join us for our evening debate followed by a cocktail reception on Tuesday, March 5th at 6:30 p.m. at the TUBÀ on the theme "Emotional Quotient: New Measurement of Intellectual and Functional Skills in Business".

Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer have identified Emotional Intelligence as "a form of social intelligence that involves the ability to observe one's own feelings and the feelings of others, to separate them and to use this information to guide one's thoughts and actions".

After having defined in more detail what is meant by Emotional Intelligence or Emotional Quotient, we will see how it is used today to serve companies, particularly during the recruitment process or in management. Our four speakers will then discuss the subject based on their experience or analysis of the phenomenon.


ProgramLes Toques Blanches Lyonnaises

     18h30-18h45 : Welcome
     18h45-19h00 : Presentation of the speakers
     19h00-20h30 : Round table
     20h30-21h45 : Cocktail - Jacques Lafargue caterer




Je m'inscris


To participate in Rezopole events, you must be at least a Silver member (free).



Dr. in psychology, lecturer, coach and trainer, Lisa Bellinghausen has a passion for emotion. For the past ten years, she has been helping managers and company directors to "realign themselves emotionally" in order to (re)find a balance between professional and personal life and thus increase their performance. In 2017, she and a colleague created a new model of emotional intelligence to capture emotions and gain emotional agility: the 7-step Emotionally Intelligent Process.


Catherine Dou Eustaquio, an engineer by training, has been working in sales and management positions in IT and Telecom for more than 30 years. Considering her job as a sales representative as that of a consultant who will, above all, understand the problems of her clients before providing answers, she favours listening. Catherine is also ambassador for France within her company of the "WIT" group, which aims to promote women in IT jobs.

After an international career, Laurence Doumba Kinda holds a double position at Apec. As an HR consultant, she assists innovative companies with their recruitment, attractiveness and loyalty projects. Community Manager, she leads communities on social networks. Involved in social issues, she is president of the BPW Lyon club, which works for professional and wage equality and fights against discrimination. She is also secretary of the Women's Economic Network.


A university graduate, Nadia Boulegroun, HRD by profession, has supported various organizations, from service to international solidarity and digital. She is currently an HR consultant in the Biotechnologies sector and founder of HiTiJob Academy, an institute dedicated to the training of high-potential profiles wishing to reorient themselves towards digital professions.


About RezoGirls         

Are you a woman working in the IT sector? Would you like to meet other "RezoGirls" and share your experience in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere?

About TUBÀ        

Rethinking cities to transform them into sustainable cities, devising innovative solutions to make urban life easier, but also to facilitate the emergence of new businesses and job creation, TUBÀ strives to forge links between the various actors in the city. TUBÀ embodies a new form of innovation that supports the economic development of businesses and the well-being of citizens in the city.


Contact :

Service Communication Rezopole

04 27 46 00 53

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Rezopole: L Digital member!

on Wednesday, 08 March 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Rezopole: L Digital member!

Rezopole is a member of the L Digital Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Collective. One of its main goals is to favor the place of women in the digital sector. The members gather monthly to coordinate their actions to generate a new synergy around the development and the attractiveness of the digital sector in the region.





Rezopole acts within the EDUCATION workshop. Its aim is to identify, to coordinate and to mutualize the numerous actions carried out to a young educated audience (nursery school, college, high school) or in obtaining employment and\or job search situation.


On Women's Day (March 8th), the L Digital Collective launches its web site.


LDigital aspires to help women employed or in professional retraining develop their skills in the digital sector. To do this, the Collective consists of: Lyon French Tech, Métropole de Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, DIRECCTE, Direction régionale du Ministère des Droits des Femmes, Lyon Academy Lyon as well as the Inseec Digital, Digital Campus, EM Lyon, Epitech, Simplon, Wild Code School, University of Lyon, Polytech schools and 100 000 entrepreneurs, Objectif Pour l’Emploi, REF,  Rhône-Alpes Pionnières, Femmes & Numérique (Syntec), Fréquence Ecole, Rezopole (RezoGirls), Girlzinweb, Duchesse associations.


Learn more


Find more information on the new LDigital web site:


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