Together, your Internet even better

Articles in Category: Archives Rezopole

See you online for IXPloration #30

on Monday, 18 October 2021 Posted in Archives Rezopole

See you online for IXPloration #30

France-IX Lyon will meet you on November 05th for a morning dedicated to the improvement of BtoB Internet exchanges thanks to LyonIX and GrenobliX infrastructures, the IXP / NAP of Lyon & Grenoble.

Details will be detailed during this videoconference:
- the IXP part, which improves Internet exchanges between users in a territory, reduces telecom costs, and secures and optimizes the network thanks to the multiple routes offered.
- the NAP part, which provides connected members with direct access to the operators present and their offers. We buy or sell any type of Telecom service with great flexibility.


On the agenda

  • General presentation
  • What is an IXP / NAP?
    • How does it work?
    • Economic & technical advantages
  •  The IXP / NAP of Lyon and Grenoble
    • Members
    • Offers & services
    • Connection solutions
  • Events & Tools
  • Questions & Answers


Useful information

  • Schedule from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
  • Link of the videoconference sent by email two days before the event









RezoGirls is back !

on Friday, 01 October 2021 Posted in Archives Rezopole

RezoGirls is back !

France-IX Lyon, en partenariat avec LDIGITAL, vous convie le mardi 19 octobre à 18h30 à la 14ᵉ rencontre RezoGirls. Une nouvelle table ronde avec pour thématique « Les femmes : garantes du numérique responsable ? ».


Le numérique responsable est une démarche d’amélioration continue qui vise à réduire les empreintes écologique, économique et sociale des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC). En somme, il s’agit de continuer d’utiliser les technologies pour développer son activité, mais tout en mettant en place des solutions au quotidien pour réduire son impact environnemental.


Pour qu’il soit plus responsable, le numérique doit donc réduire son impact sur l’environnement mais pas seulement ! Le numérique responsable implique donc d’examiner l’ensemble des pratiques aussi bien au niveau des usages qu’au niveau sociétal.


Comment fait-on pour rendre le numérique responsable plus éthique et inclusif ? Nos trois intervenant·e·s débattront sur le sujet en se basant sur leur expérience respective et apporteront une analyse pertinente de ce phénomène.



     18h30-18h45 : Accueil
     18h45-19h00 : Présentation des intervenant.e.s
     19h00-20h30 : Table ronde
     20h30-21h45 : Cocktail - Jacques Lafargue traiteur


En vous inscrivant, vous acceptez, si vous apparaissez sur les photos prises lors de l'événement, que celles-ci soient publiées sur notre site, nos réseaux sociaux & ceux de notre partenaire.


Je m'inscris


Afin de vous accueillir dans les meilleures conditions sanitaires, les équipes de France-IX Lyon & LDIGITAL se tiennent informée des mesures et préconisations des autorités publiques.

Pour accéder à l'événement, les participants devront donc présenter l'une des trois preuves suivantes constituant le "pass sanitaire" :
    • Certification de vaccination (schéma complet)
    • Test PCR / antigénique de moins de 48h
    • Test RT-PCR ou antigénique positif attestant du rétablissement de la Covid-19 datant d'au moins 15 jours et de moins de 6 mois
NB : Les auto-tests ne sont pas acceptés.





Diplômée de l’Institut Supérieure d’Agriculture de Lille, spécialité environnementaliste, le parcours d’Anne-Sophie Banse est largement tourné vers la protection de l’environnement avec le constat heureux d’une prise de conscience grandissante de tous : entreprises, collectivités, particuliers.

Chef de projets depuis 10 ans à l’ADEME, agence de transition écologique, elle œuvre sur des sujets variés : recyclage, économie circulaire, écologie industrielle, transports… Et dernièrement, le numérique responsable.



Aurélie Fallourd a passé quatre ans comme pilote QSE pour plusieurs clients au sein de la SADE puis rejoint SERFIM T.I.C. en 2012 en tant que Responsable d’affaires.

Elle est promue Responsable QSE-RSE en 2014 et intègre le Codir de l’entreprise. Après une formation en Management & Leadership, ses missions s’élargissent jusqu’à prendre en charge le Système de Management Intégré de SERFIM T.I.C., et devenir référente pour le groupe SERFIM de la commission sur la responsabilité sociétale des entreprises et la mixité professionnelle.



Issu de différents horizons, Frédéric Lacrabere s’appuie sur des années d’écologie dans différentes associations et des études en éthique et en développement durable. Il a découvert le monde de l’éco-conception web il y a quelque temps lors d’une formation de développeur web.

Frédéric a intégré Open Cylife en s’occupant de la création des contenus éco-conçus et de recherche sur les impacts du numérique pour les partager avec la communauté. Aujourd’hui, il est formateur dans le numérique responsable.




À propos des RezoGirls       

Vous êtes une femme et vous travaillez dans le secteur Réseau & Télécom ou plus largement dans le numérique et vous souhaitez rencontrer d'autres RezoGirls ?

Venez partager votre expérience dans un cadre convivial et décontracté...




À propos de LDIGITAL 

LDIGITAL est une association qui œuvre pour la mixité dans les métiers du numérique. Autrement dit pour la féminisation de ces métiers, où les femmes sont sous-représentées et où elles ont leur place à prendre.
LDIGITAL travaille auprès de jeunes filles pour leur faire découvrir les métiers du numérique et surtout l’opportunité qu’ils représentent pour elles, tant la diversité est intéressante.
LDIGITAL accompagne aussi les femmes qui se réorientent et réinventent leur vie professionnelle. LDIGITAL est à leurs côtés pour les acculturer à la densité des métiers de cette filière, pour leur permettre de rencontrer leurs homologues qui ont une expérience dans ces domaines et pour accéder à leur job de demain, avec une ouverture aux entreprises.
LDIGITAL attache une grande importance à travailler aux côtés des entreprises pour favoriser la mixité au sein de la structure et sa mise en place.
LDIGITAL encourage femmes et jeunes filles à prendre leur place dans cette filière dynamique et les entreprises à les accueillir, pour un monde mixte.




Aperezo is back!

on Thursday, 30 September 2021 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Aperezo is back!

It is with great pleasure that the team of France-IX Lyon, formerly Rezopole,
announces the return of the traditional Aperezo.

We invite you to the Hard Rock Café Lyon
on Thursday 14th October from 6.30pm
in the presence of Franck Simon, President of France IX Services.

Attention: the number of places being extremley limited, registration is MANDATORY. For organizational and security reasons, any person not in possession of a nominative registration confirmation * will be refused access to the event.

* Confirmation by name subsequently sent by e-mail.


By registering, you agree, if you appear on the photos taken during the event, that they be published on our site and ours social networks.



I register


In order to welcome you in the best sanitary conditions, the entire France-IX Lyon team is kept informed of the measures and recommendations of the public authorities.

In order to access the event, participants must present one of the three following proofs constituting the "health pass":
    - Vaccination certification (complete scheme)
    - PCR / antigenic test less than 48 hours old
    - Positive RT-PCR or antigenic test attesting to the recovery of the Covid-19 dating back at least 15 days and less than 6 months
NB: Self-tests are not accepted.


Practical information
  • Address : 1, rue du Président Carnot 69002 Lyon
  • Access map
  • Schedule from 6.30 pm to 10 pm





Top countries in the world with the highest data rates

on Friday, 10 September 2021 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Top countries in the world with the highest data rates

The Speedtest publishing company has just published the latest edition of the ranking of countries with the highest fixed and mobile speeds. The first highlight of the study is that the global average download speed increased in 2020 for both mobile and fixed broadband. Average mobile speeds reached 55.07 Mbps and 107.50 Mbps for fixed broadband, an increase of 59.5% and 31.9% respectively between July 2020 and July 2021.


Average mobile download speeds are almost 100% faster than in 2019, and almost 200% faster than in 2017. Similar increases were recorded with average download speeds on broadband.


According to the study, the United Arab Emirates came out on top for mobile in 2020 and 2021, followed by South Korea. China, Qatar and Cyprus complete the top five. Norway, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Australia and Bulgaria also make the top 10 list.

For fixed broadband, Monaco ranks first, followed by Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Romania, Switzerland, South Korea, Chile, Denmark and Liechtenstein. Chile and Denmark make their first appearance in the top 10, ousting the US... and France.


In fact, according to the latest edition of this ranking, France ranks 27ᵉ in the world as regards mobile speeds, with an average of 73.27 Mb/s. As regards fixed broadband, the country does much better and ranks 11ᵉ place with an estimated average monthly speed of 199.68 Mb/s. It should be noted, however, that France loses two places and thus leaves the world's top 10 countries with the highest fixed broadband speeds.



 Read the article


Source : ZDnet





The "zero tariff" goes against net neutrality

on Friday, 10 September 2021 Posted in Archives Rezopole


On 2 September, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled in two German cases concerning "zero tariff" offers by Internet Service Providers (ISPs). The Court ruled that this practice is contrary to the EU regulation on open Internet access, for the second time in a year.


A "zero tariff" is the practice of an ISP to make free the volume of data consumed via a partner application.

In this case the CJEU points to the additional option, Stream On, offered by Telekom Deutschland to its users. Vodafone, on the other hand, offers a myriad of options under the name Vodafone Pass, which are only valid in Germany. The data consumed by the applications concerned are only taken into account when they are consumed from abroad.


Maryant Fernández Pérez, head of digital policy at the European consumer protection organisation BEUC said "When companies like Vodafone use these zero tariffs, they are essentially locking consumers in and limiting what the internet can offer them,. "Zero tariffs" are detrimental to consumer choice, competition, innovation, media diversity and freedom of information".

It also welcomed the Court's ruling that "such a commercial practice is contrary to the general obligation of equal treatment of traffic, without discrimination or interference, as required by the Open Internet Access Regulation".


The German Federal Network Agency, which filed the complaint together with a consumer association, believes that the offers "cannot be maintained in their current form". Vodafone Germany said it is "carefully examining the decisions and will update its current offer if necessary in accordance with the judgments".


The ruling is based on the EU net neutrality regulation, which was passed in 2015 and came into force in 2016. The text was criticised at the time for its weakness. The US Federal Communication Commission had taken a much stronger measure on the same subject the year of the European vote, clearly prohibiting "zero rating".

Since then, the situation has ironically been reversed. The Trump administration repealed the net neutrality measure, which his successor is trying to reinstate. In Europe, the CJEU clarified its position in September 2020 via its ruling on the offers of the operator Telenor. A decision confirmed today.



 Read the article


Source : Siècle Digital





See you online for IXPloration #30

on Monday, 06 September 2021 Posted in Archives Rezopole

See you online for IXPloration #30

France-IX Lyon will meet you on September 24th for a morning dedicated to the improvement of BtoB Internet exchanges thanks to LyonIX and GrenobliX infrastructures, the IXP / NAP of Lyon & Grenoble.

Details will be detailed during this videoconference:
- the IXP part, which improves Internet exchanges between users in a territory, reduces telecom costs, and secures and optimizes the network thanks to the multiple routes offered.
- the NAP part, which provides connected members with direct access to the operators present and their offers. We buy or sell any type of Telecom service with great flexibility.


On the agenda

  • General presentation
  • What is an IXP / NAP?
    • How does it work?
    • Economic & technical advantages
  •  The IXP / NAP of Lyon and Grenoble
    • Members
    • Offers & services
    • Connection solutions
  • Events & Tools
  • Questions & Answers


Useful information

  • Schedule from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
  • Link of the videoconference sent by email two days before the event









Optical fibre: 14 million subscribers in France

on Friday, 03 September 2021 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Optical fibre: 14 million subscribers in France

Although the launch of the France Très Haut Débit plan in 2013 was slow, its acceleration has finally produced good results. Metropolitan France will not be covered by 2022, as was initially planned, and it will take until 2025 - or even 2030 - for some regions to be fully covered. However, the investments made in deployment work have enabled the country to make a good comeback in the European rankings. France is now ahead of the United Kingdom, Germany and Italy with an average speed of over 50 Mb/s.


These efforts have resulted in a significant increase in subscriptions, as France now has more than 14 million fibre-optic customers. The country will soon have more fibre subscribers than xDSL Internet customers.

Orange is by far the leading fibre optic Internet provider with over 5.2 million customers, ahead of SFR (3.6 million), Free (3.3 million) and Bouygues Telecom (1.9 million).


Moreover, the health crisis has only accentuated the need for the French to be able to rely on a reliable and efficient Internet connection. So much so that in the real estate sector, the connection of properties to the fibre optic network is becoming an increasingly important criterion for buyers.


The current challenge is in rural areas, where fibre optics are more expensive to deploy and less profitable. This is why the State and local authorities are obliged to get involved through the RIPs (public initiative networks) to accompany the rollouts carried out by the operators. This is why the recovery plan decreed to revive the economy after the stoppage linked to Covid-19 provides for some 570 million euros for the deployment of optical fibre.



 Read the article


Source : Les Numériques





Two days to master the BGP protocol

on Thursday, 02 September 2021 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Two days to master the BGP protocol

France-IX Lyon organizes a BGP workshop, on October 05 & 06 in Lyon.


This training, provided by professionals for professionals, covers the operation and configuration of BGP on Bird, Cisco, FRR. This protocol is necessary to interconnect on an IXP and take advantage of the "multiple transit" offers.


During these two days, you will approach in a progressive and complete way the various aspects of BGP: the peering and the use of route servers. You will set up your first session and you will also discover the techniques to announce and filter networks in IPv4 and IPv6.


Price: 500 € (Ex-VAT) per day per attendee (lunch included).


Do you want to participate? Just send us an email.

The registration closing date is on October 1st, 2021.


In order to welcome you in the best sanitary conditions, the entire France-IX Lyon team is kept informed of the measures and recommendations of the public authorities.

In order to access the training course, participants must present one of the three following proofs constituting the "health pass":
    - Vaccination certification (complete scheme)
    - PCR / antigenic test less than 48 hours old
    - Positive RT-PCR or antigenic test attesting to the recovery of the Covid-19 dating back at least 15 days and less than 6 months
NB: Self-tests are not accepted.



  • IP / AS Routing reminder
  • BGP protocol in details
  • Difference IGP / EGP
  • Worklab introduction (frr)
  • First BGP sessions, Full-Table
  • Multiple peering-sessions
  • Filtering: Prefix-list and Route-map
  • Annonces, filtering and network loop debugging
  • Diagnostic tools
  • Filtering: AS-PATH and Route-map
  • The BGP communities
  • Example of use for LyonIX
  • Traffic shaping: AS-PATH prepend and disaggregation
  • Fine BGP tuning: Fast convergence and Sub-optimal
  • PATHs detection / Packet loss
  • Public-DB declarations : RIPE / RPSL / RPKI / Peering DB Registration contact
  • Routers configuration best current practices
  • Differences between V4 and V6!




  Download the BGP training info 





India leads in IPv6 deployment

on Friday, 27 August 2021 Posted in Archives Rezopole

India leads in IPv6 deployment

Most countries started their migration to the new IPv6 protocol several months ago. This transition is essential to cope with the IPv4 address shortage that has been predicted for many years. The most recent ranking showing the IPv6 adoption rate by Google users puts India in the lead with 61.67%. Malaysia and French Guiana are second and third respectively.

France is in fourth place with 48.38% followed by Taiwan with an adoption rate of 48.0%. The United States has an adoption rate of 47.5%. Canada ranks only 20th with an adoption rate of 36.59% and the UK ranks 24th with 33.27%.


IP (Internet Protocol) addresses are a kind of license plate that allow Internet users to surf the web. Without these IP addresses, we would not be able to access the web. Each time we open an account, an Internet box for our home, or a subscription for a mobile phone, we are assigned a unique IP address. The IPv4 protocol is reaching saturation point.

Existing since 1983, this protocol is limited to 4.3 billion IP addresses worldwide, including 83 million for France. At the end of June 2020, French telecommunication operators had already allocated nearly 95% of IPv4 addresses. This is why a switch to IPv6 was necessary. IPv6 is also considered to be much more secure, faster and more powerful than its predecessor. Above all, this protocol offers many more IP addresses.



 Read the article


Source : Siècle Digital





Orange condemned for misleading commercial practices

on Friday, 27 August 2021 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Orange condemned for misleading commercial practices

After being condemned for its commercial practices concerning its 4G and 5G mobile packages three weeks ago, Orange has been rapped on the knuckles again. This time it is its practices in terms of the application - and especially the presentation - of the two-year legal guarantee of conformity that has led the Direction Départementale de la Protection des Populations (DDPP) of Val-de-Marne to crack down.


The French administration reproached the historical operator for presenting this two-year legal guarantee, which was made compulsory in 2016, as an offer specific to the operator, and not as a legally imposed guarantee. Orange has therefore been required to display a message to remind the public authorities that this guarantee is above all the result of their work.

The operator is also called upon to put its commercial offers in order, in particular by adding this famous missing term "legal guarantee", which does not appear on its labels and displays in its physical shops. The administration also points out that the omission of this legal notice may lead Orange subscribers not to enforce their rights.


Far from being a first for the incumbent, the latter has recently been condemned for similar omissions. On 27 July, it was convicted of "knowingly failing" to present in "satisfactory conditions the restrictions on use" of 4G and 5G services. A fine of €15,000 was imposed by the Paris judicial court for having forgotten to present the actual availability of the 5G network on French territory, as well as the minimum speeds actually available for the new generation of mobile technology to its customers.

This sentence followed a writ of summons from the association Consommation Logement Cadre de vie (CLCV), for whom the omission of these details amounted to knowingly misleading consumers potentially interested in trying out the new generation of mobile technology and taking advantage of the explosion in speeds so much vaunted by the promoters of 5G.



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Source : ZDNet





Xavier Niel wants to delist Iliad from the stock market

on Friday, 30 July 2021 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Xavier Niel wants to delist Iliad from the stock market

The founder and majority shareholder of Iliad, Xavier Niel, has decided to strengthen his control over the telecom group by launching a share buyback operation. The aim is to take the share off the stock market.

This simplified takeover bid, aimed at holding all the shares not held, is set at 182 euros per share, i.e. approximately 60% above the last price. This announcement caused Iliad's share price to rise by 61% on the Paris stock exchange in the early morning hours of Friday 30 July.


The operation was initiated by HoldCo II, a company controlled by Xavier Niel. He holds, directly and indirectly, 70.6% of the company's capital and 78.7% of its voting rights.

Xavier Niel and Iliad's senior executives and historical shareholders, who have undertaken to tender their shares to the offer, hold directly and indirectly 74.9% of the capital and 83.6% of the voting rights of the group. "At the end of the offer, if the number of shares not tendered to the offer does not represent more than 10% of Iliad's capital and voting rights, HoldCo II will ask the Autorité des marchés financiers to implement a squeeze-out procedure," the company said in a statement.


Founded in 1999, Free's parent company has operations in France, Italy and Poland. Europe's sixth-largest mobile operator by subscribers, Iliad has 42.7 million subscribers and generated revenues of €5.9 billion in 2020.

"Iliad's new phase of development requires rapid transformation and significant investment, which will be easier to achieve as an unlisted company. Our ambition for Iliad is to accelerate its development to make it a leader in telecommunications in Europe," Xavier Niel said in a statement.


This is not an isolated operation in the telecom sector. Indeed, last January, Patrick Drahi, founder and majority shareholder of the Altice group, also delisted his European group (SFR, RMC, BFMTV...). The operation was intended to make it easier for Altice Europe to implement its strategy and to focus on long-term objectives, without having its quarterly performance scrutinised by the markets.



 Read the article


Source : Challenges





5G: possible interference with another service

on Friday, 30 July 2021 Posted in Archives Rezopole

5G: possible interference with another service

Launched at the end of 2020 in France, 5G operates in several frequency bands, including the 3.4-3.8 GHz band. Arcep is concerned about possible interference with fixed satellite earth stations, as these use the 3.8-4.2 GHz band.


Such proximity could cause interference. This is why the telecom regulator decided to launch a public consultation on 27 July: "The purpose of this public consultation is to clarify the conditions of coexistence, both from the point of view of the technical conditions to be respected and their location and duration. The proposed text seeks to distinguish between existing stations and those that could be deployed in the future, and to take into account the levels of constraints on the deployment of 5G networks, which may vary according to the stations and their location". Contributions from the stakeholders are expected before 29 October 2021.


Arcep also recalls that measures have already been taken in this regard: "In order to avoid such interference, Arcep's decisions of 12 November 2020 authorising mobile operators to use the 3.4-3.8 GHz band specify the obligation for mobile operators to take the necessary measures to comply with emission power levels".



 Read the article


Source : Univers Freebox





Investigation following the breakdown of emergency numbers

on Friday, 23 July 2021 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Investigation following the breakdown of emergency numbers

On 22 July, the government presented the results of its audit on the vast telephone network breakdown that rendered emergency numbers inaccessible for several hours on 2 June. And the conclusion is clear: "There were shortcomings on the part of Orange".


In the report submitted by Anssi, IGA, Igas, the CGE and the SEAC, the sequence of events is the same as that already set out by Orange in its own investigation. Namely, the failure occurred on Wednesday 2 June, at 4:45 pm, during a maintenance operation on a telephone network equipment.

Technically, the malfunction is due to an equipment of the network called "calls servers", gateways allowing the interconnection between the old switched telephone network and the fibre network carrying the internet data. This is a mandatory step for calls made from a Wi-Fi phone to a landline, or from another operator's mobile phone to emergency numbers. The report states: "The malfunction of the equipment was caused by a manipulation by the operator, which triggered a software bug blocking the equipment and rendering it uncontrollable".


Anssi insists on the conjunction of three factors, namely firstly "somewhat hazardous [computer] commands issued by Orange", i.e. technical manipulations for an operation to improve the call server but carried out "in an unusual order" by the technician. Then, these same commands were replicated "in a very short time" on all the call servers. This is where the "bug" in the equipment supplied by the service provider Italtel "appeared", a bug that "is not the responsibility of Orange".

The agency also noted "a certain slowness in Orange's reaction" and "a lack of technical advice on its part" towards the various emergency services.


In total, around 3 million calls were not completed, including 11,800 to emergency numbers. The incident probably had dramatic consequences: judicial or administrative investigations have been opened into six deaths that occurred during the outage. "Orange took nearly an hour to become aware that the outage was affecting emergency services in particular, two hours to inform the authorities and nearly three hours to put in place an appropriate system," the report said.


Cédric O also indicates that "the government will refer the matter to Arcep in the next few days to study the consequences", potentially legal. Telecoms operators are in fact obliged to carry calls, particularly emergency calls, and to maintain the security and integrity of networks.


In addition, by the end of September, new recommendations for the management of emergency numbers will be established, to be implemented by operators. This will be accompanied by a future crisis exercise.



 Read the article


Source : L'Obs





Fibre: work begins to improve connections

on Friday, 23 July 2021 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Fibre: work begins to improve connections

On 20 July, the operators submitted their plan of attack to improve the quality of connections to the government. For the French Federation of Telecoms (FFT), there is no question of letting these malfunctions damage the image of fibre and hinder its deployment in the short and medium term.

This opinion is shared by all telecom stakeholders. "Good quality [of connections] is essential to ensure the operation of FttH networks under good conditions, to ensure their sustainability and to limit the additional costs associated with recovery or reinstatement work," Arcep points out. The same is true of operators, who regret that damage to network infrastructure, whether deliberate or not, does not harm their image or that of fibre.


Last May, the infrastructure operators had already made a series of commitments to improve the quality of connections by changing the subcontracting contract (STOC mode) that governs the market. Now it is the turn of commercial operators to tackle the problem head on. In this white paper, they propose various ways to put an end to "noodle dishes".

In addition to training their field staff, the operators also advocate the widespread use of a new form of engineering within shared cabinets. This new architecture, known as the "M" shape, "makes cross-connection more fluid and intuitive, thanks to a colour code for the paths". The latter are thus campaigning for the generalisation of this system on a national scale.

In addition, and in order to allow for a better audit of connections already made, the operators wish to generalise a new type of photographic report, "which provides for time-stamped photos to be taken before and after each intervention, making it possible to control the quality of the work carried out by the participants and to rapidly detect the appearance of defects". Launched at the beginning of the year, the tool nevertheless suffers from a few limitations: "the controller's inability, whether human or mechanised based on artificial intelligence, to ensure that the optical positions occupied are in accordance with what is planned". This is a major shortcoming, as it is common for this malfunction to lead to bottlenecks in the cabinets.

The operators also want to rely on an interoperator application, called "e-Mutation", which aims to help technicians improve their visibility of the lightpaths used in a given cabinet. They also announced the forthcoming launch of an interoperators IT tool to track a fault from notification to resolution.

The last point concerns the National Address Database (BAN), a public database that aims to reference the address of all premises in France. The database, which can be used in the form of an API by operators, has been criticised for its shortcomings, particularly in rural areas. "It is essential that local authorities quickly acquire a complete address database," explain the operators, who rely on this information in their connection operations.


Will this put an end to the proliferation of noodle dishes? At least that is what the operators are hoping for. Especially since the timing is critical for the adoption of fibre, while the rollout of very high speed broadband continues in all directions in metropolitan France. Fibre professionals expect to deploy 6.2 million sockets in 2021. This should exceed the government's objectives in this area, with forecasts of 87% of homes connected to fibre in 2022, instead of the 80% initially desired by the public authorities.



 Read the article


Source : ZDnet





Researchers break fibre optic throughput record

on Friday, 16 July 2021 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Researchers break fibre optic throughput record

Japanese researchers at NIICT have succeeded in transferring data at a rate of 319 terabits per second over more than 3 km. More importantly, their technology is compatible with modern fibre optic networks.


However, this performance is not dependent on a revolutionary new material; it is based on the same fibre optic technology already present in our infrastructure. Instead of using a single fibre channel, the research team relied on a technique called wavelength-division multiplexing, or WMD.

The idea is based on a combination of several fibre optic 'cores'. This means that the signal can be distributed to different bands at the same time. This avoids having a single fibre carry the entire load, which in particular generates interference.


To achieve this record speed, the Japanese researchers used an optical fibre with four 'cores', and made use of a third 'highway' for the signal; in addition to the two usually used in this type of application, they also used the S-band. They also subjected the signal to two new types of amplification, before undergoing the normal amplification process.


What makes this work so disturbing is its practical feasibility. The outer diameter of the team's proposed fibres is exactly the same as that of a standard fibre optic cable. This has a major implication. In order to switch from current networks to this type of technology, there would be no need to replace the entire infrastructure; the new one is already compatible with the old one.


Of course, there are technologies that can go much higher, but this technology is only usable in niche cases. The NIICT technology, on the other hand, is directly applicable to the current network.

For the researchers, this very important feature "demonstrates the potential of standard compatibility fibres in the short-term implementation of very high speed fibre networks". Incredible as it may seem, the speeds to which we have access today may seem ridiculous much sooner than we think!



 Read the article


Source : Journal du Geek





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