Press kit
Rezopole in the press
NextInpact, 02 February 2021, "France-IX: Philippe Duby (ex-président of Rezopole) joins the Board"
Le Mag IT, 18 January 2021, "Internet infrastructures: France-IX merges with Rezopole"
La Tribune Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, 15 January 2021, "Internet: Lyon-based Rezopole expands its network by merging with France IX"
ITR News, 14 January 2021, "France-IX merges with Rezopole to strengthen its role as a multiservice interconnection platform in France"
L'Entreprise Connectée, 14 January 2021, "France-IX merges with Rezopole to strengthen its role as a multiservice interconnection platform in France"
IT Channel, 14 January 2021, "France-IX merges with Rezopole to strengthen its role as a multiservice interconnection platform in France"
ITR Software, 14 January 2021, "France-IX merges with Rezopole to strengthen its role as a multiservice interconnection platform in France"
Tendances IT, 14 January 2021, "France-IX merges with Rezopole to strengthen its role as a multiservice interconnection platform in France"
ITR innovation, 14 janvier 2021, "France-IX merges with Rezopole to strengthen its role as a multiservice interconnection platform in France"
ITR Manager, 14 January 2021, "France-IX merges with Rezopole to strengthen its role as a multiservice interconnection platform in France"
Animasoft, 14 January 2021, "France-IX merges with Rezopole to strengthen its role as a multiservice interconnection platform in France"
InfoDSI, 14 January 2021, "France-IX merges with Rezopole to strengthen its role as a multiservice interconnection platform in France"
telecompaper, 14 January 2021, "France-IX and Rezopole agree to merge"
NextInpact, 14 January 2021, "Internet Exchange Points: France-IX absorbs Rezopole and wants to expand its footprint in France"
Datacenter Magazine, 14 January 2021, "What and where are the IXPs, the peering points?"
Datacenter Magazine, 14 January 2021, "Exclusivity - Peering, the merger of France-IX and Rezopole, interview with Franck Simon and Philippe Duby"
Datacenter Magazine, 14 January 2021, "France-IX merges with Rezopole and reaffirms its position as a multi-service interconnection platform"
Solutions Numériques, 14 January 2021, "The 2 largest Internet exchange points in France merge - Interview of their two presidents"
Rue89Lyon, 06 May 2020, "For a digital and ecological transition, let's develop local datacenters"
CFAST, 26 September 2019, Women's telecoms: freedom, equality, parity?
Le Monde Informatique, 14 June 2019, Review of the 1st Inter-Associations Cybersecurity Conference in Lyon
Le Monde Informatique, 24 May 2019, Club 27001 brings together the cyber security forces in Lyon on June 13th
ZDNet, 21 January 2019, Visit of the latest datacenter in France built by DCforData / Jaguar Network, in Lyon
Le journal de l'éco, 16 April 2018, The Web Conference attracts international experts
Face Grand Lyon, 01 March 2018, "She is digital, jobs for your future"
Bits of Network, 11 February 2018, Status of Internet exchange points in France
Smart City Mag, 04 January 2018, Rezopole creates the IoT platform
L Digital, 28 November 2017, RezoGirls 7: the welfare at work in the digital era!
Lyon MagIT, 10 November 2017, The ZA of Chambéry saves itself from public inactivity
Rhone foxoo, 11 July 2017, RezoGirls 5, RezoGirls 5th meeting in Lyon / Rhone
L Digital, 10 July 2017, LDigital will soon be 1 year! Return on actions carried out and projection on those to come
Lyon mag, 08 May 2017, A high speed network credits for the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region
Entreprendre, 06 May 2017, Rezopole : When an expert of Internet infrastructures work for the Internet of Things. (p.65)
L Digital, 18 April 2017, RezoGirls n°5 – Participate!
Zayo, 11 April 2017, Aperezo 42 sponsored by Zayo
Key4biz, 24 March 2017, Il down di TOP-IX, ecco cosa è successo lo scorso 14 marzo
Le Journal de l'Éco, 09 March 2017, AuvernIX in Clermont-Ferrand: the leading traffic Internet eXchange Point in Auvergne and Massif Central
Aderly, 03 March 2017, Lyon, the french digital hub : Lyon shines as one of the leading cities in France
Bref éco, 26 October 2016, Digital technology: where are the women? [Paying Access]
Journal de l'éco, 07 October 2016, Samuel Triolet present Rezopole, expert on the Lyon networks and telecommunications (Video)
Social Builder, 12 October 2016, Feedback on 100% digital day
Fingerprint, 28 September 2016, Fingerprint interconnected to LyonIX
La Tribune, 26 September 2016, Valérie Thérond, Orange Centre Est Director: "The connectivity is my priority"
ZDnet, 11 April 2016, RIP fibre of the Métropole de Lyon : an ambitious project to carry out under tight deadlines
Lyon Entreprises, 16 March 2016, SIDO "The Show Room of Internet of Things"
DOCaufutur, 10 November 2015, Rezopole chooses Brocade to evolve its core network
ZDnet, 03 November 2015, In photos: the Optical fiber, Wi-Fi and 4G of the Lyon's Center of Congress infrastructure
Les Echos, 28 October 2015, Lyon and its start-ups make roar the Web
Villes Internet, 27 September 2015, GrenoblIX, the GIX of the Grenoble area
Info Économique, 29 April 2015, Brief 2201: Rezopole is expanding its Web presence [Paying Access]
Info Économique, 28 April 2015, the Bref Rhône-Alpes region economic news of this week [Paying Access]
Angers MAG, 22 April 2015, The city of Angers is connecting to the OuestIX platform
La Tribune - Acteurs de l'économie, 30 March 2015, These Internet access providers of the Rhône-Alpes region compete with the giants [Paying Access]
Lyon Entreprises, 25 March 2015, Digital technology: the girls come together within "RezoGirls"
La Tribune, 16 January 2015, Birth of the first regional GIX in the West
Agence Française pour le Jeu Video, 11 December 2014, The first professional event of Internet of Things SIdO on 7th & 8th of April 2015 in Lyon
ZDnet, 15 November 2014, Optical fiber of Grand Lyon: public or private?
E-liance, 07 November 2014, A positive evolution of the French GIXs
ZDnet, 05 November 2014, French IXP are growing fast, good thing!
IT Espresso, 17 October 2014, Interview with Benoît Picaud - Iliad-Free strongly supports our model " TA data "
La Tribune - Acteurs de l'économie, 11 September 2014, Lyon, natural candidate for the French Tech
La Tribune, 28 August 2014, Rezopole spins its THD web in Lyon
Le Progrès, 04 August 2014, Rezopole, the Lyon's network that optimizes Internet access
Alliancy le Mag, July, The Rhône-Alpes region is cherishing its data centers
ZDnet, 11 July 2014, Internet traffic: the peering increase and the transit reduction
Info Économique, 08 July 2014, Hardis set up his 4th data center at DCforDATA in Limonest
CCI Nice Côte d'Azur, 04 July 2014, Euclyde confirms its central role in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region digital economy by hosting the Alpes-Maritimes region GIX infrastructure (NICIX)
Aderly, 04 July 2014, Rezopole continues to weave its web in Lyon
Info Économique, 02 July 2014, Rezopole is launching LyonIX 3 [Paying Access]
Info Économique, 01 July 2014, the Bref Rhône-Alpes region economic news of this week [Paying Access]
Global Security Mag, 30 June 2014, Euclyde hosts the Alpes-Maritimes region GIX infrastructure (NICIX)
ZDnet, 26 June 2014, LyonIX acquires a third POP
La Tribune - Acteurs de l'économie, 26 June 2014, Rezopole spins its web with LyonIX
La Tribune - Acteurs de l'économie, 13 June 2014, Lyon is hungering for French Tech
Le Clust'R Numérique, 04 June 2014, Aperezo 28, on June 4 in Grenoble
Cisco France Blog, 29 April 2014, LyonIX shows the example for the security of French internet
NC2, 24 April 2014, A new project in partnership with Rezopole
ITRmanager, 28 January 2014, SFR has upgraded its network to 10Gb/s on LyonIX
Actusnews, 21 November 2013, Artprice first interconnected member on LyonIX 3
Channel News, 15 November 2013, CFI informatique inaugurates a data center in the Rhône-Alpes region
InterMedia, 13 November 2013, Irina Trentea The Women Fibre
L'Agence Nationale de Recherche, October 2013, The LISP-Lab Platform for Future Internet Services
French Web, 25 October 2013, [FrenchWeb Tour Lyon] The best addresses to set up in the Rhône-Alpes region
ZDnet, 09 September 2013, All OpenStreetMap roads lead to LyonIX
YouTube, 09 July 2013, The RezoGirls n°1 - The launch event (video)
Business woman, 02 May 2013, RezoGirls : IT for women
Presse Citron, 24 April 2013, Everyone is welcome to BLEND, the new Web event on Lyon, 1 & 2 october 2013
ZDnet, 13 April 2013, The Lyon's Center of Congress, leading in Europe for its IP infrastructure and Internet connectivity
Dailymotion, 14 March 2013, FRNOG 20 - LyoNIX update / Samuel Triolet - Rezopole (Video)
YouTube, 05 March 2013, The Aperezo 19 organized for Rezopole 11th anniversary - YouTube (Video)
ZDnet, 25 February 2013, LASOTEL, " small IP operator " based in Lyon, says interesting things about its business
E-liance, 14 February 2013, Rezopole presents its new exchange node in Grenoble
ZDnet, 13 February 2013, The first fibre optic link of 400 Gb/s, between Lyon & Paris
Eolas, 23 January 2013, Rezopole inaugurates Grenoble's Internet exchange node
France 3 Alpes, 23 January 2013, An Internet eXchange Point in Grenoble
Grenoble Ecobiz, 22 January 2013, Inauguration of GrenoblIX, Grenoble's Internet exchange node
ZDnet, 22 January 2013, A new IXP in Grenoble
Eolas, 22 January 2013, 21 January 2013 - GrenoblIX inauguration
20 minutes, 21 January 2013, A "cloud" for the agglomeration
ZDnet, 17 December 2012, A world map of the Internet traffic exchangepoints
ZDnet, 22 September 2012, In the discovery of France-IX, French Internet exchange main point
Dailymotion, 17 September 2012, FRNOG 18 - LyonIX update / Samuel Triolet - Rezopole (Video)
Lyon communiqués, 18 April 2012, Rezopole has strengthened its Lyon infrastructure with a new bay: LyonIX 2D
Silicon, 31 January 2012, Franck Simon: « France-IX is an exchange point of all kinds of data »
ZDnet, 28 December 2011, "Cloud computing in the Franche-Comté region", how and for what?
Tribune de Lyon, 13 December 2011, Samuel Triolet: is Lyon going to be the capital of Internet during three days and then?
Business & Decision, 20 October 2011, Rezopole relies on the Business & Decision Eolas infrastructures to create the Grenoble IXP-NAP
ZDnet, 20 October 2011, Rezopole/Lyonix, IXP of Lyon, is 10 years old. It is a success, why is it alone?
Lyon Entreprises, 13 October 2011, Samuel Triolet: The Grand Lyon has left behind the digital economy
Lyon Capitale, 29 September 2011, Laurent Alliod and Irina Trentea: Everyone is a geek show: Rezopole celebrates its 10 years
Les News du Net, 27 septembre 2011, The Rezopole association celebrates its 10th anniversary
Silicon, 22 June 2011, The first ' carrier neutral 'data center in the Rhône-Alpes region
01 Informatique, 16 June 2011, Pierre Augros: React to the lack of IPv4 adresses
Lyon Capitale, 08 June 2011, Everyone is geek at the USE-IT show: Irina Trentea of Rezopole
News-eco, 11 March 2011, LyonIX was interconnected with Parisian GIX, France-IX
Babnet Tunisie, 12 February 2011, Tunisia imposes itself during the USE IT show
Le Progrès, 07 February 2011, This evening, The Grand Lyon looks into its economic sector
ZDnet, 01 July 2010, The IXP of Lyon and Toulouse are interconnected
Distributique, 04 June 2010, The Grand Lyon is setting up the Telecom Information Desk to put in contact operators and customers
IT Espresso, 29 January 2010, DNS : AFNIC deploys an anycast cloud to improve response times
Le Journal des Entreprises, 04 September 2009, Rezopole: LyonIX association is renamed
Les News du Net, 18 September 2008, LyonIX - Top-IX (Lyon - Turin). Lyon Turin digital link (tunnel)
Atelier BNP Paribas, 16 October 2002, LyonIX arrives in Lyon
Press release
France-IX merges with Rezopole and reaffirms its position of leading multi-service interconnection platform in France (14 January 2021)
RHOVAL and Axess OnLine, first ISPs on ADN-IX (english version)
Rezopole inaugure le noeud d'échange internet LyonIX 3, (French version) (24 juin 2014)
SFR has upgraded its network to 10Gb/s on LyonIX (28 January 2014)
Inauguration of the Internet eXchange Point of Genoble, GrenoblIX (21 January 2013)
Set up of LyonIX 2D, the new LyonIX Rack (18 April 2012)
Inauguration of the Internet eXchange Point of Saint-Etienne, SaintetIX (10 November 2011)
Rezopole: 10 years of Internet development in Lyon and Rhone-Alpes (27 September 2011)
Laurent Alliod – The new Development executive of Rezopole (25 August 2011)
The end of IPV4 adresses (22 November 2010)
LyonIX -TouIX IXP Interconnection
Set up of the Telecommunication Information Desk (01 June 2010)
Rezopole announces the set up of the Videoconferencing (03 March 2010)
Change of the association name (15 May 2009)
LyonIX - TopIX Interconnection (28 August 2008)
Inauguration of LyonIX 2 (26 March 2007)
LyonIX subsidies (08 November 2006)