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Articles tagged with: Internet

Rezopole fête ses 11 ans

on Tuesday, 04 December 2012 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX, Archives SaintetIX, Archives ADN-IX

Rezopole fête ses 11 ans

Rezopole team will celebrate its 11 years activities with its members and partners during the Aperezo 19 which will be held on Wednesday, December 12, 2012, at the Brasserie Sapristi.

Liazo company is the Aperezo partner.

Surprise gifts for the most loyal participants and a raffle to win an AMS-IX port 100mbps from LyonIX for one year offered by Liazo were on the evening Aperezo programme.



*To take part in Liazo random draw, you should be connected to Lyonix or be on process of being connected.


About Rezopole activities

Rezopole was created in 2001 under LyonIX name with the mission to improve very high speed Internet in the Rhône-Alpes region. Rezopole operates 4 Internet infrastructures in the Rhône-Alpes region:

Rezopole is committed to bring its know how to regional Internet and Telecom projects but also to participate in the development of the sector by organising monthly professional events such as Aperezo, Teldej and RUG.


About Liazo

Liazo is a human structure that proposes a wide range of services for companies and ISPs that have complex needs or very demanding availability constraints. From service providing to training and your system outsourcing, Liazo adapts to your needs.

For more information :

La commune de Modane se connecte au Très Haut Débit via l'Italie

on Monday, 26 November 2012 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

La commune de Modane se connecte au Très Haut Débit via l'Italie

The Syndicat Intercommunal du Canton de Modane (Modane intercommunal syndicate) organizes on Thursday, November 29, a presentation of opportunities offered by very high speed Internet directly connected to the larger Internet companies (Google, Amazon, OVH, etc.) in the presence of local authorities and actors and Italian authorities.

This action reflects very high speed Internet generalisation across the Maurienne valley and competitiveness creation for local companies.

The SCIM (Syndicat Intercommunal du Canton de Modane) with the SFTRF help and its Italian counterpart SITAF, have developed an optic fiber link between very high speed networks of Susa and the Forum Alpium in Modane.
A 1-gigabit rate is available to French users thanks to a partnership with TOP-IX, supported by the Piedmont region, which operates Turin exchange point.

Top-IX is also interconnected with LyonIX exchange point, operated by Rezopole Association in order to improve
Lyon-Turin Internet traffic for both regions.

LyonIX :

Rezopole est devenue membre de Grilog

on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX

Rezopole joined GRILOG association, the Isere Cluster of software and IT services, in order to gather and strengthen relationships between Lyon and Grenoble digital sectors.

GRILOG is Rezopole communication partner for the
Grenoble Internet exchange point, GrenoblIX, inauguration. The event will take place on January 21, 2013, with the participation of local and Internet community in Grenoble and the Rhône-Alpes region.

GrenoblIX is operated by Rezopole and it aims at improving very high speed Internet for companies, telecom operators and
Grenoble public structures.

For more information:


About Grilog

GRILOG association gather companies, consultants, agencies and research laboratories, universities, schools and training organizations. GRILOG main mission is to gather, inform, facilitate, promote and represent its members in the Isere software sector.

VTL Wave Net, filiale de Viatel, est arrivée sur LyonIX 2

on Tuesday, 20 November 2012 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

VTL Wave Net is connected to the Internet exchange point LyonIX, on the POP L2E in order to optimize the Internet transport infrastructure."VTLWaveNet Viatel group, is pleased to announce its recent connection to theLyonIX/ Rezopole platform. VTLWaveNet can now offer to its Lyonix community members very high speed Internet connectivity service to the main European capitals at Carrier prices. ISPs and LyonIX connected companies can profit from pricing and quality reserved to our international ISP customers, a mere optic fiber ring is necessary for LyonIX members" says Herve Legay, the company Development Director, about the interconnection. 

VTLWaveNet is part of Viatel group. VTLWaveNet is the exclusive owner of a European network optic fiber and the latest generation subway optic fiber enabling to connect the main Datacenters and Internet exchange points.

VTLWaveNet service includes  dark fiber, colocation, very high speed wavelengths, leased lines and Ethernet virtual private networks. VTLWaveNet offers a variety of services for European and metropolitan networks. The excellent reputation of our project management team, our flexibility and agility to find the right solutions for our customers constitute our strenghs.

For more information:

Le prochain Déjeuner d'Affaires Télécom, le Teldej 11, aura lieu le 30 Novembre

on Friday, 16 November 2012 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Le prochain Déjeuner d'Affaires Télécom, le Teldej 11, aura lieu le 30 Novembre

The business lunch, Teldej 11, will take place on November, 30, 2012, at Christoph Marguin restaurant at Echets from 11. 30 AM. Huawei company is the partner of the event and will make a short presentation at the beginning of the launch.


About Huawei

Huawei is a leading global supplier of solutions in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Huawei focuses on a innovation policy based on customer needs and strong partnerships to strengthen its expertise and offers complete solutions in the networking field and terminal telecommunications as well as cloud networking.
Unlike any other manufacturer, Huawei is able to offer its customers an extensive and comprehensive range of solutions from network infrastructure, IT storage solutions and server via communication
and collaboration tools.
This unique range of capabilities enables customers to benefit from Huawei's innovative and effective combination of these different technology solutions.

Participation in Teldej is for Rezopole Gold members. Please find in this link membership form as well as membership information and conditions for 2013.

For additionnal information pleease write us on this This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Rezopole develops the Internet and Telecom sector in the Rhône-Alpes region. To learn more about Teldej

Watch Teldej presentation video

Vidéo de présentation des events Rezopole : Teldej et RUG

on Wednesday, 14 November 2012 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX, Archives SaintetIX, Archives ADN-IX

Vidéo de présentation des events Rezopole : Teldej et RUG

On October, 19, 2012 Rezopole organized a full day for its members in Reine Astrid restaurant: small technical breakfast in the morning and lunch business in partnership with APL France. A video presentation was made on this occasion to present two recurring Rezopole events: Teldej and RUG.


Rezopole aims at developing Internet and Telecom sector in the Rhône-Alpes Region. It regularly organises events for actors in the territory.

Each type of event target a particular public and includes specific theme and approach according to members professionnal profiles. To learn more about Rezopole events, click here


Events subscription

La présentation APL France du Déjeuner Teldej 10 est en ligne

on Tuesday, 23 October 2012 Posted in Archives Rezopole

La présentation APL France du Déjeuner Teldej 10 est en ligne

The Teldej 10 organised by Rezopole, on October, 19, 2012, made a presentation of  APL France. The video is now available on Rezopole website.  Marie Chabanon, APL Lyon Manager presented to Rezopole members the topic: Confidently build a hosting strategy. Outsource, host in proper or couple the two approaches? To access the album lunch, you can click here.


APL France presentation





Nouvel arrivant LyonIX : Liazo

on Tuesday, 09 October 2012 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Nouvel arrivant LyonIX : Liazo

Liazo company joins LyonIX in order to directly access to Lyon Internet players. "For us, joining and more precisely installing an equipment in Rezopole racks is a simple quick and efficient solution in order to start developing our offers in Lyon. Almost all ISPs in this city are connected to LyonIX which made it a very favorable place for interconnections and for sales as well. Moreover the team shows dynamism, availabibily and sympathy which is as rare to find as research in the framework of our activities." states Arthur Fernandez Liazo co-founder

Rezopole event : Teldej 10 avec APL France

on Monday, 08 October 2012 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Rezopole event : Teldej 10 avec APL France

On October, 19, 2012, Rezopole organises an information meeting for all its IXPs user and a Teldej at Reine Astrid restaurant. APL France is the Teldej partner.




09:30 - 10h00: Reception and breakfast
10:00 - 11h30: Rezopole information meeting: New services for Rezopole infrastructure users and 2013 pricing
11:30 - 12h00: Teldej participant reception and discussions
12:00 - 12h10: APL France presentation-  Serenly develop a host strategy.  Host by ones own or in couple the two approaches?
12:15 - 14:00 : Launch


About APL France

Founded in 1983, APL operates throughout the data centers life cycle. The company is among the leaders in France in the following areas: consultancy hosting strategy, design implementation, technical operations and informatic data center energy optimization. Its teams of expert engineers involved in audits, assistance with project management, work or perform turnkey projects.

Big companies
such as Atos Origin, France Telecom, Groupama, Groupe Casino, Crédit Agricole Group, MACIF, Metro, or Vinci, rely on APL.

To better share experiences around its area of ​​expertise, APL is a member of Club France for Datacenters, Cercle I of AGORA CRIP, CLUSIF of ADIRA and EUDCA. APL is also active in the Code of Conduct, a working group led by the European Commission that supports best practices for
data centers energy efficiency.



Teldej subscription

Teldej participation is for Rezopole Gold and Premium members.

I subscribe to Teldej 10

Kindly find in this link all informations related to Rezopole Membership

To learn more about Teldej, please visit the Teldej page.

Subscription to the information meeting

The information meeting is exclusively for Rezopole infrastructure users

I subscribe to the information meeting

L'Album photo de l'Aperezo 18 est en ligne

on Friday, 28 September 2012 Posted in Archives Rezopole

L'Album photo de l'Aperezo 18 est en ligne

For the Aperezo 18, Rezopole gathered 70 stakeholders at Burger & Wine, in an American atmospher. Click here to discover photos and have an insight of the events dedicated to Internet players.

The association regularly organises events for Lyon and Rhône-Alpes Internet and Telecom sector. To learn more about Rezopole events, please visit events pages

Legos arrive sur LyonIX

on Thursday, 26 July 2012 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Legos has just joined LyonIX 2D and can now peer with other Lyon IXP participants while improving its internet throughput, used in redundancy of direct dedicated links.


Legos company

First mobile and fixed ISP exclusively in white for local ISPs and integrators brand, Legos achieved a € 2 million turnover in 2011, and keeps on growing with an annual 2-digit profitable growth.

After deploying its services to 'city networks' operators and whites ADSL operators, to the general public, Legos continues marketing its SIP Trunk
service for integrators and local ISPs targeting companies and professionals.

The BornSIP Trunk offer is designed to serve the needs of an integrator
pooling voice that streams end customers on its infrastructure, and producing the service on a Centrex mode or on dedicated Ipbx.

Moreover, Legos has recently become MVNO on SFR network
carrier to complement its services with mobility and build with customers converged services.

Legos has for its fixed telephony service for geographic numbering resources across all departments of the French metropolitan territory, and non-geographic numbers, as well as 06 and 07 for its mobile service numbers.

Legos is an APNF member and respects all of its ISP phone service obligations, opened to the public through the provision of directory companies subscriber lists, routing emergency numbers and answering security interceptions.

Legos contact: Pascal Prot - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - -



NextiraOne arrive sur LyonIX

on Monday, 16 July 2012 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

NextiraOne arrive sur LyonIX

NextiraOne, the European leading communications services, is now connected to LyonIX 2D. With this interconnection, the company will peer with other participants of the Lyon infrastructure, improve its Internet speed quality and propose an optimizely connected services to its regional customers.

About NextiraOne

NextiraOne is a European multinational company that designs, integrates, installs, maintains and exploits communications solutions for more than 60,000 customers in the private and public sector.
Thanks to its advanced expertise in communications, including data centers, contact centers, unified communications, secure network infrastructures, NextiraOne helps its customers to transform their organizations, making simple what is complex.

Headquartered in Paris, NextiraOne is present in 16 countries with over 4,300 employees across Europe, including 2,500 qualified experts, and a total annual turnover of around one billion euros in 2010.

Exaprobe - nouveau participant LyonIX

on Sunday, 17 June 2012 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Exaprobe - nouveau participant LyonIX

Exaprobe company is now connected to LyonIX 2A POP and will be able to improve its Internet throughput quality and peers with other Lyon IXP participants.


EXAPROBE works in information system infrastructures in the fields of security, unified communication, IP infrastructures as well as Datacenters virtualisation.



To learn more about

Rezopole - présentation de GrenoblIX au Jeudi de l'ADIRA

on Monday, 11 June 2012 Posted in Archives Rezopole

What is an IXP, what can it bring to you? What are the GrenoblIX opening benefits for your companies? These are points that will be dealt with for the Jeudi de l'Adira that will take place on June 28 at the Grenoble CCI.

GenoblIX presentation, a technical infrastructure dedicated to the Internet access conditions improvement, will be performed by Samuel Triolet, Rezopole manager.

An interconnected member on Rezopole infrasstructure will testify in the framework of this presentation.

For more information, please visit IXP  or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Présentation Serviware et Album photo Teldej 09

on Wednesday, 30 May 2012 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives ADN-IX

The network and Telecom oriente business lunch, Teldej 09 took place on May, 5 at Reine Astrid Restaurant. For the occasion, Serviware company presented to attendees its news and Cloud inbox solution. Rezopole put at your disposal all media elements: Serviware video presentation, power point support and photos.


Serviware Presentation





To learn more about Teldej please visit the  the dedicated page.

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