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Articles in Category: Archives ADN-IX

Join to the half-day restoration of the barometer 2014 on digital field

on Wednesday, 18 June 2014 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX, Archives SaintetIX, Archives ADN-IX

Join to the half-day restoration of the barometer 2014 on digital field

The digital Rhone-Alps barometer edition 2014 sets in the center of its reflections the question of the digital industry which plays a key role in the whole economy. Today the technologies, digital products and services, are in the heart of the innovation in the most of the industrial activities and services.


Beyond the "economic" dimension of the industry, the digital technology is more than ever in the center of the deep transformations which draw right now tomorrow organizations and lifestyles as long at the private individuals, as in the companies and communities world: mobility, e-commerce, telecommuting, e-health, e-traceability, smartgrid, smarticity, e-procedures, e-government, open data…


On July 09th, 2014 from 2:00 pm till 6:00 pm, la Region suggests you coming to exchange and to discuss, in the hotel de Region, on these subjects with qualified personalities. It will also be the occasion to discover indicators extracted from the barometer ICT 2014 concerning the industry.


  • In the program there are two Round Tables:
    Round Table n°1: (2:30 pm – 4:00 pm) The Rhone-Alps digital industry issues
    Speakers: (under reserve)
    - Representatives of clusters and pole (Imaginove, Cluster edit and minalogic)
    - Alain Mille: University of Lyon
    - Marie-laure Drevet: Web International School Director
    - Véronique Speltdoorn: manager of the recruitment agency ACCILE


  • Round Table n°2: (4:00 pm – 5:00 pm: the third places in the territorial reorganization issues

    Speakers: (under reserve)
    - Jean Pouly
    - Mickael Schwartz: co-founder of the bundle
    - Jean-Luc the SSII Director
    - Blaise Barbance: Rhone-Alps Groupama Human Resources Manager
    - Thierry Leroux ( ENE)
    - Grégoire Oddou: the Foundry



Registration and information: here




L'Internet Society lance l'IXP Toolkit

on Tuesday, 25 March 2014 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX, Archives SaintetIX, Archives EuroGIX, Archives ADN-IX

L'Internet Society lance l'IXP Toolkit

The Internet Society has launched a news information and collaboration portal for Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) ( and a collaboration IXP Toolkit Report .

The IXP Toolkit Portal (web site) provides resources, data, maps and statistics for the IXP community. The site has also an agenda with international internet events and a blog with industry news.

The IXP Toolkit Report ( is a resource for new IXPs and developing IXPs.  The Internet Society is asking for "feedback" on the Report and Portal.  Please send any updates or improvements on the IXP Toolkit Report to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 15 April.  They will be releasing v.1.0 of the IXP Toolkit Report on May 1.  Please send any suggestions and feedback on the IXP Toolkit Portal (web site) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..




Rezopole's contribution

LyonIX has provided its toolbox on the portal and will also updates all its African IXP development and support training dates that the team runs as a partner for the AXIS project.

Internet et réseaux sociaux : les grands chiffres 2014

on Wednesday, 05 February 2014 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX, Archives SaintetIX, Archives EuroGIX, Archives ADN-IX

Internet et réseaux sociaux : les grands chiffres 2014

L'agence de communication digitale Novius, membre de Rezopole, a réalisé une vidéo qui présente les grands chiffres et tendances de l'Internet et des réseaux sociaux pour 2014. Regardez la vidéo pour voir combien de temps passent les internautes français sur les réseaux sociaux, quelles sont les nouvelles applications et pratiques, quelle est l'évolution du streaming, des objets connectés et de l'économie collaborative, ainsi que d'autres tendances Internet en 2014.



Source : Novius TV

The Internet Peering Playbook by William B. Norton

on Wednesday, 22 January 2014 Posted in Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX, Archives SaintetIX, Archives ADN-IX, News EuroGIX

The Internet Peering Playbook by William B. Norton

The French version of the reference book on peering by William B. Norton is now available for the french community and the Rezopole members. EX Rezopole's communication manager, Irina Trentea, translated the book and team members Samuel Triolet and Arnaud Fenioux have contributed with technical knowledge and feedback in order to make this manual as accurate as possible.


“I am very happy the Internet Playbook is now available in French and can profit to a new extended public. I strongly hope it will help the french community to better understand how the internet works and also contribute to the development of many regional and national IXPs across Africa. A big thank you for the LyonIX team who made all this possible ! “ says the author, William B. Norton, Executive Director for Dr. Peering and Chief Strategy Officer for the International Internet Exchange (IIX).



 This project has been supported by the ISOC and Google.

"We were extremely pleased to work with LyonIX to translate the Peering Playbook. Our collective objectives and partnership with LyonIX and other IXPs is to work together as partners to assist in the development of local Internet infrastructure and expertise. Funding for this project was provided by a grant from Google, and we appreciate the excellent collaboration all around." adds Jane Coffin, Director, Developpment Strategy at ISOC.

Purchasing the book


The book can be purchased on Amazon in ebook format or paperback.



Rezopole met en place une sonde border 6

on Wednesday, 08 January 2014 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX, Archives SaintetIX, Archives ADN-IX

Rezopole met en place une sonde border 6

In addition to its IXP activities, Rezopole also established many services for the Internet community. Some examples: a FTP server, a conferencing service, a files sharing service ... To ensure the best quality of service, Rezopole implemented the border 6 solution Non Stop Internet to optimize its BGP routes. The border 6 probe can promote certain routes to make them faster and more reliable.

The solution performs tests on the entire network, thereby generating an evaluation of performance and connectivity. The data collected is used to optimize the BGP routing based on delay and packet loss to the test destinations or those most used. Meanwhile, reports are edited on the routing decisions and improvements made, allowing teams to detect failures and lack of performance.

This system improves the quality of hosted services on Rezopole servers using criteria not included in BGP.


Read more:




Rencontre avec Henri Verdier - directeur d'Etalab : Entreprendre et gouverner a l'âge du numerique, le mardi 10 décembre au Grand Lyon.

on Monday, 02 December 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX, Archives SaintetIX, Archives ADN-IX

Rencontre avec Henri Verdier - directeur d'Etalab : Entreprendre et gouverner a l'âge du numerique, le mardi 10 décembre au Grand Lyon.

Doc Forum a le plaisir de vous inviter à rencontrer Henri Verdier, directeur d'Etalab Mission interministérielle sous l'autorité du Premier ministre chargée de mettre en oeuvre l'ouverture des données publiques via le portail
Big Data, valeur et multitude, économie du numérique, innovation et politique du nouveau monde industriel, ouverture et partage des données seront les questions abordées au cours de la rencontre avec Henri Verdier entretien animé par Eric Guillot secrétaire scientifique de Doc Forum et responsable du service Ingénierie des Formations Innovantes à l'IFE et Jean Michel Salaün, professeur à l'ENS de Lyon, cet entretien sera suivi de question avec le public.

La participation à la conférence est gratuite mais l'inscription obligatoire, nombre de places limitées.
Pour vous inscrire merci d'envoyer un message à Michèle Ferrand : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pour en savoir plus


Contacts : Tél. : +33 (0)9 50 71 05 17 | Mob : +33 (0)6 87 479 326

Forum Rhône-Alpes IT DAYS, le 12 Novembre à la CCI de Lyon

on Monday, 04 November 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX, Archives SaintetIX, Archives ADN-IX

Forum Rhône-Alpes IT DAYS, le 12 Novembre à la CCI de Lyon

Le Forum Rhône-Alpes IT DAYS aura lieu le Mardi 12 Novembre 2013 à la CCI de Lyon. IT DAYS est le Grand Forum ouvert et gratuit des solutions innovantes destinés aux dirigeants d'entreprises, directeurs des systèmes d'information et décideurs du e-commerce.


Des experts du e-commerce et des systèmes d’information vous donneront les clés de la réussite et répondront à toutes vos questions lors des nombreux temps forts : challenges sectoriels, émissions TV, et forums thématiques rythmeront cette prochaine édition des Rhône Alpes IT Days.

Profitez d'un programme riche et varié :
* Rencontrez 45 partenaires experts
* Assistez et pré enregistrez vous aux 35 tables rondes des 4 différents cycles : DSI, Pilotage, Web et E-commerce et Dématérialisation
* Inscrivez vous aux speed démos des partenaires, + de 180 présentations ! 
* Assistez aux 5 émissions TV et 6 Challenges


Informations utiles

Demandez votre badge visiteur gratuit sur :
de 8h30 à 18h
mardi 12 novembre 2013
save the date !

Nouvelle méthode de filtrage sur les Route Serveurs : RPKI + ROA

on Wednesday, 09 October 2013 Posted in Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX, Archives SaintetIX, Archives ADN-IX

Rezopole has set up an alternative filtering method of its members BGP route advertisements on its Route Servers : RPKI + ROA.

This method enables to check that BGP advertisements of interconnected members are correct and that the given prefix matches the AS that sent it.


Filtering on the RIPE data base

“Before using the RPKI + ROA method, we were only filtering using the RIPE objects from the RIPE data base. Thanks to the two implemented methods we can now do a thorough check of routes that we communicate to our members on our main Cisco Route Server” states Arnaud Fenioux, Technical Manager at Rezopole.

RHOVAL et Axess Online, premiers opérateurs interconnectés sur l'infrastructure ADN-IX

on Wednesday, 25 September 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives ADN-IX

RHOVAL – CPRO TELECOM, an ISP in Rhône-Alpes Region and Axess OnLine, an innovative service operator, join ADN-IX Internet infrastructure in order to optimize their local digital exchange flows and improve telecom service quality, Internet, hosting, IT services towards regional public entities.


Connection benefits

logo Rhoval''We are happy to join the ADN-IX infrastructure and more generally all Rhône-Alpes regional IXPs operated by Rezopole. This interconnection integrates a comprehensive approach about the improvement of our service performance on the one hand. And, we want to promote sustainable development through local routage of regional flows which favor digital exchange short circuits on the other hand. This connection also enables us to propose direct regional access to services hosted in our datacenters and therefore propose to our customers direct access to international digital player services (i.e Microsoft or Google) or even regional digital players such as Cegid for accounting sector.'' says Davy Lange, RHOVAL President.

logo Axess''The interconnection to ADN-IX is a major advantage for us regarding Internet access offers (xDSL, Optic Fiber) and hosting. First of all, ADN-IX enables us to exchange more flows with various ISPs and major national players which favors our visibility on the Internet. Thanks to ADN-IX we manage to create shorter paths towards Internet, get more bandwidth at better price. The interconnection contributes to the improvement of our service quality and be competitive for customer offers. For us ADN-IX is a chance to be connected at the core of the Internet.'' says Cédric Lambert, Axess OnLine Director.



The ADN-IX infrastructure

ADN-IX is the Ardèche Drôme Numérique (a public initiative network) IXP. It is operated by Rezopole and exploited by ADTIM. ADN-IX enables players speed and optimize their Internet traffic.
''We are very satisfied with the partnership we have developed with ADN (Ardèche Drôme Numérique) and its delegate ADTIM. And, we are happy to welcome RHOVAL and Axess OnLine, the first Valence structure members. ADN-IX will enable all Ardèche and Drôme entities fully take profit from optical fiber that has been set by both départments. All local flows will remain local, whatever the access provider is, while before it used to pass through Lyon or Paris.'' states Laurent Alliod, Development Director in charge of Ardèche and Drôme.

Founded in 2001, Rezopole is now one of the major player of Internet and network sector in Lyon and Rhône-Alpes Region. Rezopole already operates many Internet infrastructures named IXPs: in Lyon (LyonIX), in Saint-Étienne (SaintetIX), in Grenoble (GrenoblIX), and in Valence (ADN-IX). It gathers 76 interconnected members (Telecom ISPs, FAI, Data Centers, public players and companies).


RHOVAL uses public optical infrastructures such as Ardèche Drôme Numérique to offer Telecom, Internet, and IT hosting services. RHOVAL is a CPRO Group associate. CPRO is based at Valence, employs 300 working in 10 Rhône-Alpes region agencies, for 10,000 regional customers.


About Axess OnLine

Axess OnLine, Axess Group subsidiary in Valence, is a Telecom ISP specialized in hosting with added value. Its customers are regional and national companies, from SMEs/MIPs to large companies. Axess OnLine develops many partnerships which enable it to offer complete services to its professional customers.
Its main goal is to meet customers' satisfaction through adapted, efficient, and progressive solutions with added value.


vCMDB, un nouvel outil de gestion de base de données par Rezopole

on Monday, 24 June 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX, Archives SaintetIX, Archives ADN-IX

vCMDB, un nouvel outil de gestion de base de données par Rezopole

Rezopole a créé vCMDB, un nouvel outil de gestion de parc matériel informatique/réseau, de configuration et de relation client. Le logiciel est disponible en Open Source depuis Juin.


Le concept

La base vCMDB (Configuration Management DataBase) ne dépend pas d'un logiciel particulier et a été configuré pour piloter plusieurs outils internes.
Le rôle de vCMDB est de représenter une base de connaissances avec un point d'entrée unique de demande d'information et avec des sorties vers d'autres logiciels internes (ex. CRM, Nagios, Bacula, supervision, configuration des équipements Cisco).
Le logiciel a été développé en PHP/mySQL et il intègre un moteur de recherche qui permet de trouver très rapidement plusieurs types de données (texte, numéros de série, numéros de téléphone et autre).


- Customer Management Data Base (CMDB)
- Permet d'inventorier et organiser son SI (système d'information)
- peut piloter et relier des différents logiciels métier type nagios, cisco, crm,
- peut s'appliquer à d'autres secteurs d'activité que l'IT

portrait Samuel TrioletSamuel Triolet, Directeur de Rezopole : "Chez Rezopole, nous nous devons de savoir à qui appartient tel câble dans telle baie, de tel site, ou si un VLAN peut être déprovisionné. Sur quel PDU est branché cet équipement ? Quelles VMs tournent sur un serveur, leur version, leur supervision, les sources liées ? Avec une infrastructure qui grossit de plus en plus, en devant gérer des problèmes physiques, logiques, virtuels, dans un environnement de production sensible (les réseaux télécom) et multi clients (plus de 70 opérateurs connectés) il n'était plus possible de se satisfaire de fichiers déstructurés de type feuille de calcul. Il fallait aussi que le système réponde vraiment rapidement afin de ne pas pénaliser le travail des techniciens et leur envie d'utiliser le système. vCMDB a été développé de manière itérative et il a atteint un bon niveau de maturité. Il gère désormais tous les objets de notre SI et nous souhaitons continuer à le faire évoluer. Il nous parait aujourd'hui intéressant de le verser dans la communauté libre. Si vous aussi vous gérer des salles, baies, rack units, matériels, logiciels, liaisons, niveaux de service, etc. vCMDB est peut être fait pour vous. Grâce au logiciel libre, vous pourrez vous faire une idée sans rien payer et des vidéos de démonstration sont à votre disposition."

Pour en savoir plus :

Le rapport d'activité 2012 de Rezopole est en ligne

on Monday, 13 May 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX, Archives SaintetIX, Archives ADN-IX

Le rapport d'activité 2012 de Rezopole est en ligne

The 2012 activity report is online. You will find in this document a complete retrospective of 2012 activities and events and projects for 2013. The report is available for download in PDF format from this link.

"For 2012 we, once more, focused on the report readability. Explaining the evolution of an IXP / NAP could quickly become boring for the reader. But thanks to the diversity of our activities and our achievements, we are proud to introduce this year an innovative Activity Report compared to previous years." says Samuel Triolet, Rezopole Director.


FaLang translation system by Faboba