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Articles tagged with: reseaux

5G : clean slate on the 1.5 GHz band

on Tuesday, 25 June 2019 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

5G : clean slate on the 1.5 GHz band

In the fight expected from operators for the acquisition of frequencies dedicated to 5G, the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Posts is preparing to open a new front. Indeed, last weekend Arcep reported that it had set 31 December 2022 as the maximum deadline for frequencies in the 1.5 GHz band, known as the L band.


"Today used for point-to-point links for the collection of mobile networks open to the public and professionals and by the Ministries of the Interior and Defence", its release by the end of 2022 should allow mobile operators to have more frequencies to deploy future 5G and Very High Speed networks.

"The 1.5 GHz band has been subject to European harmonisation since 2015. It has 90 MHz that can be used to meet downlink requirements. The propagation properties of these frequencies are particularly interesting for the coverage of the territory and the coverage inside buildings", said the Telecom Constable.


However, there could be many pitfalls.... Indeed, the current tenants of the band have already sent comments to the Authority during the consultation period: a disputed reallocation plan, potentially huge migration costs.


However, the decision is widely welcomed by operators who are pleased to be able to obtain new frequency blocks for the development of their future 5G networks. While the latter accept that this L-band will only be operated "for additional exclusively downlink links (in SDL mode)", it will still improve the throughput and capacity of downlinks below 1 GHz.

The spectrum available for the deployment of future 5G networks is relatively limited, so this release should be of significant interest to operators, particularly in the event of coupling with other frequency bands.

Operators are also unanimous that the entire band will not be able to operate effectively due to unfavourable neighbourhood conditions. On its adjacent bands, there are "space exploration satellite services, radio astronomy and space research services", which do not allow the use of both ends of the 1.5 GHz band. Orange has only one 85 MHz band that can be used, while Free goes further with only one 40 MHz band. For the operator, this block of frequencies constitutes "the only sub-band with a mature ecosystem today" and could even be the subject of an "immediate allocation scenario" via a reallocation of 10 MHz bands to each operator.


A scenario that will not be retained by Arcep but which illustrates the operators' appetite for this band, to the great displeasure of its current tenants. They should be required to be housed elsewhere, particularly in the 6 GHz band.

Most of these actors are industrialists and express doubts about the Arcep's decision and its implications for their own activities and finances. Questions about the economic viability of this migration on the part of EDF, for example, for whom "the estimated time required to replace 1.4 GHz links, without significantly impacting the company's performance, is around ten years".

Especially since the timetable imposed by the telecoms police officer is already causing the actors concerned to shudder. For Enedis, the deadlines proposed jointly by Brussels and Arcep "do not take into account this specific framework for the use of the 1.4 GHz band by Enedis, nor the current limits or the constraints imposed by the alternative solutions". And even one of the alternatives proposed by Arcep would involve the reconstruction of a large part of its network.

The public authorities also seem to be waiting, as does the Ministry of Transport, for whom the timetable mentioned cannot be kept. Hence the Ministry's request to maintain the current network "at least until 2027, knowing that if studies show that it is possible to have the future network available earlier, the network can be shut down before that date".

Current tenants propose other solutions such as the establishment of a "cohabitation context". This would allow L-band frequencies to be allocated to operators in dense urban areas and other actors to "continue to use Radio Beams in rural areas, which are less likely to be targeted by the need for SDL".



 Read the article


Source : ZDNet





An optical fiber with increased capacities

on Friday, 05 October 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

An optical fiber with increased capacities

Copper has long been overtaken by optical fibre, both in terms of throughput and bandwidth. And it is not about to stop there since the fiber will no longer be mono but multi-core! "Tomorrow, it will be possible to accommodate up to seven cores in the same fiber," explains Aurélien Bergonzo, Acome's Director of Technology, Research, Engineering and Prospective. It can even have up to 19 cores and reach throughputs of several hundred Gigabits per second.

The multiplication of the number of cores will have several impacts. This will significantly increase the capacity of a single cable but also reduce the deployment cost. This multi-core technology opens new horizons both from a technical and commercial point of view, especially for operators. Indeed, they will be able to offer companies new services adapted to demand such as QoS and speed.



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Source : ZDnet






Fibre: Caisse des Dépôts invests in Kosc

on Monday, 27 August 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

Fibre: Caisse des Dépôts invests in Kosc

After many technical and legal setbacks last year, the horizon is finally clear for Kosc. In mid-June, Banque des territoires (Caisse des Dépôts) invested 20 million euros in the capital of a new subsidiary, Kosc Infrastructures, in order to contain the operator's network assets. Guénaël Pépin reviews with the operator these last months in an article from Nextinpact.

While wholesale offers for operators are tending to become more widespread, hopes are essentially focused on Kosc. Indeed, the company, co-founded in 2016 by OVH, aims to break the duopoly of Orange and SFR in this market. To access the local loops of major operators and thus cover the whole of France, Kosc must connect its network to hundreds of NROs. In practice, it recovers Completel's national network to connect to Orange and SFR's local networks. Through these various networks, the company hopes to become a single control point for professional operators.

However, Kosc did not have the financial resources. 100 million over five years to cover the entire private deployment area. The financing of Caisse des Dépôts was therefore necessary. "The investment by the Bank of the Territories makes it possible to finance the implementation of the 100% fibre coverage strategy in the private zone" confirms Kosc. The creation of the Kosc Infrastructures subsidiary allows Caisse des Dépôts to limit its control to major infrastructure decisions. As for Kosc, this allows it to better link its private deployments with future contracts with RIPs. After a year and a half of competition between public and private infrastructure funds, the company's choice "naturally" turned to a RIP concession model. "Caisse des Dépôts was able to make us a financial offer that matched our ambitions. Beyond the financial aspect, she brings us the expertise of her teams who benefit from an excellent understanding of market issues, due to her experience working alongside RIPs" assures Antoine Fournier, General Manager of Kosc.

However, the operation almost failed. Indeed, one of the investment conditions of the Bank of the Territories was the proper technical and legal functioning of Kosc. However, several technical and organizational problems with SFR, when the assets were transferred, took them to court. "Not all the disputes with SFR are behind us, so we don't want to express ourselves any further on the subject. All we can say is that our partners have largely congratulated us on our perseverance during the legal battles of recent months. Just because Kosc is under legal pressure from a powerful player does not mean that Kosc bends" the company says.
Despite its disputes with SFR, the network is now operational. The company has around thirty customer operators and has been online since mid-July with more than 2 million eligible catches throughout the country. Even the competition from Bouygues, SFR and Orange on the "bitstream fibre" offers does not worry the operator. "Thanks to the mobilisation of Kosc Telecom teams, there is now a first bitstream fibre offer and your question shows that the market is finally opening up! It is so much better for our operator customers" adds Antoire Fournier. Kosc does not intend to stop there as it now installs itself in "neutral" data centers to open access to its backbone links, its professional fiber collection and enterprise fiber.



Read the article


Source : Nextinpact





Voxity: new LyonIX member!

on Wednesday, 13 December 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Voxity: new LyonIX member!

Since 2009, Voxity is a Service Operator that designs, installs and maintains Telecoms solutions for the demanding professions (Private networks, Internet, Fiber optics and IP Telephony). Voxity is also the editor of Octopus, an innovative solution of enterprise Telephony and Unified Communication.


"We chose to join LyonIX in order to offer to our customers and partners the connectivity as resilient as possible. It also allows us to be as close as possible to the main actors of the region." - says Jean-Pierre Ramoul, a Voxity director.


Voxity is present at the LyonIX 3A rack

ASN : AS57103

Learn more

Find more information on the Voxity web site



Lyon French Tech is a partner of RezoGirls 7!

on Monday, 20 November 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Lyon French Tech is a partner of RezoGirls 7!

[French article]

Rezopole, membre du Collectif L Digital, précurseur dans la création d'événements dédiés aux femmes évoluant dans le secteur IT (Internet, Réseaux et Télécom), organise la nouvelle édition de ses rencontres RezoGirls, en partenariat avec Lyon French Tech.



Celle-ci aura lieu le 5 décembre, dans les locaux de Lyon French Tech, à partir de 18h30.

Lors de la soirée, trois intervenant(e)s échangeront sur le thème :


 " Le bien-être au travail à l'ère du numérique "


  • 18h30-18h45 : Accueil
  • 18h45-19h00 : Présentation des structures organisatrices
  • 19h00-20h30 : Table ronde
  • 20h30-21h45 : Cocktail (Jacques Lafargue traiteur)



Les Toques Blanches Lyonnaises



   Je m'inscris  


NB : Inscription obligatoire.
Nombre de places limité.



Créatrice de «Valeur d'être», Élisabeth Moulin a un parcours riche et atypique ; dans la finance, en contrôle de gestion de Société de Service Informatique, puis comme associée d'une start-up d'édition de logiciels. Elle pilote depuis 20 ans la gestion de projets informatiques et occupe des postes de paramétrage, chef de projet en 1ère installation, déploiement et évolution, en France et à l'étranger. Depuis 2 ans, elle accompagne les transitions personnelles et professionnelles de particuliers ; de la connaissance de soi à la reconversion. Le numérique sert de tremplin pour l'autonomisation de ses clients.





Issue de la communication et du management commercial, Jessica Rolland fait ses gammes dans le digital auprès de grands groupes et de start-ups. En 2012 elle se lance dans l'entreprenariat comme Formatrice Social Media indépendante avec l’Agence Someday, puis Consultante et Coach en stratégie d’entreprise. Elle accompagne entrepreneurs et dirigeants à créer un équilibre harmonieux entre business, valeurs et vie personnelle. Auteure aux Éditions Kawa, elle publie en 2016 "Objectif Digital Detox", un guide pratique pour les web addicts qui promeut un usage plus conscient et plus raisonné des réseaux sociaux.



Après avoir travaillé dans différents secteurs professionnels : public, privé, en ESN, dans l'édition, Kevin Delfour s'installe à Lyon pour tenter un nouveau challenge : la construction d'une entreprise libérée. Ingénieur en développement informatique, expert en Java, il passe le cap de la simple prestation et se réalise au sein d’une équipe où les responsabilités sont partagées et les challenges nombreux. Il expérimente, crée, dépasse ses limites et acquiert de solides compétences entrepreneuriales. En 2017, Kevin invente et lance iBubble Camera, le tout premier drone autonome sous-marin.






Juniper France Hackaton on March 1-3

on Friday, 10 March 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Juniper France Hackaton on March 1-3

From 1st to 3rd of March the Juniper France Hackathon, organized by Juniper and France-IX, was held in Paris.


Great occasion for Rezopole technical  team to discover the Juniper system and their implementations of the RFC7348 dealing with VXLAN and the RFC7432 on EVPN technology.The theme was the network automation, the Juniper provided a virtual laboratory to the participants starting from vMX for EVPN / MPLS and from vQFX for EVPN / VXLAN. For the automation part we used Ansible accompanied by PyEZ, python library developed by Juniper in order to interact with their equipments. 


Thanks to Juniper and France-IX for this very instructive event and bravo to the winning team!




Rezopole participates at the NLNOG RING !

on Monday, 26 December 2016 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

Rezopole participates at the NLNOG RING !

Find the list of all the participants on the NLNOG RING Web site!


The NLNOG RING is a collaboration of a growing number of organizations (360+ organizations in 54 countries as of December 2016) to troubleshoot and debug networks in a more efficient and flexible way than previously possible. The RING provides operators with a view from the outside and powerful tools to accomplish in mere seconds what would otherwise take days. The RING is entirely built by a thriving community of volunteers, organizations can join free of charge. As such the RING is unique and the world's first of this kind.





Rezopole organise la deuxième rencontre RezoGirls le 05 Décembre 2013 à Lyon

on Friday, 15 November 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Rezopole organise la deuxième rencontre RezoGirls le 05 Décembre 2013 à Lyon

La deuxième rencontre RezoGirls sur le thème La valeur ajoutée des femmes dans le secteur numérique, sera animée par Claudine Chassagne, Consultante TIC et ancienne Directrice des Systèmes d'information. Cette deuxième édition dédiée aux femmes qui travaillent dans le secteur Internet, Réseaux et Télécom aura lieu le 05 Décembre 2013, à Lyon.



17h00-17h30 : Accueil et café

17h30-18h30 : Atelier "La valeur ajoutée des femmes dans le secteur numérique", animé par Claudine Chassagne.

18h30-21h00 : Cocktail dînatoire et animation Blind test


Inscription RezoGirls n°2

JeRéservée aux femmes !

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Découvrir les RezoGirls

Inscrit dans la mission d'animation de Rezopole, l'objectif de ces événements est de fédérer la filière IT au féminin. Il s'agit de mettre en avant les femmes qui travaillent dans un secteur souvent conjugué au masculin.

Les RezoGirls pourront, lors de ces soirées, se rencontrer et échanger de manière régulière dans un cadre convivial où l'humour et la décontraction sont de mise. Les hommes de Rezopole seront, quant à eux, au service de ces dames pour faire en sorte qu'elles passent une soirée à la fois professionnelle et agréable.

Rejoindre nos groupes RezoGirls sur :


Informations pratiques

La soirée aura lieu le 05 Décembre 2013 dans le restaurant Chez Thibault, à partir de 17h00.

Adresse : 80, Rue Montesquieu, 69007, Lyon.


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