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Articles tagged with: nouveau membre lyonix

Voxity: new LyonIX member!

on Wednesday, 13 December 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Voxity: new LyonIX member!

Since 2009, Voxity is a Service Operator that designs, installs and maintains Telecoms solutions for the demanding professions (Private networks, Internet, Fiber optics and IP Telephony). Voxity is also the editor of Octopus, an innovative solution of enterprise Telephony and Unified Communication.


"We chose to join LyonIX in order to offer to our customers and partners the connectivity as resilient as possible. It also allows us to be as close as possible to the main actors of the region." - says Jean-Pierre Ramoul, a Voxity director.


Voxity is present at the LyonIX 3A rack

ASN : AS57103

Learn more

Find more information on the Voxity web site



CPRO: new LyonIX member!

on Wednesday, 06 September 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

CPRO: new LyonIX member!

Since more than 25 years, C'PRO has been proposing solutions to companies centered around 3 sectors: printing and dematerialisation solutions, information technology and hosting, operator and telephony. Indeed, data are at the heart of the organisation. Intended to produce, sell or manage, they are essential for it to function correctly. Digital or physical, paper or voice, e-mail or video conference, these data represent a growing importance that needs to be managed, and they are derived from multiple channels...


 "OUR 3 COMPLEMENTARY ACTIVITIES allow us to accompany our customers in the optimisation of their data flow in order to increase their capacity to manage this growing volume of data."


The C'PRO Telecom infrastructure is: 99.99% of availability of service, 11 core network nodes, 10 Gbps per node of interconnection, Internet transit and the ARBOR protection against DDoS.


"In order to constantly improve our availability and our connectivity, it seemed obvious to us that we needed to  connect ourselves to LyonIX, who is the main IX of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. This connection enables us to strengthen our offer, at the height of the leading actors of Internet".

C'PRO in some figures:

620 employees
20000 customers
31 agencies
130 M€ CA

3 datacenters 11 Operators Points of Presence (PoP) in France and abroad



C'PRO is présent at the LyonIX 2B rack

ASN : AS197033

Learn more

Find more information here: C'PRO



New LyonIX member: Hub One!

on Thursday, 08 June 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

New LyonIX member: Hub One!

A group of services in information and communication technologies in business environments, Hub One designs and fulfills the professions, sites, and usage digital transformation. Hub One relies on its experience in an airport environment to bring customized answers to critical operational needs in real time to major accounts and SMEs...



"Our staff members ensure an end-to-end service, from the core network at the terminal, from the deployment in project mode to the maintenance under operational conditions. Our solutions and expertises aggregate professions of telecommunication, land-line and mobile telephony, radio operator, integrator in mobility and traceability, and all associated services."


Hub One offers a full range of telecommunication solutions intended for enterprises: telephony, Internet access, and networking solutions. In addition, Hub One proposes service quality, performance and availability of alternatives commitments.


Hub One is present at the LyonIX 2K rack.
ASN: 29283

Learn more

For more informations, click here: Hub One



New LyonIX member: Netalis!

on Tuesday, 16 May 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

New LyonIX member: Netalis!

Established in Franche-Comté, Netalis is an operator of digital solutions focused on innovation and close to its independent professional customers, small/medium business, ETI and governments/institutions located throughout France.




"We believe that the IT and Telecom service provider must have an "end to end" vision to assist a Company up to the datacenter. That is why we have designed multi-technologies access offers which can be simply associated with the hosted services as SaaS and IaaS solutions."



Netalis also deploys its own dark fibre network in the activity areas in its region of origin and has an indirect sales force thanks to its trading partners network (publishers, integrators, web agencies...). Finally, the Company finally provides service offers to third party operators (transport, IP transit, xDSL/FTTH/FTTO collects, etc...).



Netalis is present at the LyonIX 2I rack
: 20565



Learn more

Find more details here: Netalis




Direct peering with Google is available on LyonIX!

on Thursday, 16 March 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Direct peering with Google is available on LyonIX!

We are pleased to announce you a Google peering interconnection at LyonIX (AS15169). 

A LyonIX member since 2016, Google provided until now a service via dedicated Google Cache.


Important: this new peering is only partly available via the LyonIX route-server. To get a complete access to the Google contents (search engine, gmail, google-doc, youtube, etc.) you have to set-up a direct peering with AS15169.



 How does it work?

First, have your entries at PeeringDB completely updated and acurate.

Then set-up this direct peering:


  • If you have an access, you can make a request following the tickets > request new IX interconnect option.





MassifIX: LyonIX new member!

on Wednesday, 08 February 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

MassifIX: LyonIX new member!

MassifIX is the first hybrid IXP/NAP that delivers conventional peering services but also innovative services to develop the usages and the local digital activities. MassifIX is a company created as a Collective Interest Cooperative Society (SCIC) so private and public actors can appropriate this tool for local economic development, fruit of a reflection launched by public authorities (State / regions) and supported by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Council in the framework of the European Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) programme.

MassifIX is present at the LyonIX 2G rack

Learn more

Find more information here: MassifIX



Fingerprint Technologies: New member interconnected to LyonIX

on Tuesday, 20 September 2016 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Fingerprint Technologies: New member interconnected to LyonIX

Created in 1991 by IT and network professionals, Fingerprint Technologies develops and integrates solutions and innovative technology-based services in its various sectors of activity.

Telecom operator and hosting provider of proximity, Fingerprint proposes very-high-speed access (Optical fibre, SDSL), secure interconnection of VPN MPLS distant sites and IP telephony (VoIP) offers.

Its data center provides security and availability guarantees thanks to very high level of telecom connection redundancy as its physical infrastructure. The Fingerprint expertise and experience enable its customers to build hosting solutions that meet their specific requirements and volume of activity (dedicated servers, virtualization, shared hosting, storage, external backup...).

Fingerprint Technologies is interconnected with LyonIX to consolidate its infrastructure, optimize its Internet routes and improve their diversity. This enables its customers to find more efficient solutions, through a high quality and resilient transit.




Find more about Fingerprint Technologies

Fingerprint Technologies is present in the LyonIX 2H rack.

ASN: 49961.


Tutor: New member interconnected to LyonIX

on Tuesday, 30 August 2016 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Tutor: New member interconnected to LyonIX

The Tutor group is the leading FTTH  and business services actor in France with more than 600 000 consumer signed connections and 3000 operating companies on behalf on more than 70 service operators. With its in-depth expertise in construction costs and its quality of operations, Tutor brings, since 2004, an appropriate answer to communities partners for a regional development. Tutor manages 13 Delegations of Public Service notably the Somme, Calvados and Haute-Savoie departments.


Within the context of the SYANE of Haute-Savoie network operation, Tutor chose Rezopole and LyonIX to offer interconnection between this well recognized regional point of presence and the Haute-Savoie very high-speed optic fibre departmental network that Tutor is building and operating, to allow the largest number of service operators to prospect the regional companies.


Find more about Tutor

Tutor is present in the rack LyonIX 2H.

ASN: 197076

EDX Network : nouveau membre LyonIX

on Friday, 06 September 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

EDX Network : nouveau membre LyonIX

EDX Network, a Lyon startup, jouins LyonIX. "As a former Technical manager at Rezopole. It was unthinkable to set a telecom structure without joining the Lyon peering point. s'est interconnectée sur le réseau du nœud d'échange Internet LyonIX. My infrastructure is now closer to my customers. The supervision traffic of equipements can therefore pass though the IXP though our partners lose their transit. This enables to put in place back-up/replication solutions in very high speed." Says Vincent Pages, EDX Network manager.


About EDX Network

EDX Network provides all services enabling to companies put in place their BGP setting: from IP address acquisition to RIPE to their platform hosting and IPv4 and IPv6 transit delivery.

To learn more:


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