Together, your Internet even better

New LyonIX member: Hub One!

A group of services in information and communication technologies in business environments, Hub One designs and fulfills the professions, sites, and usage digital transformation. Hub One relies on its experience in an airport environment to bring customized answers to critical operational needs in real time to major accounts and SMEs...



"Our staff members ensure an end-to-end service, from the core network at the terminal, from the deployment in project mode to the maintenance under operational conditions. Our solutions and expertises aggregate professions of telecommunication, land-line and mobile telephony, radio operator, integrator in mobility and traceability, and all associated services."


Hub One offers a full range of telecommunication solutions intended for enterprises: telephony, Internet access, and networking solutions. In addition, Hub One proposes service quality, performance and availability of alternatives commitments.


Hub One is present at the LyonIX 2K rack.
ASN: 29283

Learn more

For more informations, click here: Hub One



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