NeTIX and LyonIX are now interconnected at 1 Gbps
NeTIX is a Bulgarian structure which is developing a Eastern Europe network and enables its customers and members to join many IXPs in Europe. With points of presence in Sofia, Bucharest, Warsaw, Prague, Istanbul, Belgrade, Frankfurt, Paris, Amsterdam, and London, NeTiX carries more than 50 operators networks in all these cities.
By interconnecting with LyonIX, NeTiX also has access to IXP in Rhône-Alpes: GrenoblIX, ADN-IX, SaintetIX. Thus, on both sides, this is a collection of more than 150 networks that can exchange free traffic, and that under peering agreements through the Route Servers. Connectivity between the Eastern Europe and the LyonIX IXPs will be greatly improved.