Together, your Internet even better

Aperezo n°41 with Rezopole

Rezopole is pleased to invite you to the Aperezo n°41 which will take place on Wednesday December 18th, 2017 at the Hard Rock Café Lyon, starting from 6:30 pm. Come meet IT professionals of the region over a drink at a pleasant and original place!


As places remain limited, please register now.


For safety reasons, please bring imperatively your nominal registration. Any non-registered person would be denied access to the Aperezo.


Please register before January 11th, 2017.



   Register now ! 



The participation at the Aperezo is reserved for the Rezopole members, if you still are not a member, please complete the membership form (Silver membership is free). 

Do you want to become a Sponsor of Aperezo ?

Optimize your visibility around decision-makers of your sector !

Meet at a friendly place IT technicians and commercials ! Share, around a glass, the experience of your best practices and establish your privileged links!



  Sponsor an Aperezo ! 



For more information, click here.



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