Together, your Internet even better

Aperezo 40 with ARISTA

Rezopole is pleased to invite you to the Aperezo n°40 sponsored by ARISTA on Thursday, December 1st, 2016 at Razowski restaurant, starting from 6:30 pm. Come to meet the ARISTA team as well as the regional IT sector professionals around a cocktail reception, in a pleasant and friendly environment.


Register now!*



  I register to the Aperezo #40 




ARISTA is a leader in building scalable, high-performance and ultra-low latency cloud networks with low power consumption and a small footprint for modern data center and cloud computing environments. It is a DC MQ Gartner leader  for two consecutive years.

Its solutions widely spread in the global and French cloud, are guided:


- By a single binary

- By a contemporary and robust OS, designed for virtualisation and dev-ops

- By a strategy of opening and interoperability with a broad ecosystem, in its ADN

- By new tools allowing a wide range of automation implementation

- By the best support and local teams



*Registration to our events is open to the Rezopole Association members. If you are not a member yet, register here, it is free!


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