Orange condemned for misleading commercial practices
After being condemned for its commercial practices concerning its 4G and 5G mobile packages three weeks ago, Orange has been rapped on the knuckles again. This time it is its practices in terms of the application - and especially the presentation - of the two-year legal guarantee of conformity that has led the Direction Départementale de la Protection des Populations (DDPP) of Val-de-Marne to crack down.
The French administration reproached the historical operator for presenting this two-year legal guarantee, which was made compulsory in 2016, as an offer specific to the operator, and not as a legally imposed guarantee. Orange has therefore been required to display a message to remind the public authorities that this guarantee is above all the result of their work.
The operator is also called upon to put its commercial offers in order, in particular by adding this famous missing term "legal guarantee", which does not appear on its labels and displays in its physical shops. The administration also points out that the omission of this legal notice may lead Orange subscribers not to enforce their rights.
Far from being a first for the incumbent, the latter has recently been condemned for similar omissions. On 27 July, it was convicted of "knowingly failing" to present in "satisfactory conditions the restrictions on use" of 4G and 5G services. A fine of €15,000 was imposed by the Paris judicial court for having forgotten to present the actual availability of the 5G network on French territory, as well as the minimum speeds actually available for the new generation of mobile technology to its customers.
This sentence followed a writ of summons from the association Consommation Logement Cadre de vie (CLCV), for whom the omission of these details amounted to knowingly misleading consumers potentially interested in trying out the new generation of mobile technology and taking advantage of the explosion in speeds so much vaunted by the promoters of 5G.
Source : ZDNet