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Articles tagged with: secteur IT

IT: 4.2% growth expected in 2019

on Thursday, 20 June 2019 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

IT: 4.2% growth expected in 2019

Syntec Numérique has revised upwards the growth forecasts for the IT sector in France with a 4.2% increase in 2019. The Chamber of Trade Unions was expecting an increase of 3.9% for the current year. In 2018, growth averaged 4.1% for the sector as a whole: digital consulting and services companies (ESN / ex-SSII), software publishers and technology consulting specialists.


79% of companies in the IT sector plan to increase their turnover in 2019.

With a growth rate of 3.3%, equivalent to that of 2018, 76% of NSEs expect their revenues to increase in 2019. They will benefit from high value-added services on projects that their customers engage in cybersecurity, cognitive systems, as well as on Cloud offerings. This development will be driven by the banking/insurance, energy and water suppliers (utilities) and business services sectors.

They are also 76% to expect an increase in their turnover this year from software publishers. This represents a growth of 5.8% in their market in France in 2019, which is higher than in 2018 (+5.3%). Software-as-a-service will represent 25% of the software publishing market, Syntec Numérique predicts. It is expected to reach €3.4 billion this year.

The most optimistic are the technology consulting players, since 95% of them expect their turnover to increase. However, Syntec Digital expects growth of 5.2%, slightly lower than last year (5.5%). This will be driven by process engineering and IoT services, as well as the transformation of industrial customers' business models.


In 2018, ESNs generated 61% of revenue in the IT market, while software publishers accounted for 22% and technology consulting for 17%.



 Read the article


Source : Le Monde Informatique





Rezopole organise la première rencontre RezoGirls le 26 Juin à Lyon

on Friday, 31 May 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Rezopole organise la première rencontre RezoGirls le 26 Juin à Lyon

Rezopole lance les RezoGirls le premier réseau régional dédié aux femmes qui travaillent dans le secteur Internet, Réseaux et Télécom. La première rencontre RezoGirls est prévue pour cet été, le 26 Juin, à Lyon.


Le concept

Inscrit dans la mission d'animation de Rezopole, l'objectif de ces événements est de fédérer la filière IT au féminin. Il s'agit de mettre en avant les femmes qui travaillent dans un secteur souvent conjugué au masculin.

Les RezoGirls pourront, lors de ces soirées, se rencontrer et échanger de manière régulière dans un cadre convivial où l'humour et la décontraction sont de mise. Les hommes de Rezopole seront, quant à eux, au service de ces dames pour faire en sorte qu'elles passent une soirée à la fois professionnelle et agréable.


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Informations pratiques

La soirée aura lieu le 26 Juin 2013 dans les locaux de Rezopole, à partir de 18h00.

Adresse : 16 rue de la Thibaudière, dans le 7éme arrondissement.



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