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Articles tagged with: evenement rezopole

Save the date: IXPloration #5 on September 14th!

on Friday, 04 August 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Save the date: IXPloration #5 on September 14th!

Rezopole is pleased to invite you to the IXPloration 5 which will take place on Thursday September 14th, at the Rezopole premises, starting from 9:30 am.


New monthly meeting, the IXPlorations are a LyonIX presentation event, aimed to organisations interested in joining the Lyon IXP / NAP.


Come and discover the benefits of being connected to the Lyon's Internet marketplace, LyonIX: Internet access cost reduction, ultra-fast connection to international Cloud actors, access to numerous network services, presence of regional, national, and international, operators, securitisation of your internet routes, bandwidth cost reduction and important decrease of the latency.


Some actors, already connected and wishing to benefit from LyonIX, also attend these meetings.



IXPloration 4 on June 27th!

on Wednesday, 07 June 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

IXPloration 4 on June 27th!

Rezopole is pleased to invite you to the IXPloration n°4 which will be held on Tuesday June 27th, 2017 at the Rezopole premises, starting from 9:30 am.


New monthly meeting, the IXPloration is a LyonIX presentation event, destinated to the organisations interested in Lyon IXP/NAP connection.

Some actors, already connected and wishing to benefit from LyonIX, will also attend these meetings. 





9.15 – 9.30 am: Reception around a coffee


9.30 – 11 am: Presentation of LyonIX

                            - Economic and technological advantages

                            - Connection solutions

                            - Questions and answers


11 – 12am: Visit of LyonIX POP



Register now!



LyonIX IXPloration is held at the Rezopole premises. For organizational & security reasons we place a limit on the number of participants up to a maximum of 10.



IXPloration 3 on April 12th!

on Wednesday, 22 March 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

IXPloration 3 on April 12th!

Rezopole is pleased to invite you to the IXPloration n°3 which will be held on Wednesday April 12th, 2017 at the Rezopole premises, starting from 9:30 am.


New monthly meeting, the IXPloration is a LyonIX presentation event, destinated to the organisations interested in Lyon IXP/NAP connection.

Some actors, already connected and wishing to benefit from LyonIX, will also attend these meetings. 





9.15 – 9.30 am: Reception around a coffee


9.30 – 11 am: Presentation of LyonIX

                            - Economic and technological advantages

                            - Connection solutions

                            - Questions and answers


11 – 12am: Visit of LyonIX POP



Register now!



LyonIX IXPloration is held at the Rezopole premises. For organizational & security reasons we place a limit on the number of participants up to a maximum of 10.

Aperezo n°42 with zayo

on Friday, 10 March 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Aperezo n°42 with zayo

The next Aperezo organized by Rezopole in Lyon, sponsored Zayo, will be held on Wenesday, April 12th at the Burger & Wine Confluence restaurant starting from 6:30 pm. Meet the Zayo team and the regional IT industry professionals around a glass in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere.


As places remain limited, please register now.


For safety reasons, please bring imperatively your nominal registration. Any non-registered person would be denied access to the Aperezo.


Please register before April 5th, 2017.



   Register now ! 



The participation at the Aperezo is reserved for the Rezopole members, if you are not a member yet, please complete the membership form (Silver membership is free).


About Zayo

Zayo Group provides infrastructure services (optic fiber, Ethernet, hosting) to the companies worldwide and multiple Cloud solutions. We count among our customers: operators (telecom, wired and wireless), media companies, content management, finance, health and others large accounts. With a network covering nearly 185 700 km in Europe and US, Zayo provides an extensive metropolitan and international connectivity, linking thousands of buildings and datacenters.

Find more informations on Zayo web site.





IXPloration 2 on March 15th!

on Wednesday, 22 February 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

IXPloration 2 on March 15th!

Rezopole is pleased to invite you to the IXPloration 2 which will be held on Wednesday March 15th, 2017 at the Rezopole premises, starting from 9:30 am.


New monthly meeting, the IXPloration is a LyonIX presentation event, destinated to the organisations interested in Lyon IXP/NAP connection.

Some actors, already connected and wishing to benefit from LyonIX, will also attend these meetings. 





9.15 – 9.30 am: Reception around a coffee table


9.30 – 11 am: Presentation of LyonIX

                            - Economic and technological advantages

                            - Connection solutions

                            - Questions and answers


11 – 12am: Visit of LyonIX POP



  Register now! 



LyonIX IXPloration is held at the Rezopole premises. For organizational & security reasons we place a limit on the number of participants up to a maximum of 10.

Aperezo 40 with ARISTA

on Wednesday, 16 November 2016 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Aperezo 40 with ARISTA

Rezopole is pleased to invite you to the Aperezo n°40 sponsored by ARISTA on Thursday, December 1st, 2016 at Razowski restaurant, starting from 6:30 pm. Come to meet the ARISTA team as well as the regional IT sector professionals around a cocktail reception, in a pleasant and friendly environment.


Register now!*



  I register to the Aperezo #40 




ARISTA is a leader in building scalable, high-performance and ultra-low latency cloud networks with low power consumption and a small footprint for modern data center and cloud computing environments. It is a DC MQ Gartner leader  for two consecutive years.

Its solutions widely spread in the global and French cloud, are guided:


- By a single binary

- By a contemporary and robust OS, designed for virtualisation and dev-ops

- By a strategy of opening and interoperability with a broad ecosystem, in its ADN

- By new tools allowing a wide range of automation implementation

- By the best support and local teams



*Registration to our events is open to the Rezopole Association members. If you are not a member yet, register here, it is free!


Aperezo 39 with Brocade!

on Thursday, 30 June 2016 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Aperezo 39 with Brocade!

The next Aperezo organized by Rezopole in Lyon, in partnership with Brocade, is going to be held on Thursday, September 15th at the AOC Les Halles de Lyon restaurant starting from 6:30 PM. Meet the Brocade team and the regional IT industry professionals around a glass in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere.



Register to the Aperezo #39

About Brocade

The Brocade network solutions help the largest enterprises ensure a smooth transition to a world where the applications and the information can be found anywhere. We seek to contribute to your success thanks to our evolutive networks simplicity.

These networks must be smart, highly reliable and highly-efficient. They have to simplify complexity, allow IT departments to make easier to meet constantly evolving professional needs and significantly reduce maintenance and deployment costs.

If you have to deploy applications more rapidly, to reach them more quickly, to support them better, to eliminate interruptions and to ensure cloud services connectivity, you should move forward and adopt a Brocade IP network.




Teldej 15 : le 21 Novembre au Château de Monchat avec Retis

on Monday, 04 November 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Teldej 15 : le 21 Novembre au Château de Monchat avec Retis

Rezopole et Retis ont le plaisir de vous convier au déjeuner d'affaires Teldej n°15 qui aura lieu le 21 novembre 2013 au Château de Monchat à partir de 11h30.

Le matin du 21 novembre, Retis organise un séminaire sur le thème : "Optimiser et garantir la continuité de service du DataCenter". Un séminaire gratuit pour les membres Rezopole. Pour plus d'informations, cliquez sur ce lien.


Inscription Teldej n°15

La participation au Teldej est réservée aux adhérents de Rezopole (adhésion Gold) ; le premier Teldej vous est offert. Veuillez trouver à ce lien le formulaire d'adhésion, ainsi que toutes les informations sur les conditions d'adhésion 2013.


A propos de Retis

Au travers d’une approche fondée depuis 1993 sur la valorisation des usages liés aux outils de communication, RETIS Connected Solutions propose sa vision, son conseil et son expertise, dans la conception, la mise en œuvre, l’optimisation et la maintenance de solutions technologiques complètes.

Du câblage informatique cuivre ou optique à l’urbanisation des « Data center », des architectures réseaux aux outils de communications unifiées (voix, données, vidéo, mobilité), de la sécurité des architectures à celle des supports terminaux, de la visio conférence à la téléprésence immersive et de la maintenance aux services à haute valeur ajoutée, Retis se présente comme l'artisant de votre satisfaction.


logo retis

Plus d'information

Pour en savoir plus sur les événements de Rezopole, visitez les pages Aperezo, Teldej et RezoGirls


Aperezo 24 - FING : le 24 octobre chez Thibault

on Monday, 21 October 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Aperezo 24 - FING : le 24 octobre chez Thibault

Dans le cadre de leur partenariat pour le prochain Carrefour des Possibles, Rezopole et la FING organisent l'Aperezo n°24 le 24 octobre 2013 au restaurant Chez Thibault, à partir de 18h00.


Je m'inscris à l'Aperezo 24



A propos de la FING

La Fondation internet nouvelle génération (FING) est une association loi de 1901 créée en 2000 par Daniel Kaplan, Jacques-François Marchandise et Jean-Michel Cornu.

Sa mission s'articule autour de quatre grandes catégories d'objectifs :

  • Une fabrique d’idées neuves et actionnables
  • Un réseau d’acteurs de la transformation
  • Des actions collectives à fort effet de levier
  • Un lieu de débat entre technologie et société


logo FING

Pour en savoir plus

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