Articles tagged with: evenement
Album photo - Aperezo 57 - Altice SFR / Isère Fibre
Album photo - RezoGirls n°4
The RezoGirls
The RezoGirls meetings are dedicated to women who work in the regional IT sector. These events are linked to Rezopole's mission of network animation and the objective is to federate the feminine IT sector.
Each RezoGirls becomes an opportunity to share during the debates animated by professionals specializing in human and social sciences, in education and training or evolving in the digital world. All in a convivial and casual atmosphere.
Why the RezoGirls?
According to the Syntec Numérique-BVA Barometer (2014), the women in the digital technology occupy in France only 25 to 30 % of the posts. Among the leaders of 100 largest high technology companies, only 6 % are women and less than 10 of start-ups are created by women!
Women represent at the national level 48 % of the labour force but in IT they represent only 10 % of executives, and barely 20 % of the engineers.
This is why, Rezopole commits to support the women in the IT sector.
The participants
Mainly Women who work in a company or a department with an IT profile are welcome:
- engineers,
- communication and commercial managers,
- administration,
- IT companies CEO.
Recent editions
- RezoGirls #14 with LDIGITAL : News, photo album
- RezoGirls #13 with 1Kubator : News, photo album
- Rezogirls #12 with La Cuisine du Web : News, photo album
- RezoGirls #11 with Digital Campus Lyon : News, photo album
- RezoGirls #10 with TUBÀ : News, photo album
- RezoGirls #9 with L'Augusterie : News, photo album
- RezoGirls #8 partner of La Matinale LDigital
- RezoGirls #7 with Lyon French Tech: News, photo album
- RezoGirls #6 with Epitech Lyon: News, photo album
- RezoGirls #5 with Wild Code School: News, photo album
- RezoGirls #4 with TUBÀ: News, photo album
History of RezoGirls
Find here past RezoGirls meetings
You wan to join the RezoGirls
All you have to do is join Rezopole by becoming a Silver member (free registration).
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