Together, your Internet even better

Rezopole/France-IX Merger Project


"Dear Members,


I'm writing to you today to talk about the future of Rezopole.


In 2001 Samuel Triolet and I founded LyonIX, an association that was renamed Rezopole in 2009. The ambition of this Internet exchange node (IXP) was to interconnect the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes networks with national and international networks. Since then, Rezopole has been contributing to the economic and digital development of our territory, by being the de facto leader of the Internet & Telecom sector.


A new stage in our development is now upon us: I am pleased to announce that Rezopole is preparing to merge with France-IX, the operator of the main IXPs in Paris and Marseille.


This project meets the objective of capitalizing on the financial, human, commercial and technical resources of both entities in order to be stronger together.


It is in line with our values that we have worked together to study the synergies and impacts for France-IX, Rezopole and our respective members. We have come to the conclusion that this merger is a very good opportunity for the future for both parties.


The next step will be the validation of this merger, which will be put to a vote at an Extraordinary General Meeting organized virtually on Tuesday, December 15th. We are expecting many of you to support us in this new adventure.


We are convinced that this partnership is synonymous with sustainability and development, while continuing to provide a local service at your side.


Yours sincerely,"


Philippe Duby

President of Rezopole

To consult :

  • the various legal documents, click here.
  • the synthesis of the exchanges of the Question/Answer session on November 19th, click here.






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