Together, your Internet even better

Articles tagged with: Internet

Meet us at the 14th Forum des Interconnectés!

on Monday, 27 November 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Meet us at the 14th Forum des Interconnectés!

[French article]


À l'occasion du 14ème Forum national annuel des Interconnectés les 6 et 7 décembre prochain, Rezopole aura le plaisir de vous retrouver au Double Mixte LYON (19 Avenue Gaston Berger, 69100 Villeurbanne). Rendez-vous incontournable des collectivités territoriales et du numérique, le Forum réunira plus de 900 participants : élus, dirigeants et responsables de projets des collectivités territoriales autour des enjeux du numérique et de la smart city pour le secteur public.


Parmi les Intervenant(e)s 2017 :



Karine Dognin-Sauze

VP Lyon Métropole,

Présidente des Interconnectés


Juliette Jarry

Vice-Présidente de la région

Auvergne - Rhône-Alpes



Retrouvez l'équipe de Rezopole sur l'espace dédié aux Infrastructures !


 Partenaires de l'événement :


En savoir plus

Plus d'infos sur :




Lyon French Tech is a partner of RezoGirls 7!

on Monday, 20 November 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Lyon French Tech is a partner of RezoGirls 7!

[French article]

Rezopole, membre du Collectif L Digital, précurseur dans la création d'événements dédiés aux femmes évoluant dans le secteur IT (Internet, Réseaux et Télécom), organise la nouvelle édition de ses rencontres RezoGirls, en partenariat avec Lyon French Tech.



Celle-ci aura lieu le 5 décembre, dans les locaux de Lyon French Tech, à partir de 18h30.

Lors de la soirée, trois intervenant(e)s échangeront sur le thème :


 " Le bien-être au travail à l'ère du numérique "


  • 18h30-18h45 : Accueil
  • 18h45-19h00 : Présentation des structures organisatrices
  • 19h00-20h30 : Table ronde
  • 20h30-21h45 : Cocktail (Jacques Lafargue traiteur)



Les Toques Blanches Lyonnaises



   Je m'inscris  


NB : Inscription obligatoire.
Nombre de places limité.



Créatrice de «Valeur d'être», Élisabeth Moulin a un parcours riche et atypique ; dans la finance, en contrôle de gestion de Société de Service Informatique, puis comme associée d'une start-up d'édition de logiciels. Elle pilote depuis 20 ans la gestion de projets informatiques et occupe des postes de paramétrage, chef de projet en 1ère installation, déploiement et évolution, en France et à l'étranger. Depuis 2 ans, elle accompagne les transitions personnelles et professionnelles de particuliers ; de la connaissance de soi à la reconversion. Le numérique sert de tremplin pour l'autonomisation de ses clients.





Issue de la communication et du management commercial, Jessica Rolland fait ses gammes dans le digital auprès de grands groupes et de start-ups. En 2012 elle se lance dans l'entreprenariat comme Formatrice Social Media indépendante avec l’Agence Someday, puis Consultante et Coach en stratégie d’entreprise. Elle accompagne entrepreneurs et dirigeants à créer un équilibre harmonieux entre business, valeurs et vie personnelle. Auteure aux Éditions Kawa, elle publie en 2016 "Objectif Digital Detox", un guide pratique pour les web addicts qui promeut un usage plus conscient et plus raisonné des réseaux sociaux.



Après avoir travaillé dans différents secteurs professionnels : public, privé, en ESN, dans l'édition, Kevin Delfour s'installe à Lyon pour tenter un nouveau challenge : la construction d'une entreprise libérée. Ingénieur en développement informatique, expert en Java, il passe le cap de la simple prestation et se réalise au sein d’une équipe où les responsabilités sont partagées et les challenges nombreux. Il expérimente, crée, dépasse ses limites et acquiert de solides compétences entrepreneuriales. En 2017, Kevin invente et lance iBubble Camera, le tout premier drone autonome sous-marin.






BGP Workshop in Lyon on December 5th & 6th

on Friday, 17 November 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

BGP Workshop in Lyon on December 5th & 6th

Register-now for the BGP Workshop that will be held at the Rezopole premises in Lyon! Learn the basics and master one of the fundamental protocols of the Internet for an efficient peering.


The Rezopole BGP Workshop presents the routing BGP, the founding protocol of Internet, necessary to use Internet on an IXP, the concepts of peering and Route Servers. The workshop also explains the setup techniques to announce and filter networks, both in IPv4 and IPv6.


Train your technical team on BGP protocol:

Tariff for 2000 € (Ex-VAT) for 2 persons during 2 days! We offer lunches!


Do you want to participate? Just send us email.

The registration closing date is on December 1st, 2017.


  • IP Reminders/Routing
  • VM and Quagga
  • Cisco Reminders
  • The first sessions configuration
  • Simple Filtering
  • BGP Session in FULL Table
  • Configuration with IP public adresses
  • 1 filtre out on the announced IP                      
  • 1 route-map in deny
  • 1 route-map weight
  • Documentation community
  • 1 route-map community
  • IPv6 Context and goals
  • BGP IPv6 Sessions
  • Optionally: What changes between V4 et V6 !
    To implement V6 et continue to ensure V4.                        

Learn more


  Download the BGP training info 



Save the date: RUG 17 on December 15th!

on Wednesday, 15 November 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

Save the date: RUG 17 on December 15th!

The next RUG (Rezopole User Group) is held on December 15, 2017 from 9:00 to 12:00 am at the Rezopole premises.


This edition will be about Traffic Flow: the Rezopole team proposes a feedback on its use of the traffic flow protocols and the Nfsen/Nfdump open source, as well as the presentation of tools developed by Rezopole to exploit these data.


 - Breakfast

- Reminder on the functioning of Traffic Flow
  - Netflow vs Sflow vs IPFIX
  - Analysis of flow

- Feedback on the Nfdump/Nfsen tool
  - Presentation of the tool
  - Problems encountered:
    - Retention policy
    - Difficulties of the data interpretation
    - Adaptation of filtering policy
    - Implementation of automated processes
    - Compatibility of equipment
  - Practical cases of post-mortem analysis

- Presentation of the Rezopole tools based on Traffic Flow

- Future projects and round table



Don't miss it!



IXPloration 7 on November 15th !

on Wednesday, 25 October 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

IXPloration 7 on November 15th !

Come discover LyonIX in the premises of Rezopole on Wednesday, November 15th from 9:30 am!


Join right now! Attention: a limited number of places!


Completely free, this monthly meeting is the LyonIX presentation event intended for the companies interested in a connection to the IXP/NAP of Lyon.


The connected members who would like to take advantage of LyonIX, are also cordially invited.





9.00 – 9.30 am: Reception around a coffee


9.30 – 11 am: Presentation of LyonIX

                            - Economic and technological advantages

                            - Connection solutions

                            - Questions and answers


11 – 12am: Visit of LyonIX Point of Presence



  Register now! 



LyonIX IXPloration is held at the Rezopole premises. For organizational & security reasons we place a limit on the number of participants up to a maximum of 10.



Aperezo 45 with Arista Networks

on Tuesday, 24 October 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Aperezo 45 with Arista Networks

The next Aperezo organized by Rezopole in Lyon, sponsored Arista Networks, will be held on Thursday, September 20th at the Chez les Gones restaurant starting at 6:30 pm. Meet the Arista Networks team and the regional IT industry professionals.


As places remain limited, please register now.


For safety reasons, please bring imperatively your personal confirmation of registration. Any non-registered person would be denied access to the Aperezo.


Please register* before November 1st, 2017.



  Register now ! 


Please limit to 3 the number of professionals by company





* The participation at the Aperezo is reserved for the Rezopole members. If you are not a member yet, please complete the membership form (Silver membership is free).

Rezopole participates at the Euro-IX 31st forum!

on Friday, 13 October 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

Rezopole participates at the Euro-IX 31st forum!

The association of European IXP organises its biannual forum, from 15th till 17th of October in Bratislava (Slovakia). During these meetings, the IXP share their experiences and study new perspectives needed to handle upcoming challenges: growth of traffic, needs for redundancy and security, evolution of uses...


The Rezopole team presents one of the particularities of LyonIX: the use and promotion of the links between IXP.


Learn more

Euro-IX organizes 2 Fora per year, held each time in a different location in Europe. Our meetings have been initiated to bring together all Euro-IX affiliated IXPs & Patrons in one place to discuss relevant issues faced by Internet Exchanges. The Fora include discussions on both technical and managerial topics, presentations by IXP representatives and IXP related vendors, as well as social events.



Plateforme IdO new look!

on Wednesday, 13 September 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Plateforme IdO new look!

Welcome to the new homepage of the first Web site for getting in touch with the actors of the Internet of Things! New sections such as domains covered by the platform appear. From now an important part is dedicated to news with current events susceptible to interest local governments and companies in search of information on the emergence of the IoT in our everyday life.





New LyonIX member: AVM Up!

on Wednesday, 13 September 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

New LyonIX member: AVM Up!

At the same time a telecom operator, Internet service provider and operator of hosted services, AVM Up chose the cloud to resolve the problems that affect professional telephony, e-mail, SMS, fax but also the processing of the multi-channel flow of incoming documents.


"Recognized and experienced Expert, our areas of activity group together 3 fields:

software,  telephony for business and network."


 AVM Up is at the same time the expertise, commitment and quality! AVM is a human-sized independent 100% French company.


"This proximity allows us to exchange our know-how (Commercial, Customer service, R&D, Operator service and Networks (NOC), Administrative, etc.) and to bring a true support to our customers, with a high quality level, a high availability and a closely monitored security."


Why LyonIX?

  • The effort to improve the quality of Internet speed and the reduction in cost associated with the bandwidth.
  • As Internet operator, it is also interesting to be able to reach the market place allowing to sell and to buy Internet transit and/or all types of IP services.
  • LyonIX also allows to interconnect directly to our customers to be as close as possible to them and guarantee them a higher level of security by the implementation of an additional path towards the platform.
  • LyonIX is also a perspective to reach other IXP: France-IX, Equinix … whose future potential customers can become members.
  • Finally, LyonIX can also be interconnected with other country, the United Kingdom in particular.


AVM Up is present at the LyonIX 2D rack

ASN: AS201246

Learn more

Find more information here: AVM Up

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