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Articles tagged with: router

Good practices for connecting to an IXP

on Tuesday, 14 August 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

Good practices for connecting to an IXP

Over the last 10 years, Internet exchange points have witnessed a considerable number of changes: technological change, an increase in the number of connected members, diversification of membership types, etc. The number of Internet exchange points has also increased. All these developments have allowed IXPs to become better known, to encourage local traffic and thus to become important infrastructures for network service providers.

However, this popularity also leads to problems such as poor router configuration by new members. "Such configurations can cause unwanted broadcasts, false route announcements, unicast flooding and bandwidth theft. All this can ultimately impact all members connected to an IX," explains Masataka Mawatari of Japan Internet Exchange Co. Ltd.

For this reason, a group of Japanese IXP operators, BBIX, JPIX, JPNAP, and KDDI worked together to update the Good Business Practices document. Originally developed by the JANOG community about ten years ago, this document describes for an AS operator the recommended settings of an IXP connection router.

Find the complete document in this article by Robbie Mitchell of July 31th on the APNIC blog.

Source: APNIC.




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