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Articles tagged with: rapport Arcep

Traffic to ISPs up 50% in one year

on Friday, 09 July 2021 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Traffic to ISPs up 50% in one year

In order to accelerate the development of 5G, and in particular in the industrial world, the State is targeting €1.7 billion in public and private investment until 2025. The executive "will mobilise €480 million in public funding to support priority projects between now and 2022, and is aiming for up to €735 million in public funding between now and 2025 in order to mobilise, through a leverage effect, up to €1.7 billion in investments between now and 2025", said Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Minister for Industry, at a press conference on 6 July.


The problem for the government today is not to deploy 5G infrastructure but to accelerate the development of 5G use cases. In September 2020, the State has already selected 18 projects that will receive 83 million euros of public money, for a total investment of 260 million euros.

Three other projects have been announced and will receive €10 million of public money: a machine-to-machine communication (mMTC) project led by the engineering and consulting company Médiane Système, a network acceleration card from the Grenoble SME Kalray, and a building ventilation and heating control solution from another Grenoble SME, Adeunis.


The public funds will come from France Relance, the plan to support the economy after the Covid-19 crisis, and the 4th programme for future investments. The government estimates that this effort to stimulate 5G applications could create 20,000 new jobs by 2025, and bring the 5G market in France to 15 billion euros by that date.



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Arcep: Open Internet

on Thursday, 11 July 2019 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

Arcep: Open Internet

The Autorité de Régulation des Communications Électroniques et des Postes is publishing the 2019 edition of its Internet Health Check in France. Submitted to Parliament, this report highlights the actions taken to ensure the openness of the Internet, looks at potential threats and presents the regulator's action to contain them.


The balance sheet in brief!


1- Quality of services
The service comparators are so inhomogeneous today that the Arcep wanted to improve them by setting up an API in the boxes containing the "access identity card" of each terminal. This will allow a much better diagnosis with reliable information on the parameters of each measurement. This API is complemented by a code of conduct. Gradually adopted by the measurement stakeholders, it makes it possible to improve the reliability, transparency and readability of the results.


2- Data interconnection
In constant evolution, this ecosystem can be the site of occasional tensions. The Arcep is vigilant in monitoring the market. It publishes data from its information collection in its annual barometer of interconnection in France. When the situation requires it, the Arcep can also become a "gendarme" and settle disputes between the actors.


3- Transition to IPV6
The end of IPV4 is now scheduled for June 2020. Operators' planned deployments of IPV6 may not be able to address the shortage of IPV4 addresses. Therefore, Arcep will organise the first working meeting of the "IPV6 Task Force" in the second half of 2019. These meetings will aim to accelerate the transition to IPV6 in France by sharing the experiences of the different actors and defining actions to be implemented


4- Net neutrality
The guidelines for the implementation of the principle of net neutrality by national regulators have generally proved their worth. The country has a positive balance sheet. However, Arcep ensures that access providers continue to adjust their practices in line with the European regulatory framework.


5- Opening of terminals
If in terms of net neutrality, the Arcep can exercise its protection on networks there is a weak link: terminals. Adopted at the beginning of this year, the European "Platform-to-business" regulation brings more transparency on the practices of online platforms towards their corporate clients. However, this regulation does not yet ensure the neutrality of terminals. Arcep made 11 concrete proposals to ensure an "end-to-end" open Internet in a report on the issue in February 2018.



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Source : Arcep





Data interconnection barometer

on Wednesday, 26 December 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

Data interconnection barometer

By publishing this barometer of data interconnection in France 2018, the Autorité de Régulation des Communications Electroniques et des Postes (Arcep) proposes to popularize the subject in order to better understand the state and developments of this market.

The first part of this report presents this ecosystem of the Internet: what is the purpose of data interconnection, who are the main actors, how are they interconnected, what are the issues and modes of interconnection, etc.

In the second part, the Arcep makes an inventory of the interconnection situation in France. The data collected are aggregated results for the period from the first half of 2012 to the first half of 2018. They thus make it possible to see the growth of incoming and outgoing traffic, the increase in installed capacity, the evolution of interconnection methods, the distribution of traffic by interconnection mode, the breakdown of traffic by origin and the range of current tariffs.




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Source : Arcep





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