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Articles tagged with: grand lyon

Inauguration Point de Présence LyonIX 3

on Wednesday, 28 May 2014 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Inauguration Point de Présence LyonIX 3

Rezopole-LyonIX is inaugurating its third POP in Lyon: LyonIX 3 on the 24th of June. We have planned for this day several visits of the DCforDATA datacenter in Limonest where LyonIX 3 is hosted. Moreover, we are organizing a conference at the Congres Center in Lyon on the theme: "The value and benefits of a local Internet Infrastructure (IXP)". Finally, the official inauguration speeches and a cocktail dinner party will take place on the terrace of the complex.


Register for the POP LyonIX 3 inauguration


11h-16h: LyonIX 3 POP visits at DcforDATA (Limonest).


16h-18h: Conference "The value and benefits of a local Internet Infrastructure (IXP)"


18h-21h: official speeches and cocktail dinner party on the Roseraie terrace

Officiel web site

All informations related to the event are available on the official web site:


Rezopole, partenaire de l'événement BLEND WEB 2013

on Wednesday, 24 April 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Rezopole, partenaire de l'événement BLEND WEB 2013


Rezopole annouces the new 2013 web event: BLEND. The association La Cuisine du Web and Lyon University will take part in the new web event organisation. BLEND (web mix) will take place on the 1st and 2nd October at the Lyon congres center. This major web event is the result of the successful “Lyon Capitale Mondiale du Web” (Lyon world web capital) event, organised in 2012. BLEND aims at installing a recurrent big international event in Lyon.


The concept

On the BLEND (Web Mix) first edition agenda proposes two days of lectures, workshops, laboratories and meetingsare planned. It is opened to different type of public with experience in the Web ecosystem: entrepreneurs, researchers and research laboratories, recruiters, investors, developers, designers, students, trainers, bloggers ...



During two days, the following topics will therefore be dealt with in order to meet the needs of the public involved in the web:

  • Technical (web development, mobile web, systems, ...)
  • Creative (web design, branding and visual communication, user interface, responsive web design, ...)
  • Marketing and communication (digital communication, SEO, community management, ...)
  • Entrepreneurship (experience feedback, pitch startups, ...)
  • Research (connected objects, demonstration, joint workshops, science popularisation, ...)
  • Business (business models, processing and sales, ...)

BLEND will also be decorated with "BLEND, the OFF", a unique opportunity for other initiatives to enjoy the echo of the event.

The list of speakers on this link.


The organizers


The partners



In the framework of digital and Web strategy, the Greater Lyon also supports the event.

Télécharger la plaquette sponsors Blend

For more information, please visit this website:

250 participants à l'Aperezo 17 sur le salon Use IT 2012

on Thursday, 07 June 2012 Posted in Archives Rezopole

250 participants à l'Aperezo 17 sur le salon Use IT 2012

Aperezo 17organised in partnership with the Use IT Show and sponsored by Winsoft, Bouygues Télécom and NC2 took place on June, 5 and gathered 250 people.

Rezopole thanks its partners as well as all participants.

The evening inauguration of Use IT 2012 show gathered the association members and showers for a cocktail with a play by A nous de jouer!

Over the Aperezo 17 the play backpack syndrome was chosen in order to promote eco-responsible ICT functionality economy.


One morning, an IT company manager                            woke up with the strange heaviness feeling and a bloody weight on his shoulders. When he became conscious of the amount of energy necessary to produce, consume and throw daily objects, he could not, physically, carry these burdens. The doctor's diagnosis is categorical: it is the syndrome of ecological backpack, making an awareness of the environmental impact. But nothing like the prescription of a new economic model and a cure saving feature to feel lighter while developing his business...

You can watch the photos here.

Rezopole Thanks:




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