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Articles tagged with: aperezo 37

Aperezo 37 with Grand Lyon THD - COVAGE

on Wednesday, 09 March 2016 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Aperezo 37 with Grand Lyon THD - COVAGE

The next Aperezo organized by Rezopole in Lyon, in partnership with Grand Lyon THD (COVAGE), is going to be held on Thursday, March 24 at the Ninkasi Gerland restaurant starting from 18:30. Meet the Grand Lyon THD team and the regional IT industry professionals around a glass in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere.



Register to the Aperezo #37


About Grand Lyon THD - COVAGE

Grand Lyon THD, is the Lyon-based COVAGE subsidiary, responsible for the high-speed telecoms network construction and operation in the Grand Lyon territory. The Delegation of Public Service, launched in October 2015, has as vocation to cover the entire territory with broadband in order to connect professional and public sites with the fibre optic network starting autumn of 2016.







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