Inauguration Point de Présence LyonIX 3
Rezopole-LyonIX is inaugurating its third POP in Lyon: LyonIX 3 on the 24th of June. We have planned for this day several visits of the DCforDATA datacenter in Limonest where LyonIX 3 is hosted. Moreover, we are organizing a conference at the Congres Center in Lyon on the theme: "The value and benefits of a local Internet Infrastructure (IXP)". Finally, the official inauguration speeches and a cocktail dinner party will take place on the terrace of the complex.
Register for the POP LyonIX 3 inauguration
11h-16h: LyonIX 3 POP visits at DcforDATA (Limonest).
16h-18h: Conference "The value and benefits of a local Internet Infrastructure (IXP)"
18h-21h: official speeches and cocktail dinner party on the Roseraie terrace
Officiel web site
All informations related to the event are available on the official web site: