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Articles tagged with: agence de la transition écologique

Digital Sobriety: a priority for the government

on Friday, 09 October 2020 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Digital Sobriety: a priority for the government

The impact of digital technology on the environment would account for 1% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions - 2% in France. In order to curb this trend, the Secretary of State for the Digital Economy, Cédric O, and the Minister for Ecological Transition, Barbara Pompili, launched a roadmap on 8 October to tackle this issue.


The first axis consists of "objectifying the digital footprint", that is to say, making something intangible visible and therefore quantifying it exactly and improving the quantification methodology. Ademe (Agency for Ecological Transition) and Arcep will report their conclusions on how to inform consumers about the impact of their digital uses at the end of 2021.


The second priority is to extend the life of devices by encouraging their repair and re-use and by combating programmed obsolescence. Thus, all operators will be required to massify and systematise collection in their shops and to conduct awareness campaigns.

In addition, the recovery plan plans to devote 21 million euros to support the reuse and repair sector in France. The government will also conduct negotiations at the European level to reduce VAT on repackaged products.


However, there is no question of forcibly restricting French customs. The watchword is to incite the population to change its practices by showing pedagogy.

One of the novelties of the 2021 finance bill will be to oblige data centres to implement ambitious measures concerning their energy efficiency and heat recovery if they want to benefit from a reduced rate on their consumption.


The principle of eco-design must also be generalised. To this end, Ademe will be launching two calls for projects with companies. The companies will thus receive a bonus or a penalty depending on whether or not they take eco-design into account. They will also be encouraged to sign the Responsible Digital Charter which includes a set of good practices for a more responsible digital world.

The Planet Tech Care initiative has also been launched to put digital companies and training courses in touch with experts to help them reduce their environmental footprint free of charge.


Finally, the government wants to believe that digital and innovation can become tools for the environment. It plans to strengthen the GreenTech Innovation scheme, which will be endowed with a €300 million fund managed by the public investment bank Bpifrance to promote and finance green start-ups.


Certain avenues will now be debated and new measures are expected by the end of the year.



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Source : 01net





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