Together, your Internet even better

Articles tagged with: Internet

When will the white zones end?

on Tuesday, 14 August 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

When will the white zones end?

Among more than 35,000 municipalities in France, 541 still have no access to the Internet, even though it is now a necessity. The government has therefore set itself the goal of "getting rid of these white areas" by announcing broadband and very high speed access for all by 2022. Things seem to be moving in this direction with the "new mobile deal" concluded between the State and ARCEP to accelerate mobile coverage of territories or the compromise between SFR and Orange on the development of fibre in less dense areas.

Arnaud Bousquet proposes to review this digital divide in the 31th July radio programme Le téléphone sonne on France Inter. To answer the Internet question, mobile telephony: when will the white zones end? he receives Martine Lombard, member of the ARCEP college, Michel Combot, Director General of the Fédération Française des Télécoms and Sébastien Dufromentel, secretary of the Fédération FDN.



Listen to the show



The white zone concept only concerned mobile telephony and currently represents only 1% of the territory. Today, it also includes Internet access. To enable everyone to access this technology, more than 20 billion euros will be invested in the France Très Haut Débit plan.

For most people in these dense areas, it is not a choice not to use the Internet, it is a technical impossibility. The testimonies of various listeners from the Lot, the Hérault or even the Loire-et-Cher are quite appalling. Some have to travel several kilometres to have an Internet connection or pay a monthly subscription but only manage to connect once a week. Others, a little luckier, have an ADSL connection but very low and must therefore invest in additional equipment with a very irregular speed. The elected representatives also call on the operators to improve this connectivity wherever we go, work or live. However, there are other ways to connect like 4G, 5G or radio bridges. These transition technologies are deployed by the operators while waiting for the optical fiber.

If at the beginning of the 2000s, France had no delay for the deployment of ADSL, the same cannot be said for very high speed broadband. One of the reasons is that the major operators have prioritised their infrastructures at the expense of FTTH (fibre to the subscriber's home). Regulatory requirement is another such factor. However, France remains globally ahead in terms of optical fiber in Europe thanks to its investments over the last ten years.

Technical questions arise for the integral fibering of the population. In France, 40% of households do not have an address or number, although a house numbering plan is required for each commune. This plan speeds up the fibering process and limits the risk of errors during the optical fibre connection.

However, white areas are not limited to rural areas. Connecting to the Internet remains difficult or even impossible on public transport or rail networks. The equipment and coverage of the transport axes is an important point of the January agreement between the government and the operators. One of the objectives set is to cover 90% of the regional rail network in 4G by 2025.

This raises the question of equipment priority setting. Why do we choose to equip a city that already has 4G with optical fibre rather than a city where there is no Internet access? It is the local authorities that are supposed to define the priorities. But most local authorities, via the Public Initiative Networks, let the commercial operator decide which areas to equip. The economic development of the regions now depends on the development of the territory in digital infrastructures to be able to work and develop its trade.

This "digital new deal" is an important government commitment. The State is making efforts and is thus renouncing the financial auction of frequency allocations, i.e. around 3 billion euros. But in return, operators commit to invest these sums, or even more, in improving the mobile network with general commitments: transform all 3G sites into 4G, cover 55,000 km of road network by the end of 2020, create 5,000 sites each with mutualization to fundamentally remedy the mobile disparity.

A listener from Deux-Sèvres raises the question of the network's obsolescence. In rural areas, most subscribers have access to the Internet via ADSL via the telephone network installed over 40 years ago. However, the use of this network has its limits since the flow decreases with distance. Optical fibre is particularly suitable for these areas since the throughput remains the same whatever the distance. The choice of this technology is therefore justified, but it is still necessary to find the investments to deploy it. It is also necessary that the operators who lay the fibre do not keep it for their own profit. Indeed, this would lead to foreclosure for small ISPs and only large operators could operate.

The removal of these white areas can pose a problem for so-called electro-hypersensitive people since they are currently refuge areas. But how to face these contradictory wills because if certain people refuse Internet by principle or because of their health, it is a very strong stake in particular against the rural desertification of the youngest.

The digital divide can also be transposed to Overseas France. For example, in French Guiana less than 7% of the territory is covered by 4G. Only the coastal areas have good coverage, the rest of the department has no 4G access but these areas have a low human density. Investment efforts have been made by local authorities and operators in Overseas France, but more remains to be done, particularly in French Guiana.



Listen to the show


Source : France Inter



Internet: the cable battle

on Friday, 27 July 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

Internet: the cable battle

The dependence on digital and its infrastructures is increasing every day. To ensure their independence, the majors of the sector therefore invest in the network (Internet). Sophy Caulier reveals, in an article in Le Monde Économie on June 24, the battle that is being played out between the various players on this gigantic network.

Composed of three main elements: data centres, networks and interconnection points, the Internet is indeed a physical network. The cumulative length of the submarine cables is thirty times around the Earth, or 1.2 million kilometres. However, even though this infrastructure was built to be resilient, it is on the verge of overdose. For information, Netflix occupied one third of the bandwidth in the United States during peak hours in 2016. Another example: in 2018, companies are increasingly storing their data on the cloud with more than 20% growth for the French market. But the risk of overloading the network does not really worry.

The main threat is actually the breakage of submarine or land cables that can cause an Internet outage for several days. This was the case at the beginning of the year in about ten countries on the west coast of Africa. The infrastructure therefore remains fragile despite the redundancy of cables. Companies like OVH, InterCloud or Colt choose to build their own network to protect themselves but also to reduce costs and guarantee quality services to their customers.

GAFAM, which has had data centres for a long time, is also investing heavily in cables. "They deploy their own cables to interconnect their data centers on all continents without going through telecom operators. The challenge for these actors is to set the costs. In other words, they'd rather own than rent! "says Jean-Luc Lemmens, director of Idate DigiWorld's Media-Telecom division.

But when it comes to developing countries or certain geographical areas too far from cables, Internet giants deploy networks via satellites, UAVs or balloons. Amazon, Facebook, Virgin or SoftBank also have great satellite ambitions. Nothing seems to be able to stop the almighty GAFAM in their race to control the armature of the Net.

Click here to read an extract of the article (full article if you subscribe to Le Monde).

Source: Le Monde Économie



How does Internet work ?

on Monday, 25 June 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

How does Internet work ?

[French article]


Contrairement à ce que beaucoup imaginent, Internet ne flotte pas dans l‘air. Il existe grâce à des câbles, datacenters et IXP contrôlés par des entreprises. Francesca Musiani, chargée de recherches au CNRS, explique pourquoi il est nécessaire de comprendre ces rouages afin d’être un internaute avisé.


La spécialiste des architectures de l’Internet nous présente dans une vidéo diffusée par Treize Minutes les dessous d’un monde encore trop méconnu. Les infrastructures réseaux font en sorte que leur fonctionnement reste discret, si bien que l’on ne prend conscience de leur existence qu’au moment où Internet atteint ses limites, qui sont bel et bien matérielles. Pourtant, il est primordial de mieux conceptualiser cet outil du quotidien, qui est bien plus tentaculaire qu’il n’y paraît.



Voir la vidéo



En effet, elle soulève le fait que les diverses infrastructures Internet sont sous le contrôle d’entreprises qui poursuivent leur intérêt propre. Un fait qu’il faut bien comprendre, notamment en cette période où la protection des données personnelles et la manipulation de l’information sont au cœur de tous les débats.


Dans un article de Libération rédigé par Amaelle Guiton, Francesca aborde le sujet du projet de loi sur la lutte contre les « fake news ». Pour elle, l’essentiel du problème ne réside pas dans l’émetteur de ces fausses informations, mais dans le fonctionnement-même des grandes plateformes sur lesquelles elles sont diffusées.


Leur modèle économique leur permet de propager des informations plus rapidement que tous les autres supports, qu’elles soient réelles ou infondées. Ainsi, une solution serait de rendre plus transparente l’activité de ces émetteurs de contenu. Par l’intervention d’entités tierces ciblant l’origine systémique du problème, Francesca espère pouvoir le résoudre sans bouleverser tout le fonctionnement des grandes plateformes. De plus, elle estime que le monopole de l’information en ligne par certaines entreprises est aussi une des sources du problème, qui pourrait être palliée par l’émergence de nouveaux acteurs. Des pistes de solutions intéressantes à découvrir dans cet article.



Lire l'article



Sources : Treize Minutes, Libération, Amaelle Guiton.

Register for the 50th Aperezo!

on Friday, 01 June 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Register for the 50th Aperezo!

Rezopole and Distriwan are pleased to invite you to the 50th edition of the Aperezo which will take place on Wednesday 27th June 2018 at Rooftop 52 in Lyon, from 18h30.


The configuration of the place being exceptional, the capacity is limited to a maximum of 100 people.

For organizational and security reasons, any person who does not have a personal registration confirmation* will be refused access to our event.

* Confirmation by name sent by e-mail at a later date.


By registering, you agree, if you appear on the photos taken during the event, that they be published on our site, social networks and the site of our partner.



I register



Please limit the number of professionals per company to 3.





À propos de notre sponsor

Let's build tomorrow's successes today!

For more than 15 years, our priority has been to guarantee to all our partners an irreproachable quality of service and the most attractive prices on the market.

Specialized in the sale of network architectures, unified communications solutions, security, storage & video surveillance for IT professionals, our teams are committed to your side.

Our assets to accompany all your projects? Dynamism, reactivity and proximity!



Publication of the RezoLink 2018!

on Wednesday, 30 May 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

Publication of the RezoLink 2018!

Find the directory listing the players interconnected on our IXPs and the network and telecom experts in the region. We're welcoming back the Gold members, also present in this edition. Available free of charge in paper version on request and on the website in PDF format.







A paper version is distributed in 2000 copies by mail or at our events. If you wish to have the paper version, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

IXPloration 14: register today!

on Wednesday, 30 May 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

IXPloration 14: register today!

Rezopole awaits you on Thursday 28th, June in its premises for the next IXPloration.


Entirely free, this monthly meeting is a presentation of LyonIX intended for structures interested by a connection on the IXP/NAP of Lyon. The connected members, who would like to enjoy LyonIX better, are also cordially invited.



   I register  


The number of participants is limited to 10 people.





9:00 – 9:30 am: Reception with some coffee

9:30 – 11:00 am: Presentation of LyonIX

                         - Economic and technological advantages

                         - Connection solutions

                         - Questions and answers

 11:00 am – 12:00 pm : Visit of LyonIX Point of Presence

June 28th : IXPloration 14!

on Tuesday, 29 May 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

June 28th : IXPloration 14!

This completely free event allows you to discover the many advantages, for your structure, of being connected to the IXP/NAP of Lyon.



See you on June 28th, 2018 at Rezopole's premises

(73 rue du Général Mangin, 38000 Grenoble).

More details on this morning here.


Registration opens soon!





Need a BGP training?

on Monday, 28 May 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

Need a BGP training?

See you on October 09th and 10th! During these two days, you will gradually and completely approach the different aspects of BGP (peering and the use of Route Server). On the 1st day already, you set up your first session. The workshop also explains techniques for announcing and filtering networks in both IPv4 and IPv6. The training covers the operation and configuration of the BGP protocol on Bird, Cisco, Mikrotik, Quagga equipments. The BGP routing protocol is required to interconnect on an IXP.

Price: 1000 € (Ex-VAT) per attendee during 2 days (lunch included)!

This training may be covered by your OPCA (Rezopole activity number: 84691581469).


Do you want to participate? Just send us an email.

The registration closing date is on October 02nd, 2018.



  • IP Reminders/Routing
  • VM and Quagga
  • Cisco Reminders
  • The first sessions configuration
  • Simple Filtering
  • BGP Session in FULL Table
  • Configuration with IP public adresses
  • 1 filtre out on the announced IP                      
  • 1 route-map in deny
  • 1 route-map weight
  • Documentation community
  • 1 route-map community
  • IPv6 Context and goals
  • BGP IPv6 Sessions
  • Optionally: What changes between V4 et V6 !
    To implement V6 et continue to ensure V4.                        

Learn more


  Download the BGP training info 



The 2017 Activity Report is online

on Friday, 25 May 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

The 2017 Activity Report is online

Find in this document the retrospective of our actions and events of the past year. For example, in the Internet, Network and Telecom sector, the RezoGirls and the Aperezo must attend, which alone account for more than 600 participants. In terms of development and support, Rezopole has created a new appointment entitled "IXPloration" dedicated mainly to structures wishing to know all the advantages that members connected to our IXPs enjoy. A new catalogue of services and training offerings was also launched last summer... Much more information is detailed in this new annual report.

We invite you to download it in pdf format from this link.

Enjoy your reading!

Register to the IXPloration in Grenoble!

on Thursday, 17 May 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX

Register to the IXPloration in Grenoble!

Rezopole awaits you on Thursday 7th, June from 9:30 am in Eolas's datacenter for the next IXPloration.


Entirely free, this monthly meeting is a presentation of GrenoblIX intended for structures interested by a connection on the IXP/NAP of Grenoble. The connected members, who would like to better enjoy GrenoblIX, are also cordially invited.


Please bring a valid ID, without which you will not be able to attend the event.


   I register  



The number of participants is limited to 12 people.


9:00 – 9:30 am: Reception with a cup of coffee

9:30 – 11:00 am: Presentation of GrenoblIX

                         - Economic and technological advantages

                         - Connection solutions

                         - Questions and answers

 11:00 am – 12:00 pm : Visit of Eolas's datacenter



See you in Grenoble!

on Thursday, 17 May 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX

See you in Grenoble!

Rezopole and Telenco are pleased to invite you to the 49th edition of the Aperezo which will take place on
Wednesday 6th June 2018 at the Upper Place restaurant, starting at 6:30 pm.

Warning: the number of places being limited, registration is MANDATORY.
For organisational and security reasons, any person who does not have their personal registration confirmation * will be refused access to our Aperezo.

By registering, you accept that, if you appear on the pictures taken during the event, they will be uploaded on our website, social networks and our partner's website.



I register



* Confirmation by name sent by e-mail at a later date.




About our sponsor

Telenco networks, leader on the market of fixing and connection accessories for copper and optical cables since 1999, extends its expertise to IT networks and data centers. The company designs and manufactures standardised or tailor-made solutions that meet customers' needs and their specific constraints. The products are manufactured and assembled in Moirans (France-38), Porto and Pombal (Portugal).

Telenco networks' IT and data center offer is a unique service on the market: 100% configurable, premium quality solutions delivered within 4 days.

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