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Global bandwidth : total throughput of 446 Tb/s

on Thursday, 05 September 2019 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

Global bandwidth : total throughput of 446 Tb/s

Of course, the international bandwidth is increasing, but this masks a rollercoaster evolution in recent years. This is at least what a study published on Wednesday by the Telegeography Research Institute found.
Indeed, according to this analysis, global Internet bandwidth increased last year by only 26%, the lowest annual growth rate in at least 15 years. Although the pace is slowing, international bandwidth has almost tripled compared to 2015.


A dynamism attributed, by Telegeography, largely to the African continent. With a compound annual growth rate of 45% between 2015 and 2019, it is the continent that has experienced the fastest growth. The Asian continent is not to be outdone, with its bandwidth volume reaching a compound annual rate of 42% over the same period.


"Since we started tracking international Internet capacity in 1999, the most efficient channel has always been between Europe, the United States and Canada. This route was overshadowed by the Latin American-US and Canadian route, which experienced an explosion in bandwidth," according to the research institute.


A paradigm shift due in particular to a better integration of the countries of the American bloc, "while Asia and Europe have a greater diversity of connectivity". The researchers also note that content providers have an increasingly important role to play as they now dominate the creation of the backbones of the global Internet through submarine cables. The latter connect the different Atlantic or Pacific coastal countries. In view of the latest transcontinental submarine cable projects, the evolution described by Telegeography does not seem likely to slow down.





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Source : Les Echos





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