Together, your Internet even better

RUG n°4 - Rezopole User Group

Next RUG on October 1...

RUG n°4 menu
- Rezopole new services and IXs presentation
- Reflexion on DDOS protection, experience sharing
- LYATISS presentation: infrastructures virtualisation: Stakes and solutions for ISPs
- Discussions...

Rezopole goes forwards ...

The IXP/NAP, the TelDej the Aperezo, Ytest, and more recently video conference or the remote desk (TID) Rezopole still wants to innovate.

Rezopole as an association must listen to its members and provide them with news they... need!

RUG (Rezopole User Group)

To keep on moving forward, we need your ideas about your needs, our IXs and our other services.

To communicate with you, we organize Rezopole User Group (RUG ) for the second year. They are informal groups of technicians working in the structures connected to one of
Rezopole IXs (or in process of being connected). The RUGs technically enables exchanges of "best practices", experiences, etc. They also allow interaction with Rezopole in services and places to create or improve.

A RUG includes fifteen people. A participant will prepare a presentation giving rise to a short overview (max 15 minutes) then ensures free discussions. Each RUG gives rise to a report filed by Rezopole. The reports are not published (on the web) but can be used by Rezopole for new members who question or enhance the the Association offers. They are sent to the participants.

These meetings are held in the morning so that they are clearly distinguished our most festive events. They are really working meetings that focus on technique.

For our members not present in Lyon, you can participate via Rezopole video conference system. People living in Lyon are asked to participate (at least in the initial meetings RUGs ).


Invitations => To participate in a RUG, you need an invitation Your company must be connected to a Rezopole IX or be in process of being connected. Furthermore, it is possible to invite participants when either has itself been involved in several RUGs.

Location = > Rezopole Premises, 181 av. J. Jaures, 69007 Lyon, Jean Jaurès Metro B.

Date => Thursdays (in general) from 8:30AM (coffee) to 10:30AM

  • RUG 4 , 1 October

  • RUG 5 , November 25

  • RUG 6 January 27

  • RUG 7 March 31

  • RUG 8, May 6

  • RUG 9, June 30

Topics => A theme is attached to each meeting.

The themes are for example:

  • IPv6: Migration, interests ...
  • Statistics: measuring its flow ,
  • DDOS attacks.

Note: at the end of each RUG, the theme of the next meeting is chosen. A participant undertakes to prepare this new theme.

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