Rezopole User Group #20
The next Rezopole User Group will take place on 24th May 2019 from 9am to 12pm at the Hôtel de Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, 1 Esplanade François Mitterand, Lyon 2nd.
This edition will focus on the challenges of network automation and the issues of its implementation. We will also provide feedback on the automated deployment of the configurations implemented on LyonIX in recent months.
Programme :
• Welcoming and coffee
• Feedback on the following configuration automation:
- Fabric-vxlan Huawei-Cisco (Rezopole)
- BGP and Inter-IXP Routing Server Route (Rezopole)
- Fabric-vxlan nexus 9300 via ansible (Alphalink)
- OpenBSD PacketFilter Firewall, OpenBGPd routers (Smile)
- Normalization of switch configurations (Smile)
• Exchanges with stakeholders in the form of questions and answers
The places are limited !
Please confirm your participation before May 17.
- Tags: automatisation, auvergne-rhone-alpes, event, lyonix, réseau, rezopole, RUG, RUG 20, telecom