Together, your Internet even better

What a pleasure to meet again!

A most instructive round table for this RezoGirls #13 whose theme was "E-reputation: beware of the boomerang effect! ». Trends, advice, tools, analysis of the phenomenon... Our 3 speakers shared with the audience all their best practices to manage your online reputation.


The speakers:

  • Antoine Gouy is a freelance designer working in the fields of video games, Web and pedagogy
  • Fanny Loubaton is specialized in Business Intelligence and expert in social networks
  • Marie Marcotte is an attorney in Lyon, France, specializing in digital and e-commerce law


A big thank you to all the participants for their good humoured interactions. The exchanges with the speakers were both cool and scholarly in a very relaxed atmosphere.

Thanks also to 1Kubator for our partnership and to Exoflow for the use of their room called "Bakassable Lyon Centre"; a modern, atypical and warm space to develop creativity in a collaborative work environment. The ideal place for RezoGirls!


Click here to discover the best pictures.





Photographer: Marine-Agathe GONARD / AGATHE PHOTOS





FaLang translation system by Faboba