Together, your Internet even better

Les RUGs reprennent

Rezopole User group number 11, the RUG 11 – will take place on March, 15, 2013, from 9.00 AM, in Rezopole office in Lyon (7th district). The concept remains the same: a lunch and technical exchanges with the Rezopole Internet Exchange Point users (or in the process of interconnecting).


RUG Programm: from 9.00 AM to 11.00 AM

- vCMDB interface: a public demonstration of the website on how the Control Manager Database Peers operates.
- Current technical news
- Exchanges about the Spanning Tree Protocol and Backup interface

RUG 11 Registration

Je m'inscris au RUG n°11


For more information on the RUGs, please visit the RUG page.

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