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The transition to IPv6 will take another 5 to 10 years...

As it has just celebrated its eighth anniversary, IPv6's technical specifications were developed nearly twenty years ago. Marco Hogewoning, a spokesperson for the RIPE NCC association, notes that this network protocol has not yet become a viable alternative to IPv4. He even estimates that the transition could take another five to ten years.


Despite the exhaustion of IPv4 addresses in November 2019, things have not accelerated. The economic incentive for small operators and corporate networks to switch to IPv6 could be the key to getting all players in the chain to switch to IPv6. Or the obligation for manufacturers to launch IPv6-capable connected objects on the market. In addition, governments in each country should lead by example with their own sites and services.


In France, Arcep is keeping an inventory of operators' efforts in this area. The latest barometer dates from November and showed that a significant portion of French subscribers are still not IPv6-enabled.



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Source : 01net





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