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The Arcep urges Orange to accelerate the end of ADSL

The fixed market regulation project concocted by the Arcep, already approved by the Competition Authority, has also just been endorsed by Brussels. Composed of two parts, it specifically concerns Orange for one part and all the players for the other.


One of the main objectives is to encourage Orange to put an end to copper and therefore to ADSL as quickly as possible so that it is not tempted to prolong the "rent" of the copper network. The incumbent operator will thus no longer have the right to open new copper access in buildings where the four major players are present in fiber optics. It will also have to more easily connect businesses and homes far from its network on demand, in order to fill the holes in the coverage racket and increase the rate of FttH adoption.

The telecom policeman has set another goal to contain Orange's dominance in the enterprise market. Indeed, all ISPs using its shared fiber to offer commercial offers to individuals will now also be able to do so for businesses.



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Source : 01Net





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