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Articles tagged with: open street map

OSM-FR: small fundraising for large project

on Thursday, 07 March 2019 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

OSM-FR: small fundraising for large project

Created in October 2011 to promote the collection, distribution and use of cartographic data under free licenses, the OpenStreetMap France association has just completed its second successful donation campaign. Indeed, it has just announced that it has collected €10,081 from 106 donors.

OSM France states on its blog that this call for donations was "aimed at upgrading and extending the association's technical resources. To indicate the expected improvements in community services, our technical team had quantified 3 levels (set at 4,000, 5,000 and 6,500 euros). You were 106 people to give to exceed all levels and reach a collection of 10,081 euros. [...]
A first server is being upgraded. Work will continue in the coming months. We have already improved the service of quality analyses performed by Osmose. Now we can reach a daily rhythm all over the world.
On the occasion of this call for (financial) donations, some interlocutors also proposed new material resources. Finally, and most importantly, new volunteers have emerged to strengthen the technical team".

This campaign, launched in mid-November, will therefore make it possible to rejuvenate and strengthen servers that are highly solicited and that "age quickly and threaten to give up on us".



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Source : ZDNet





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