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Articles tagged with: lyonix 2

FON in place between L1 and L2

on Wednesday, 11 April 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

FON in place between L1 and L2

40 Waves DWDM 1 or 10Gbit are available between the 2 PoP of:
- LyonIX1 / IN2P3
- LyonIX2 / SFR.

It is a route east of Lyon that comes to rescue the current EDX links passing along the Rhône. For all these connections, it is possible to stop at SynAAps / Business Geografic.

For its internal needs, EDX reserves about ten wavelengths, the rest can be allocated directly to its customers. Commercialization begins today.




New LyonIX 2I rack

on Tuesday, 24 January 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

New LyonIX 2I rack

Available at the Vénissieux NetCenter, room 0A28, this new bay is contiguous to the LyonIX 2H bay, allowing the present members to request for inter-bay G-H-I patching for the price of an intra-bay!


To reserve your spot, please contact-us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or +33427460050.




Pays Voironnais Network is transported to LyonIX

on Monday, 14 April 2014 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Public Service Delegation contract (PSD) Pays Voironnais Network (PVN) interconnected to the Lyon Internet exchange point, to the LyonIX 2 POP. The Pays Voironnais PSD proposes offers on optical fiber and DSL on the Voiron (Isère) region. It does not sell directly to the companies because it is an operator of operator. All the offers are thus presented by telephone companies or Internet.

Until today, not many operators had taken the step, to traffic services on PVN because it was necessary to them to join physically the network of PVN since Grenoble or Lyon causing significant costs, especially for the first customers.

From now Pays Voironnais Network allows all operators who want to provide services on the Voiron region to make it directly since LyonIX, with the same charges as if they were physically in Voiron, this local offer always remains valid.


So, PVN neutralises a relative isolation of Voiron in term of Telecom and allows to accelerate the offers and flow rates development, with a reduction in the prices expected for the end users (companies, public bodies).


The interconnexion advantages

For Alain Sommerlatt, person in charge of PVN, " it is a new start for Voiron economic zone because LyonIX assembles the majority of Telecom actors of the Rhône-Alpes region, and it will now be simpler and faster to them to join our network of Voiron fiber, without any additional cost. "

Samuel Triolet, Rezopole director adds: "we can thus expect this DSP revitalisation which already has a fine network, passing as closely as possible to the regional companies. Thanks to the providers Telecom and Internet concentration on LyoIX and GrenoblIX IXP, the DSP projects, as PVN, can propose more offers, more quickly, with better rate flows, and the end users will only take advantage of it."

To know more:

VTL Wave Net, filiale de Viatel, est arrivée sur LyonIX 2

on Tuesday, 20 November 2012 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

VTL Wave Net is connected to the Internet exchange point LyonIX, on the POP L2E in order to optimize the Internet transport infrastructure."VTLWaveNet Viatel group, is pleased to announce its recent connection to theLyonIX/ Rezopole platform. VTLWaveNet can now offer to its Lyonix community members very high speed Internet connectivity service to the main European capitals at Carrier prices. ISPs and LyonIX connected companies can profit from pricing and quality reserved to our international ISP customers, a mere optic fiber ring is necessary for LyonIX members" says Herve Legay, the company Development Director, about the interconnection. 

VTLWaveNet is part of Viatel group. VTLWaveNet is the exclusive owner of a European network optic fiber and the latest generation subway optic fiber enabling to connect the main Datacenters and Internet exchange points.

VTLWaveNet service includes  dark fiber, colocation, very high speed wavelengths, leased lines and Ethernet virtual private networks. VTLWaveNet offers a variety of services for European and metropolitan networks. The excellent reputation of our project management team, our flexibility and agility to find the right solutions for our customers constitute our strenghs.

For more information:

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