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IT events
* * Orange - Rezopole events
* * Blue - ICT events in Lyon and the Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region
The Rezopole Calendar is available in ICS or XML/RSS.
Benefits of the interconnection
Interconnecting your LAN (Local network) to our IXP gives you many benefits:
- Free and unlimited peering with the interconnected members
- High-speed Internet >100 Mbps
- Improved Local trafic
- Significant latency reduction (several tens of ms)
- Facility and economy whereas implementing access network
NAP benefits:
- Telecom market place: IP services sale and purchase
- Transit purchase (full internet access) from several carriers
- Direct access to national and international carriers
- Have access to better offers from members
- Bandwidth flexibility (low latency)
Economic and financial benefits:
- Reduced prices for internet bandwidth and telecommunication services by creating a local marketplace
- Greater competition among providers
- Boost the IT local market
- Develop highly skilled jobs in the region
- Develop the ICT sector and its new activities - Cloud, Big Data, mobile apps, streaming
Benefits for the region:
- Boost the IT sector (Data centers, ISPs, hosted application providers, software vendors) over the region
- Attract high-tech and networking foreign companies in need of important Internet capacity
- Increase the IT job offers
- Have a local telecommunication expertise organization
Biographie Fabrice Rouvier
FABRICE ROUVIER - System & Network Engineer
Sorti de l'Université Joseph-Fourier à Grenoble, touche-à-tout pendant une dizaine d'années, est venu s'installer à Lyon pour développer ses compétences en tant qu'Ingénieur Systèmes et Réseaux. Il travaille pour Rezopole depuis février 2015.
Julie Debernardi Biography
JULIE DEBERNARDI - Administrative & Finance Assistant
Titulaire d'un BAC professionnel Comptabilité, renforcé par un BTS Assistante de Gestion, Julie DEBERNARDI a acquis une solide expérience dans le domaine de l'administration et de la gestion. Originaire de Savoie, Julie s'installe à Lyon début 2016 et assure le rôle polyvalent de consultante RH au sein du centre d'affaires AGISS de Villeurbanne (69). Dynamique et volontaire, Julie décide de donner un nouvel élan à sa carrière et rejoint Rezopole le 6 juin 2016. Elle occupe aujourd'hui la fonction d'Assistante Administrative et Financière de l'association.
Biographie Ronan Bianic
Autodidacte passionné d'informatique depuis sa découverte du ZX81 puis des réseaux de télécommunications avec le Sagem 801, l'arrivée d'internet l'a convaincu d'en faire son métier. A commencé comme entrepreneur en créant sa société de services en informatique, il a peaufiné son expérience à l'étranger et dans des entreprises tel que Alstom, Hospices Civils de Lyon ou encore Total. Aujourd'hui Directeur Technique pour Rezopole, à votre service!
Biographie Veronika Guillon
VERONIKA GUILLON - Communications Manager
Titulaire d'un diplôme Master 2 en Communication Internationale des Entreprises et Administrations à l'Université Lyon 3, Veronika Guillon a intégré l'équipe de Rezopole en tant que stagiaire en Marketing et Communication en avril 2014. Elle est Assistante en Communication depuis octobre 2015, Chargée de Communication depuis janvier 2018, et s'occupe des actions en communication de l'association et l'animation de la filière IT sur la Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.
Biographie Xavier Chatagnon
XAVIER CHATAGNON - Business Unit Manager
Xavier Chatagnon est, avant tout, spécialisé en management et développement commercial multicanal. L'essentiel de sa carrière effectuée au sein de groupes tels que Auchan, Warner et Bertelsmann lui donne l'opportunité d'exercer dans de nombreux domaines opérationnels et fonctionnels. De chef des ventes à responsable de la promotion des ventes, de directeur du marketing à directeur du développement, chaque nouveau challenge est pour lui source de motivation. En 2005, Il crée sa propre maison d'édition puis se consacre au développement e-business (marketing omnicanal) et à la formation professionnelle. Passionné de musique, Xavier Chatagnon est également auteur (plusieurs ouvrages et biographies à son actif) et journaliste. Il collabore depuis plus de vingt ans à différents magazines de la presse musicale.
Rezopole operates 2 Internet eXchange points (IXP) with a total of 7 Points of Presence (POPs) in France.
Our IXPs (in blue on the map) are connected, which gives each IXP members the opportunity to peer with the other members. Moreover, these IXP are interconnected to other IXPs in France or abroad (in orange on the map) in order to allow peering between the members of each IXP.
How to peer
In order to use our interconnections and reach the members of the other IXPs, you need to peer on our Route Servers. You don't have to add an extra IP. Members can filter the received routes and chose to advertise their prefixes only to certains Internet eXchange Points throughout the BGP community.
For more information on the infrastructure status, stats or the AS list, you can check the Network Operation Center page:
Infrastructure EuroGIX
ARIA association manages Strasbourg’s IXP in Alsace (EuroGIX).
An IXP (Internet eXchange Point) allows the members to exchange Internet traffic between their networks, thanks to “peering” agreements, without extra costs. Moreover, an IXP can also be a NAP (Network Access Point), which is a local market place in the telecommunication area.
For the territory
The regional exchange points improve the IT sector (Internet service providers, hosted applications, hosting, software publishers etc) in the area, promoting high qualified jobs (and tax yield) in Strasbourg and the Alsace Region.
A GIX with a cross-border nature: EuroGIX is the first point of contact between operators with a cross-border nature, in order to exchange internet stream.It consists of several points of presence, through
How to peer
In order to use our interconnections and reach the members of the other IXPs, you need to peer on our Route Servers. You don't have to add an extra IP. Members can filter the received routes and chose to advertise their prefixes only to certains Internet eXchange Points throughout the BGP community.
For more information on the infrastructure status, stats or the AS list, you can check the Network Operation Center page:
Rezopole Umaps
Interconnected Rezopole Premium Members
Gold and Silver Rezopole Members
IXPs interconnected to LyonIX
Rhônes-Alpes Commercial DataCenters
Rhônes-Alpes telco DSPs
Cixp POPs
French LIR map
French DC Map
Internet eXchange Point
The IXP is a physical infrastructure which allows users to exchange local Internet traffic through mutual agreements known as "peering". The IXP users can improve the quality of their bandwidth and avoid data transfer additional costs. Therefore, an IXP is a major factor for the local Internet development: the users located in the same city can exchange traffic locally, rather than having to go through remote infrastructure, such as Paris, London, Amsterdam or even New York.
In the beginning, there was Internet !
The Internet is what we call the “network of networks”. But first of all, what is a network ?
A network is a group of at least two computers that are connected to each other. In most cases, these computers are connected through a switch, or hub, which transmits information to the right computer or computers.In larger networks, several switches/hubs are linked together.
The Internet is a set of networks that are connected to each other and correspond to IP operator networks, that we call Autonomous Systems (AS). They can be Internet Service Providers, as well as hosting facilities, datacenters, CDNs, large IP networks (public or private) and all other optical fiber operators.
But how does it work when you send an information (actually IP packets) to a machine that is located in a different AS?
There are two possibilities :
- The two Autonomous Systems may exchange their IP packets on a IXP (if possible, a local one).
- Or, the two Autonomous Systems are not linked to each other directly. In this case, traffic flows through larger operators - known as transit providers - who exchange the traffic between them. This often takes place in exchange points, or they go on a higher level until they reach an exchange point.
Therefore, it is easy to understand the advantage of a local exchange point that limits the number of necessary intermediaries for transporting information from the source to its destination (a local one).
The Internet Revealed
And is your IP operator connected on your IXP ?
Internet and IXP global context
There are 153 IXP in Europe, located in 40 different countries? At least 93 of them are operated by Euro-IX members.
In Europe, all capital cities have their internet eXchange. (You can also check out this website:
page en construction
Interconnection steps
To join our IXPs, you need to follow the next steps:
- Sign the purchase order
- Manage your access connection to our IXP (locally, if your equipment is present in a Datacenter in which we operate, or through an operator link. All level 1 and 2 transport carriers are present on our POPs)
- If you can't reach our IXP with a LAN connection, you have to provide your router or switch (direct connection on our switch is possible)
- Connect the our equipments with 10, 100, 1000 Mbs FE or FO with 1 Gbs (SX, LX or ZX) or 10Gbs (LR)
- Have a BGP router (and know how configure it)
- Have an Autonomous System Number (ASN) and IPv4 and v6 provided by RIPE-NCC (or APNIC or ARIN). If you don't have one, contact us! We can help you obtain an AS
- And of course to know by heart all the RFCs, in particular the RFC1149 updated by RFC2549... :).
We authorizes the purchase of back2back IP service, VLAN or Wave (intra-POP). Our IXP are therefore peering points, but also a neutral marketplace for Internet bandwidth (transit).
You may request VLAN on our switches.
Services for members
- On 10/100/1000 Mbs copper support or 1/10 G fiber
Public peering
- IPv4/IPv6 unicast in the same VLAN, IPv4 multicast. No transit sale on this VLAN
Private peering
- Private VLANs between members
- For peering isolation or exchange other types of traffic (peering sale/purchase, transit, connections, collections). On the same POP. Feel free to consult us for other requests.
Intra-POP waves
- To isolate peering or exchange other types of trafic without passing through our active (peering sale/purchase, transit, connections, collections) on the same POP. Feel free to consult us for other requests.
Intra-POP dark fiber
- To isolate peering or exchange other types of trafic without passing through our active equipments (sale/purchase peering, transit, connections, collections) on the same POP. Feel free to consult us for other requests.
- Physical hosting of network materials (Switch, Routers, Mux...)
- Remote control ports (Serial to IP)
- Remote electric powerreboot ports
Other services
- Inter-IXP Gateway service (route servers): Via Route Server (peering layer 3) towards Equinix Paris, FR-IX, France IX, SFINX, Top-IX, TouIX, LILLIX, CIXP, AuvernIX and all IXPs operated by Rezopole (LyonIX, GrenoblIX, and EuroGIX)
- NTP synchronisation:
- FTP base and mirroir Debian:
- Peers access: technical intranet dedicated to connected members,
- Customer Portal: portal for our members, ticket declaration, follow up/resolution,
- Network operation center : public info and statistics :
- Mailing lists - annonces officielles et discussions entre membres :
- Services DNS: access to DNS ressources operated by the AFNIC:
-[.fr .re .wf .tf .pm .yt] (AS 2484)
-[.fr .re .wf .tf .pm .yt] (AS 2486)
- Services operated by Packet Clearing House :
- The anycast DNS network provides service for E, D, and L-root and over 180 TLDs (including some very large ones like .org, .info, .fr, .dk, .us, .ua, .in etc).