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Data Center kezako ?

on Friday, 22 May 2020 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Data Center kezako ?

More numerous, larger, French data centers or data centers in French have become a crucial issue for the development of the Internet. It is a physical place where various computer equipment, such as computers, servers, etc., are grouped together.


The main function of a data center is to store information that is useful for the proper functioning of a company. Depending on its size, the power of its storage systems, and other characteristics, it can store billions of pieces of data on customers, individuals, etc.


A large part of the world's data centers, today offered by Cisco, Jerlaure, Sigma, etc., are dedicated to hosting the servers used for browsing the Internet. In order to protect the data stored in these particular locations, all are subject to a high level of security.


In order for a data center to function optimally, certain conditions must be met, such as: excellent air conditioning, air quality control, emergency and backup power supply, 24-hour surveillance, etc.



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Source : Journal du Net





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