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Articles in Category: Archives LyonIX

Back on the Aperezo #56

on Monday, 15 April 2019 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Back on the Aperezo #56

Lyon deserved to have a Carrier Hôtel Neutre on its territory.

This is thanks to HosTELyon, which, after six months of renovation, presented its brand new

120-bay data center, mainly oriented interco Telecom.


An afterwork punctuated by the traditional dinner cocktail.


Find the main pictures of the evening here.




Photographe : Marine-Agathe GONARD / AGATHE PHOTOS





Bye bye Owncloud, hello Nextcloud!Bye bye Owncloud, hello Nextcloud!

on Friday, 12 April 2019 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

Bye bye Owncloud, hello Nextcloud!Bye bye Owncloud, hello Nextcloud!

100% open source and community-focused, Nextcloud allows you to store your documents, contacts, photos and manage your calendar. The main new feature: instant messaging for live chat and organize videoconferences.

This service is available free of charge to all our members. To do this, simply create an account at the following address: Users of Owncloud services are also invited to switch to Nextcloud.

The service is centralized on Rezopole's infrastructures, which provides a better quality of transfer for participants in Rezopole's IXPs, but also for users (companies, local authorities, etc.) whose ISPs work on this node.

More informations here.






on Thursday, 04 April 2019 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX


Sorry for the latecomers but the event is sold out. We are closing the registrations today.


HosTELyon and Rezopole are looking forward to meeting you on April 10th.

Meet at the Sapristi brewery, from 6:30 pm, to share professional experiences and good humour.





Agreement between Kosc Telecom and Ielo-Liazo

on Wednesday, 03 April 2019 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

Agreement between Kosc Telecom and Ielo-Liazo

Signed on 28 March, this strategic agreement between the two operators of French operators was concluded for a period of 20 years. It concerns access to their respective infrastructures.

Indeed, Kosc Telecom provides its FFTH collection infrastructure via its bitstream offer. This allows its new partner to enrich its catalogue of services and complete its offer of residential collection on existing copper support (xDSL).
Ielo-Liazo, for its part, is opening up access to its national fibre network via a new industrial NRO optical unbundling offer. This will enable Kosc Telecom to deliver high quality services and strengthen the national coverage of its Enterprise Fibre network.

This long-term partnership between these two operators, specialists in the wholesale of telecom products, represents for Ielo-Liazo a concrete application of its strategy aimed at offering the enterprise market a unified infrastructure offer for operators. While it is a complementary step for Kosc in its strategy to offer its customers operators 100% of the lines available in France.



 Read the press release


Source : Kosc Telecom





25 online tutorials on the fibre professions

on Wednesday, 03 April 2019 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

25 online tutorials on the fibre professions

Installing a distribution box, locating a defect on a fiber, performing a reflectometry measurement... Essential steps that an optical fiber technician must know how to master.

Faced with the urgent need to train these professionals, the association of the École des Plombiers du Numérique and the Infranum federation, with the support of Opcalia and several manufacturers in the sector (Telenco, Sogetrel, Spie), have launched the manual These 25 online tutorials present the different specialties of this profession in order to accelerate the mastery of these gestures.

In the form of a thematic sheet, each tutorial is based on a didactic video, photos and detailed explanations. 10 to 15 minutes are enough to integrate the learning. They will serve as a basis for teaching the fibre profession in the 9 Plumbers of Digital Plumbing schools, but they can be used by everyone, in particular to support the development of manufacturers in the digital infrastructure sector and the associated training needs.

This knowledge base is intended to be enriched by all the actors of the sector in order to professionalize it. The platform that hosts them is open to all for free.



 Read the article


Source : InfraNum





Internet speed: we are far from the mark!

on Wednesday, 27 March 2019 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

Internet speed: we are far from the mark!

The UFC-Que Choisir has published the results of its exclusive observatory of fixed Internet speeds. This is a negative result since we are very far from the operators' promises at 500 Mb/s, 1 Gb/s and even 10 Gb/s.


Even if subscribers are not fooled, the gap between the ads and reality is so large that it becomes absurd. This observatory therefore makes it possible to take stock of the Internet speeds that the French really benefit from and to draw three lessons from them.


1. Real flows light years away from those promised


Most operators offer their connected customers "up to 20 megabits/s" in ADSL. When we're barely at 8 Mbps actually. For Very High Speed, the gap is even higher. The actual average throughput is rather around 175 Mb/s while operators report 500 Mb or even 1 Gb per second.


Of course, these figures are only averages and they depend on other factors for which operators are not necessarily responsible. Nevertheless, the gap with the promised flow is gigantic.


2. 2 to 5 times lower flow in rural areas


The data from the observatory are unquestionable: the smaller the municipality, the lower the average flow rate. In ADSL, the difference ranges from a simple to a double: from an average of 9.1 Mb/s in cities with more than 30,000 inhabitants to 5.2 Mb/s in villages with less than 1,000 inhabitants.


The gap is even more obvious for Very High Speed connections. On average, 284 Mbps is surfed in large cities when an average speed of less than 100 Mbps is sufficient in municipalities with less than 3,000 inhabitants. And, it drops to 49 Mb/s in towns with less than 1,000 inhabitants.


3. Fiber optics, there's nothing better


The fact that the differences between cities and rural areas in terms of Very High Speed Internet access are so large is largely due to the technologies used. The inhabitants of large cities are mainly connected by FTTH (fibre to the subscriber). But those in small municipalities and villages too often have to be satisfied with less efficient solutions such as VDSL. While this improved ADSL theoretically allows a throughput of 100 Mb/s, it suffers a very high signal loss and only customers residing less than 1 km from the connection node can benefit from a higher throughput than ADSL.


In medium-sized cities, a significant number of subscribers are also connected via FTTB (Fiber to the building, or cable). While it is largely sufficient for the majority of Internet users, this technology suffers from a few defects such as a lower upload rate or a longer latency time.



 Read the article


Source : UFC-Que Choisir





5G: operators will miss frequencies

on Wednesday, 27 March 2019 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

5G: operators will miss frequencies

In order to launch the new generation of mobile networks, operators must be allocated frequencies by the end of the year. The first 5G antennas will thus be able to flourish and the flow rates will explode as early as 2020.


Across Europe, the 5G flagship band is the one between 3.4 GHz and 3.8 GHz - 400 MHz theoretically available to operators to water their customers with high-speed Internet.


The only problem is that, in France, this strip is already partially occupied by tenants who have no desire to empty the premises before the end of their lease in 2026. Among these cumbersome tenants are the Wimax licensees. This radio technology from the early 2000s was intended to provide broadband in rural areas through dedicated radio antennas.


A household is required and concerns two actors who are seated on 30MHz each: Bolloré Télécom (now Wifirst) throughout France and SFR in Ile-de-France and Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.


Arcep cannot therefore revoke their rights of use, even though frequencies are crucial for 5G. And Bolloré knows it. He is ideally placed today to recover. All he has to do is wait. The manufacturer can sit on it until 2026, use it himself to make 5G or even rent these frequencies to a third party.


But to make matters worse, the Arcep cut the 5G gang again a few months ago. The Telecom Constable has dedicated 50 MHz of his 400 MHz stock to "THD Radio" as part of the government plan to provide Very High Speed Internet access to all French people by 2022. And this until 2026.


On the Arcep side, it is stated that "there are no difficulties". Embarrassed, however, the regulator explained to Les Echos last summer that there could well be "only" 280 MHz of spectrum to auction... 30% less than the 400 MHz identified by Europe. Since the Authority has been studying its options, but nothing is moving.



 Read the article


Source : Les





Promote your company!

on Thursday, 21 March 2019 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

Promote your company!

You are a  Premium or Gold member of Rezopole: increase the visibility of your business expertise among more than 100 companies, local authorities and professional associations!

Enjoy a page entirely dedicated to your advertising in RezoLink 2019. This new edition brings together the interconnected players in Rezopole's IXPs and the Network & Telecom experts in your region.





Find all the information by clicking here.





Make your recruitment easier

on Thursday, 21 March 2019 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

Make your recruitment easier

You are looking for a network engineer, a Data Center technician, a Connection pilot... A new section on the home page of the Rezopole website lists the job offers selected by our team. Mainly focused on the Network and Telecom sector, it presents the main announcements of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.

This new recruitment space is also dedicated to the search for trainees working in the same professional fields.

Interactive, this new service also allows you to publish your ad. Fluid and fast, via a simple form, you can submit your request. We validate. We publish.



 Job offers                     Internship offers








Aperezo #56: Registration openings!

on Wednesday, 20 March 2019 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Aperezo #56: Registration openings!

hosTELyon and Rezopole are pleased to invite you to the 56th edition of the Aperezo which will take place on Wednesday 10th April at Sapristi, from 6:30 pm to 10 pm.

Attention: the number of places being limited, registration is MANDATORY.
For organizational and security reasons, any person not in possession of a nominative registration confirmation * will be refused access to the event.

* Confirmation by name subsequently sent by e-mail.


Please limit the number of professionals per company to 5.


I register


By registering, you agree, if you appear on the photos taken during the event, that they be published on our site, social networks and the site of our partner.



About our sponsor

"hosTELyon is the neutral Carrier Hotel in Lyon (telecom-oriented datacenter not owned by a telecom operator in the market). From the opening: 120 bays, Tier 3 design, and 600 m² of offices, meeting rooms, presentation rooms, preparation and rest rooms. A technical site above all, but also designed for the well-being of the participants.
Already more than 5 FON networks present on site, three fiber supply points, 2 power supplies.
hosTELyon manages security, electricity, air conditioning, patching D+1 and offers hands & eyes services. We only do that and we do it well! "




Register for IXPloration 20!

on Tuesday, 19 March 2019 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Register for IXPloration 20!

Rezopole is pleased to invite you on Wednesday, April 10th to the next IXPloration organized in its offices at 16 rue de la Thibaudière, 69007 Lyon.

This completely free event will be an opportunity for you to discover LyonIX, the IXP / NAP of Lyon.

Thus will be detailed during this morning:
- the IXP part, which improves Internet exchanges between users in a territory, reduces telecom costs, and secures and optimizes the network thanks to the multiple routes offered.
- the NAP part, which provides connected members with direct access to the operators present and their offers. We buy or sell any type of Telecom service with great flexibility.


On the agenda

9h00 – 9h30 : Welcome over a coffee

9h30 – 10h30 : Presentation of LyonIX :

                         - Economic and technical advantages

                         - Connection solutions

                         - Questions and Answers

10h30 – 11h30 : Visit to a LyonIX Point of Presence



 I register





The first Web page was born in Villeurbanne

on Wednesday, 13 March 2019 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

The first Web page was born in Villeurbanne

Tim Berners-Lee, a computer scientist at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), laid the first foundations of the Web in March 1989. Three years later, he presented the first site that could be consulted outside CERN at a scientific meeting in Annecy (the ancestor of the Web Conference) attended by the computer engineer Wojciech Wojcik, then CERN correspondent for the CNRS.

It returns to the laboratory with this technology of easy sharing of the same information. With another engineer, Daniel Charnay, he created France's first web page dedicated to IN2P3 (Institut National de physique nucléaire et de physique des particules located in Villeurbanne): a photo of the building, some information and three hypertext links to other websites around the world. The site thus became the first French site and the fifth largest in the world at the time.



 Read the article


Source : La Tribune Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes





THD radio: manufacturers are asking for more time

on Wednesday, 13 March 2019 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

THD radio: manufacturers are asking for more time

Arcep has opened a window to allow local authorities to obtain THD radio frequencies and thus deploy this technology on their territories. The challenge is to be able to offer very high speed (minimum 30 Mb/s) to households with the lowest ADSL coverage and promised a late arrival of optical fibre. According to InfraNum, some 2.2 million households will be affected by 2022.

But here we are, only a handful of local authorities have obtained or requested dedicated frequencies. Indeed, the Federation reports a "deployment of the THD radio [...] under study or confirmed for nearly 40 departments" and notes that to date a "dozen departments" have not initiated any action.

InfraNum therefore sounds the alarm and asks Arcep to extend the opening of the THD radio counter by one year. The objective is to have more time to convince these communities to opt for a wireless solution. If other solutions exist, such as 4G setting up major national operators, the Federation warns that it will "not support, in addition, specific domestic or professional uses". And the prospect of a fixed 5G service is no more to be considered "waiting for its arrival to meet an immediate need for very high fixed broadband in rural areas is a decoy" warns Etienne Dugas, President of InfraNum....



Read the article


Source : DegroupNews





Quality always on the agenda!

on Friday, 08 March 2019 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Quality always on the agenda!

Exciting exchanges between our four speakers during this afterwork dedicated to Emotional Intelligence in companies. For more than 1h30, Lisa Bellinghausen, Catherine Dou Eustaquio, Laurence Doumba Kinda and Nadia Boulegroun shared, with the audience, their practices and analyses of the phenomenon.

This round table, moderated by Élodie Mervelay from Rezopole, focused on the definition of Emotional Intelligence and its interpretation within the company.

Our interveners:

  • Lisa Bellinghausen (Qualia Conseil) is a Dr. in Psychology, lecturer, coach and trainer,
  • Catherine Dou Eustaquio (Zayo) is Account Director,
  • Laurence Doumba Kinda (Apec) is an HR Consultant and Community Manager,
  • Nadia Boulegroun (Alliances RH) is an HR & Organizational Management Consultant.


Also a big thank you to all the participants for their cheerful interaction. All this with seriousness. Click here to discover the best pictures.



 Photographer : Marine-Agathe GONARD / AGATHE PHOTOS





OSM-FR: small fundraising for large project

on Thursday, 07 March 2019 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

OSM-FR: small fundraising for large project

Created in October 2011 to promote the collection, distribution and use of cartographic data under free licenses, the OpenStreetMap France association has just completed its second successful donation campaign. Indeed, it has just announced that it has collected €10,081 from 106 donors.

OSM France states on its blog that this call for donations was "aimed at upgrading and extending the association's technical resources. To indicate the expected improvements in community services, our technical team had quantified 3 levels (set at 4,000, 5,000 and 6,500 euros). You were 106 people to give to exceed all levels and reach a collection of 10,081 euros. [...]
A first server is being upgraded. Work will continue in the coming months. We have already improved the service of quality analyses performed by Osmose. Now we can reach a daily rhythm all over the world.
On the occasion of this call for (financial) donations, some interlocutors also proposed new material resources. Finally, and most importantly, new volunteers have emerged to strengthen the technical team".

This campaign, launched in mid-November, will therefore make it possible to rejuvenate and strengthen servers that are highly solicited and that "age quickly and threaten to give up on us".



 Read the article


Source : ZDNet





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