Together, your Internet even better

Articles tagged with: lyonix

Aperezo 52: Registration opens!

on Thursday, 27 September 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Aperezo 52: Registration opens!

Rezopole and Infractive are pleased to invite you to the 52nd edition of the Aperezo which will take place on Wednesday 17th October at Aquarium of Lyon, , from 6:30 pm.

Attention: the number of places being limited, registration is MANDATORY.
For organizational and security reasons, any person not in possession of a nominative registration confirmation * will be refused access to the event.

* Confirmation by name subsequently sent by e-mail.


Please limit the number of professionals per company to 3.

I register
By registering, you agree, if you appear on the photos taken during the event, that they be published on our site, social networks and the site of our partner.





About our sponsor

A distributor specialising in very high-speed telecom transmissions, Infractive was born from the desire of a team of fibre optic network experts to combine their skills to create a company with a solid technical base. Infractive is positioned as a high value-added distributor and offers all the components of a telecom network: from the physical layer to the quality of service.

A trusted partner, Infractive offers a complete range of services to support its customers throughout the life of their network.





Additional date for RUG 19

on Tuesday, 04 September 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Additional date for RUG 19

Following the enthusiasm for this Rezopole User Group, our technical team offers you a second session! Appointment on Friday 28th September from 9 am to 12 pm at the hôtel de Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (1 esplanade François Mitterrand, 69002 Lyon)


As a reminder, this RUG 19-bis will focus on the issues surrounding the implementation of IPV6. We will also discuss the latest implementation and safety recommendations.

  • Breakfast
  • IPv6 deployment status (statistics, news, etc.)
  • Simple operation and deployment:
    • DHCPv6
    • SLAAC
    • Dual-Stack
  • Good IPv6 Practices :
    • IPv6 filtering
    • Public addressing
    • Router-Advertisement
    • Monitoring
  • Addressing plan :
    • Allocations and IPAM
    • Geographic routing
  • Difference in routines
  • Tour de table and sharing experiences



I register


The number of places is limited!
Please confirm your participation before September 26th.





Registration open for Aperezo 51!

on Wednesday, 29 August 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Registration open for Aperezo 51!

Rezopole and Grand Lyon THD (Covage) are pleased to invite you to the 51st edition of the Aperezo which will take place on Wednesday 19 September at Oscar aux Puces du Canal, from 6:30 pm.

Attention: the number of places being limited, registration is MANDATORY.
For organizational and security reasons, any person not in possession of a nominative registration confirmation * will be refused access to the event.

* Confirmation by name subsequently sent by e-mail.


Please limit the number of professionals per company to 3.

I register
By registering, you agree, if you appear on the photos taken during the event, that they be published on our site, social networks and the site of our partner.




About our sponsor

The Metropole du Grand Lyon has awarded Covage, the very high speed public service delegation named Grand Lyon THD, for a period of 25 years in order to accelerate the fibre coverage of its territory. Grand Lyon THD, a subsidiary of Covage, is in charge of the construction and operation of the optical fibre network, the Fibre Grand Lyon. The aim is to provide professionals, administrations and companies with a wider range of very high speed offers, simpler and faster access and more competitive prices. Grand Lyon THD offers its 90 operators very high speed services from 2 Mbps to 10 Gbps for businesses.

To facilitate your visit to Oscar, do not hesitate to consult this access map as well as all practical information (public transport, itineraries, etc.).




The RUG goes back to school

on Friday, 24 August 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

The RUG goes back to school

This 19th edition will focus on the current state of IPv6 deployment. This protocol is now becoming essential with the explosion of connected objects and the shortage of IPv4. However, its implementation remains a complex stage and difficult to be adopted by all.

We will provide a reminder on how IPv6 works as well as possible deployments. We will also discuss routing differences according to protocol and operators, as well as good practices related to IPv6.

See you next September 21th!
Until registration opens, click here to (re)discover all the details of this morning.





New : BGP Outsourcing !

on Friday, 13 July 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

New : BGP Outsourcing !

Rezopole offers companies and local authorities to delegate the management of their BGP infrastructure in order to improve performance and optimise management costs.

This service is intended for any entity, customer or not, of the GIX / NAP services of LyonIX and GrenoblIX.

Find all the details on pages 20 and 21 of Rezologue 2018.




 View the catalogue           Download the catalogue







Akamai to Lyon!

on Thursday, 12 July 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Akamai to Lyon!

A major new content provider connected to Rezopole's infrastructures!

Akamai announces via its AS20940 a direct path to its local Lyon cache.

All content is now available via LyonIX route servers.




About Akamai

The world’s largest and most trusted cloud delivery platform.

If you've ever shopped online, downloaded music, watched a web video or connected to work remotely, you've used Akamai's cloud delivery platform. Top brands globally rely on Akamai to help them deliver the world's best and most secure digital experiences on any device, anywhere. 


Akamai is the world’s largest and most trusted cloud delivery platform, delivering 95 exabytes of data a year across billions of devices. With the broadest array of best-in-class cloud delivery products and services, including superior web and mobile performance, cloud security, enterprise access, and video delivery solutions – all underpinned by exceptional customer service and 24/7 monitoring – businesses count on our people and technology to support them every step of the way.


Read more on Akamai's website.



How does Internet work ?

on Monday, 25 June 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

How does Internet work ?

[French article]


Contrairement à ce que beaucoup imaginent, Internet ne flotte pas dans l‘air. Il existe grâce à des câbles, datacenters et IXP contrôlés par des entreprises. Francesca Musiani, chargée de recherches au CNRS, explique pourquoi il est nécessaire de comprendre ces rouages afin d’être un internaute avisé.


La spécialiste des architectures de l’Internet nous présente dans une vidéo diffusée par Treize Minutes les dessous d’un monde encore trop méconnu. Les infrastructures réseaux font en sorte que leur fonctionnement reste discret, si bien que l’on ne prend conscience de leur existence qu’au moment où Internet atteint ses limites, qui sont bel et bien matérielles. Pourtant, il est primordial de mieux conceptualiser cet outil du quotidien, qui est bien plus tentaculaire qu’il n’y paraît.



Voir la vidéo



En effet, elle soulève le fait que les diverses infrastructures Internet sont sous le contrôle d’entreprises qui poursuivent leur intérêt propre. Un fait qu’il faut bien comprendre, notamment en cette période où la protection des données personnelles et la manipulation de l’information sont au cœur de tous les débats.


Dans un article de Libération rédigé par Amaelle Guiton, Francesca aborde le sujet du projet de loi sur la lutte contre les « fake news ». Pour elle, l’essentiel du problème ne réside pas dans l’émetteur de ces fausses informations, mais dans le fonctionnement-même des grandes plateformes sur lesquelles elles sont diffusées.


Leur modèle économique leur permet de propager des informations plus rapidement que tous les autres supports, qu’elles soient réelles ou infondées. Ainsi, une solution serait de rendre plus transparente l’activité de ces émetteurs de contenu. Par l’intervention d’entités tierces ciblant l’origine systémique du problème, Francesca espère pouvoir le résoudre sans bouleverser tout le fonctionnement des grandes plateformes. De plus, elle estime que le monopole de l’information en ligne par certaines entreprises est aussi une des sources du problème, qui pourrait être palliée par l’émergence de nouveaux acteurs. Des pistes de solutions intéressantes à découvrir dans cet article.



Lire l'article



Sources : Treize Minutes, Libération, Amaelle Guiton.

Register for the 50th Aperezo!

on Friday, 01 June 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Register for the 50th Aperezo!

Rezopole and Distriwan are pleased to invite you to the 50th edition of the Aperezo which will take place on Wednesday 27th June 2018 at Rooftop 52 in Lyon, from 18h30.


The configuration of the place being exceptional, the capacity is limited to a maximum of 100 people.

For organizational and security reasons, any person who does not have a personal registration confirmation* will be refused access to our event.

* Confirmation by name sent by e-mail at a later date.


By registering, you agree, if you appear on the photos taken during the event, that they be published on our site, social networks and the site of our partner.



I register



Please limit the number of professionals per company to 3.





À propos de notre sponsor

Let's build tomorrow's successes today!

For more than 15 years, our priority has been to guarantee to all our partners an irreproachable quality of service and the most attractive prices on the market.

Specialized in the sale of network architectures, unified communications solutions, security, storage & video surveillance for IT professionals, our teams are committed to your side.

Our assets to accompany all your projects? Dynamism, reactivity and proximity!



Publication of the RezoLink 2018!

on Wednesday, 30 May 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

Publication of the RezoLink 2018!

Find the directory listing the players interconnected on our IXPs and the network and telecom experts in the region. We're welcoming back the Gold members, also present in this edition. Available free of charge in paper version on request and on the website in PDF format.







A paper version is distributed in 2000 copies by mail or at our events. If you wish to have the paper version, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

IXPloration 14: register today!

on Wednesday, 30 May 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

IXPloration 14: register today!

Rezopole awaits you on Thursday 28th, June in its premises for the next IXPloration.


Entirely free, this monthly meeting is a presentation of LyonIX intended for structures interested by a connection on the IXP/NAP of Lyon. The connected members, who would like to enjoy LyonIX better, are also cordially invited.



   I register  


The number of participants is limited to 10 people.





9:00 – 9:30 am: Reception with some coffee

9:30 – 11:00 am: Presentation of LyonIX

                         - Economic and technological advantages

                         - Connection solutions

                         - Questions and answers

 11:00 am – 12:00 pm : Visit of LyonIX Point of Presence

FaLang translation system by Faboba