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Articles tagged with: region rhone alpes

Inauguration Point de Présence LyonIX 3

on Wednesday, 28 May 2014 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Inauguration Point de Présence LyonIX 3

Rezopole-LyonIX is inaugurating its third POP in Lyon: LyonIX 3 on the 24th of June. We have planned for this day several visits of the DCforDATA datacenter in Limonest where LyonIX 3 is hosted. Moreover, we are organizing a conference at the Congres Center in Lyon on the theme: "The value and benefits of a local Internet Infrastructure (IXP)". Finally, the official inauguration speeches and a cocktail dinner party will take place on the terrace of the complex.


Register for the POP LyonIX 3 inauguration


11h-16h: LyonIX 3 POP visits at DcforDATA (Limonest).


16h-18h: Conference "The value and benefits of a local Internet Infrastructure (IXP)"


18h-21h: official speeches and cocktail dinner party on the Roseraie terrace

Officiel web site

All informations related to the event are available on the official web site:


Croissance du nombre de DataCenters à Lyon

on Wednesday, 07 August 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Croissance du nombre de DataCenters à Lyon


In 2013, many new DataCenter have been created in Lyon. The Greater Lyon experienced a shortage a few years ago but is now in a position to insure the future. Besides public DataCenters (Education, Research, or local government services) and DataCenters dedicated to a single company, hosting commercial DataCenters are booming in Lyon and its region.

It is worth mentioning that the set back was important: till 2010, there were only 5 DataCenters that may host racks. Now nearly twenty players can offer hosting servers. Rezopole has produced a map of these centers. And several projects are still under construction near the capital of saplings. Lyon city has caught, up in less than 10 years, its delay in this field. An interesting detail: all DataCenters recently created (Maxnod, DCforDATA, FMI, CFI, One-System, SynAAps) joined Lyonix from the beginning of their activities !


Carte DataCenter Rhône-Alpes Rezopole

Rezopole optimise l'interconnexion Lyon-Turin

on Monday, 13 May 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Rezopole optimise l'interconnexion Lyon-Turin

French version :

L'interconnexion entre les GIX de Lyon et de Turin passe de 1G à 10G. Cette amélioration du service va permettre aux membres de LyonIX et TopIX de mieux gérer le trafic grandissant de leurs réseaux.

L'accès au très haut débit pour les acteurs économiques est désormais une nécessité. L'interconnexion entre LyonIX et TopIX, mise en place en 2008, a déjà facilité le trafic en peering local en suivant une nouvelle trajectoire, plus courte et plus rapide pour les membres des deux structures.


Les avantages de l'interconnexion

Les membres des GIX bénéficient, entre autres, d'une optimisation de la bande passante, de la latence et d'une baisse des coûts significative. Mais l'interconnexion a également engendré de multiples conséquences positives sur la région Rhône-Alpes et celle du Piémont. Elle apporte un rayonnement positif qui dynamise, non pas uniquement le secteur IT, mais toute une région. Cette liaison est en fait une infrastructure au même titre qu'une autoroute ou une voie ferrée.

"Nous upgradons par avance ce lien car nous avons pu observer que certains acteurs ne s'en servaient pas par crainte de saturation. En passant en 10 Gbs tous nos membres sont assurés que leur trafic s'écoulera à très haut débit et avec une très faible latence entre la France et l'Italie." affirme Samuel Triolet, Directeur de Rezopole.

"Les activités entre la France et l'Italie, en particulier Lyon et Turin s'accélèrent. Construction de la ligne de train grand vitesse mais aussi activation en très haut débit de certaines plaques comme la Maurienne qui étaient pour l'instant délaissées. Depuis 2008 et la première interconnexion inter-gIX et inter-pays entre LyonIX et TopIX, de nombreuses autres liaisons de ce type ont été mises en place et nous sommes fiers d'avoir été parmi les pionniers." Luca Cicchelli, Internet Exchange Manager at TOP-IX.

Pour en savoir plus :




Vidéo de l'Aperezo n° 19 organisé pour les 11 ans de Rezopole

on Wednesday, 06 March 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX, Archives SaintetIX, Archives ADN-IX

Vidéo de l'Aperezo n° 19 organisé pour les 11 ans de Rezopole

On 12 December 2012, Rezopole organized an Aperezo in the Sapristi brasserie to celebrate its 11th anniversary.

A video has been recorded during the event in order to present the Aperezo events organized by Rezopole: convivial place, many companies of the local and regional ICT sector, exchanges and networking between participants.



Rezopole aims to improve the Internet & Telecom services in the Rhone-Alpes region and organizes events regularly for the local companies:

Each type of events categorie has a target public and specific topics according to the professional profils of its members.

For more information about the Rezopole events, you can click here.


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Rezopole a inauguré son infrastructure grenobloise

on Tuesday, 22 January 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX

Philippe Duby Rezopole President and Jean-Jack Queyranne, Rhône-Alpes Region President have inaugurated on January 21, 2013, GRENOBLIX, Grenoble Internet exchange point, in the presence of Michel Destot, Grenoble Mayor, MPP Isere, Marc Baietto,  Grenoble Alpes Métropole President and 150 players of the regional digital sectors.


Philippe Duby Rezopole President and Jean-Jack Queyranne, Rhône-Alpes Region President

Crédit Photo : Robin Weill

Samuel Triolet, Rezopole Director, moderated the conference on "interests and challenges to interconnect on a regional Internet exchange point" with the testimony of connected companies or in process of being connected'' on the Grenoble infrastructure:


 Photo : Christian Juillard

Inauguration de GrenoblIX, noeud d'échange Internet de Grenoble

on Monday, 14 January 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX

Rezopole association and the Rhône-Alpes region inaugurate Grenoble Internet infrastructure: GrenoblIX, on January 21, 2013.

Jean-Jack QUEYRANNE, Rhône-Alpes President,and  Philippe DUBY, Rezopole President will proceed to that inauguration. Michel DESTOT, Grenoble Mayor, Isère representative, and Marc BAIETTO, Grenoble-Alpes Métropole President will take part in that event.

All informations related to the events are available on the event official website:


Rezopole a adhéré à ARADEL

on Thursday, 13 December 2012 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX, Archives SaintetIX, Archives ADN-IX

Rezopole a adhéré à ARADEL

Rezopole has just joined ARADEL, the Rhône-Alpes Association of Local Economic Development, to bring its know-how and expertise to the local economy development.

Aradel will therefor collaborate with Rezopole on the communication phase around the Telecom Information Desk (TID), a web platform that directly connect ISPs / service providers and Telecom companies of a given territory. These companies are settled or in process of being settled

The TID favors local economic development since the service promotes Telecom offer of a given geographic sector. It also sustains new managers in their settlement steps and contribute to very high speed Internet and network development at local level.
To learn more about TID :


About Aradel

Aradel is a competences network for our territorries that:
- accompanies the professionalization and networking for economic development players,
- develops a prospective vision of the activity, tools, and models of tomorrow's economic development
- Arranges qualified watch on tools, good practices and weak signals of economic development.

To learn more about Aradel :


Vidéo de présentation des events Rezopole : Teldej et RUG

on Wednesday, 14 November 2012 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX, Archives SaintetIX, Archives ADN-IX

Vidéo de présentation des events Rezopole : Teldej et RUG

On October, 19, 2012 Rezopole organized a full day for its members in Reine Astrid restaurant: small technical breakfast in the morning and lunch business in partnership with APL France. A video presentation was made on this occasion to present two recurring Rezopole events: Teldej and RUG.


Rezopole aims at developing Internet and Telecom sector in the Rhône-Alpes Region. It regularly organises events for actors in the territory.

Each type of event target a particular public and includes specific theme and approach according to members professionnal profiles. To learn more about Rezopole events, click here


Events subscription

L'Album photo de l'Aperezo 18 est en ligne

on Friday, 28 September 2012 Posted in Archives Rezopole

L'Album photo de l'Aperezo 18 est en ligne

For the Aperezo 18, Rezopole gathered 70 stakeholders at Burger & Wine, in an American atmospher. Click here to discover photos and have an insight of the events dedicated to Internet players.

The association regularly organises events for Lyon and Rhône-Alpes Internet and Telecom sector. To learn more about Rezopole events, please visit events pages

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