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Articles tagged with: aperezo

Aperezo 47: Registration is now open!

on Tuesday, 06 March 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Rezopole and Lasotel are pleased to invite you to the first Aperezo of the year which will take place on
Wednesday 28th March 2018 at the Brasserie Sapristi, starting at 6:30 pm.

Attention: the number of places being limited, registration is MANDATORY.
For organisational and security reasons, any person who does not have his/her personal registration confirmation * will be refused access to our Aperezo.


 I register 


* Confirmation by name sent by e-mail at a later date.


About Lasotel

As a player in digital transformation, LASOTEL is an operator of Telecoms network infrastructures and services active in the wholesale and major private and public sector accounts markets.


At the beginning of 2018, LASOTEL enters a new era with the restructuring of its capital and the arrival of two new shareholders. The operator is also continuing to expand its network by connecting to Orange's FTTH infrastructure. Some ten NROs are already unbundled in the region.


This event is also an opportunity to present two new LASOTEL offers:

  • Interco 200G network between all Lyon data centers
  • Lyon "OpenNetwork" (FTTO/FTTE/FTTH collection network)



The return of GOLD members

on Thursday, 01 February 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

The return of GOLD members

Do you want to be present in the RezoLink 2018 annuary but you are not connected to LyonIX or GrenoblIX?


This is now possible by joining Rezopole as a GOLD member. This status also allows you to be invited to our events: IXPloration, Aperezo et RezoGirls.


To benefit from it, there is a simple formality to be completed: you pay an annual subscription detailed here...




Aperezo 46 with Rezopole

on Monday, 04 December 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Aperezo 46 with Rezopole

Rezopole is pleased to invite you to the Aperezo n°46 which will take place on Thuesday December 19th, 2017 at the Hard Rock Café Lyon, starting from 6:30 pm.




Attention: a limited number of places.

Please bring imperatively your nominal registration. Any non-registered person would be denied access to the Aperezo.


Please register before December 14th, 2017.



   Register now ! 



The participation at the Aperezo is reserved for the Rezopole members, if you still are not a member, please complete the membership form (Silver membership is free). 


Do you want to become a Sponsor of Aperezo ?


Optimize your visibility around decision-makers of your sector !

Meet at a friendly place IT technicians and commercials ! Share, around a glass, the experience of your best practices and establish your privileged links!



  Sponsor an Aperezo ! 



Aperezo 45 with Arista Networks

on Tuesday, 24 October 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Aperezo 45 with Arista Networks

The next Aperezo organized by Rezopole in Lyon, sponsored Arista Networks, will be held on Thursday, September 20th at the Chez les Gones restaurant starting at 6:30 pm. Meet the Arista Networks team and the regional IT industry professionals.


As places remain limited, please register now.


For safety reasons, please bring imperatively your personal confirmation of registration. Any non-registered person would be denied access to the Aperezo.


Please register* before November 1st, 2017.



  Register now ! 


Please limit to 3 the number of professionals by company





* The participation at the Aperezo is reserved for the Rezopole members. If you are not a member yet, please complete the membership form (Silver membership is free).

Aperezo 44 with Euclyde Data Centers

on Monday, 07 August 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Aperezo 44 with Euclyde Data Centers

The next Aperezo organized by Rezopole in Lyon, sponsored Euclyde Data Centers, will be held on Thursday, September 20th at the Hard Rock Café restaurant starting from 6:30 pm. Meet the Euclyde Data Centers team and the regional IT industry professionals around a glass in a friendly and musical atmosphere!


As places remain limited, please register now.


For safety reasons, please bring imperatively your personal confirmation of registration. Any non-registered person would be denied access to the Aperezo.


Please register before September 13th, 2017.



   Register now ! 


Please limit to 3 the number of professionals by company

The participation at the Aperezo is reserved for the Rezopole members, if you are not a member yet, please complete the membership form (Silver membership is free).

About Euclyde Data Centers

Since its creation in 2004, Euclyde did not stop setting up its network of interconnected data centers. Owner / Operator of four data centers, Euclyde is about to inaugurate its fifth site, in Lyon.

Situated in Villeurbanne, this new tier 3 + site was completely rethought and renovated. It includes two different buildings and four new computer rooms of 200 m2 and 250 kVA each at the site about 3 000 m2. It is connected, by two completely independent paths, with main network operators, but also with the LyonIX 1 and 2.

With Lyon, Euclyde will add up a surface of more than 4 000 m2 of computer rooms tier 3 + and tier 4 with a global capacity of around 2 000 racks which contains near to one thousand racks already in production.


Find more information on Euclyde Data Centers web site.





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