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Articles tagged with: GIx

Aperezo 24 - FING : le 24 octobre chez Thibault

on Monday, 21 October 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Aperezo 24 - FING : le 24 octobre chez Thibault

Dans le cadre de leur partenariat pour le prochain Carrefour des Possibles, Rezopole et la FING organisent l'Aperezo n°24 le 24 octobre 2013 au restaurant Chez Thibault, à partir de 18h00.


Je m'inscris à l'Aperezo 24



A propos de la FING

La Fondation internet nouvelle génération (FING) est une association loi de 1901 créée en 2000 par Daniel Kaplan, Jacques-François Marchandise et Jean-Michel Cornu.

Sa mission s'articule autour de quatre grandes catégories d'objectifs :

  • Une fabrique d’idées neuves et actionnables
  • Un réseau d’acteurs de la transformation
  • Des actions collectives à fort effet de levier
  • Un lieu de débat entre technologie et société


logo FING

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Rezopole annonce la mise en place de LyonIX 3

on Monday, 21 October 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Rezopole annonce la mise en place de LyonIX 3

This new point of presence (POP) located in Limonest is connected to LyonIX 1 and 2 across a 10Gbps cross-connection.

The local loop between the three LyonIX POPs will improve the network security.

Such as L1 and L2, Lyonix 3 is equiped with a 10Gbps switch, Serialhub, remote reboot and allows members to host their equipment


Nouvelle méthode de filtrage sur les Route Serveurs : RPKI + ROA

on Wednesday, 09 October 2013 Posted in Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX, Archives SaintetIX, Archives ADN-IX

Rezopole has set up an alternative filtering method of its members BGP route advertisements on its Route Servers : RPKI + ROA.

This method enables to check that BGP advertisements of interconnected members are correct and that the given prefix matches the AS that sent it.


Filtering on the RIPE data base

“Before using the RPKI + ROA method, we were only filtering using the RIPE objects from the RIPE data base. Thanks to the two implemented methods we can now do a thorough check of routes that we communicate to our members on our main Cisco Route Server” states Arnaud Fenioux, Technical Manager at Rezopole.

Aperezo n° 23 au DataCenter CFI - 26 Septembre 2013

on Wednesday, 11 September 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Aperezo n° 23 au DataCenter CFI - 26 Septembre 2013

The Aperezo 23 organised in partnership with CFI Maintenance Informatique will take place on September 26, at CFI Data Center, at  Civrieux  Dombes, from 6:00PM. Many visits will be organised as well as a cocktail in the evening.

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About CFI

CFI Maintenance Informatique was founded in 1997 and it manages to become a leader in the Rhône-Alpes Region regarding Infrastructures and services integration  towards VSEs  and SMEs, huge accounts and public Administration. The group intensify its commitments in the Cloud Computing thanks to its recent data Center building. Green IT was built at Civrieux-in-Dombes, in partnership with Schneider Electric.



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LyonIX, main OpenStreetMap distributor in Africa

on Wednesday, 11 September 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

LyonIX, main OpenStreetMap distributor in Africa


LyonIX, the Lyon Internet eXchange Point, has been hosting since May 2013 an OpenStreetMap (OSM ) server, a free and collaborative mapping project. From the very beginning, the server hosted by the Lyon IXP sent the content of the project mainly in Africa and parts of the Middle East. Today 100% of OpenStreetMap content served in Africa comes from the server hosted by LyonIX. Source: official website of OSM


About OpenStreetMap

Launched in 2004, OpenStreetMap is an international collaborative project. Its purpose is to produce a participatory world map, free of law. So everyone can make changes, from the name correction of a street to the creation of thematic maps. Today there is a large number of various maps, such as power grids, the land registry for some countries, or the mapping of flooded areas in Sudan in order to perform humanitarian aid actions.

This project offers a variety of interests and applications now available in Africa in good conditions of use and flow. OpenStreetMap server is hosted on LyonIX, the first regional Internet eXchange Point in France. It has been created in 2001 and has now more than 70 interconnected members. LyonIX is an Internet infrastructure that allows the participants to exchange data at a very high speed Internet: Telecom operators, Internet service providers, IT companies, large companies, local authorities and public institutions.

Through this association, people living in Africa now have access to the complete maps, in good quality. They are editable and available mainly at very high speed Internet. This is an opportunity for African people to optimize, both locally and internationally, by adding their comments, or creating special maps according to their needs, and, freely use them.


For more information:


Open Data : Strasbourg ouvre 64 jeux de données

on Monday, 09 September 2013 Posted in Archives EuroGIX

Open Data : Strasbourg ouvre 64 jeux de données

La Ville de Strasbourg a annoncé aujourd’hui mettre à disposition sur son site web 64 jeux de données au format Open Data, c’est à dire réutilisables automatiquement. Horaires d’ouverture des piscines, budgets, résultats des élections… Un concours est lancé pour récompenser la meilleure application réalisée avec ces données.

Les horaires des piscines, les taux des taxes locales, les statistiques sur les prénoms inscrits à l’acte civil, le palmarès des titres les plus empruntés dans les médiathèques… La CUS et la Ville de Strasbourg ont identifié les données disponibles dans leurs services et qui pouvaient être rapidement mise à la disposition du public.

Pour en savoir plus, lisez cet article.


Croissance du nombre de DataCenters à Lyon

on Wednesday, 07 August 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Croissance du nombre de DataCenters à Lyon


In 2013, many new DataCenter have been created in Lyon. The Greater Lyon experienced a shortage a few years ago but is now in a position to insure the future. Besides public DataCenters (Education, Research, or local government services) and DataCenters dedicated to a single company, hosting commercial DataCenters are booming in Lyon and its region.

It is worth mentioning that the set back was important: till 2010, there were only 5 DataCenters that may host racks. Now nearly twenty players can offer hosting servers. Rezopole has produced a map of these centers. And several projects are still under construction near the capital of saplings. Lyon city has caught, up in less than 10 years, its delay in this field. An interesting detail: all DataCenters recently created (Maxnod, DCforDATA, FMI, CFI, One-System, SynAAps) joined Lyonix from the beginning of their activities !


Carte DataCenter Rhône-Alpes Rezopole

Lasotel accède au Très Haut Débit à Grenoble

on Tuesday, 06 August 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX

Lasotel accède au Très Haut Débit à Grenoble

Connected to Lyonix since 2008, LASOTEL has now access to the core of Grenoble Internet, GrenoblIX, and can meet the needs of its customers in Grenoble and Isère departments.


Logo Lasotel Membre Rezopole


About Lasotel

LASOTEL is a tecommunication service provider based in Lyon. Relying on its own infrastructure distributed over 15 operator rooms (Paris, Venissieux, Villeurbanne, Valence, Geneva, Grenoble etc..), LASOTEL provides connectivity and telephony indirect sales. LASOTEL is in all carrier neutral data center of the Lyon region (Venissieux MaxNod, DCforDATA, etc..), and can offer you hosting and date transport according to your needs. LASOTEL is also a network of over 150km of fiber already deployed in Lyon and the Greater Lyon.


Do you want to learn more about LASOTEL ?

Trés Haut Débit pour XSALTO à Grenoble

on Tuesday, 30 July 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Trés Haut Débit pour XSALTO à Grenoble


XSALTO has joined the Rezopole IXP in the Isère department: GrenoblIX. «XSALTO has joined GrenoblIX, and as expected, we have access to the local exchanges with main providers and customers of regional traffic» says Renaud Zigman, XSALTO manager.

Logo membre Rezopole


XSALTO is a company specialised in software and Internet engineering. Since 1995, XSALTO has been working in 4 domains:

  • Collaborative Web and Internet: online service and software for publishing, management and archiving, the sharing of internal or external information.
  • Tourism and leisure: full range of services for business and leisure tourism on the Internet websites, customer relationship management, booking, promotion, etc..
  • Specific applications: quick tailored development of specific applications based on existing and configurable software components.
  • Managed hosting: hosting and management of online added value services.


For more informations:

Un nouveau Data Center sur LyonIX : FMI

on Friday, 19 July 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX


FMI company has joined the LyonIX IXP. Thanks to this interconnection, FMI will be able to improve its Internet troughput and host services for its companies at competitive prices.


About FMI

Specialist in outsourcing for more than 20 years, FMI has a real know how and a strong experience: 150 customers, 10,000 managed desktops and more than 1,000 servers.


If you want to learn more about the LyonIX infrastructure, visit our website

EuroGIX 1B a été mis en place

on Wednesday, 17 July 2013 Posted in Archives EuroGIX

ARIA has installed in 2013 a new rack EuroGIX 1B in the SFR Netcenter in order to better manage interconnection requests from its future members. EuroGIX provides now more storage space to receive new members on its technical infrastructure.


RENATER se raccorde en 10Gbps à l’infrastructure LyonIX

on Tuesday, 09 July 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

RENATER se raccorde en 10Gbps à l’infrastructure LyonIX

In july 2013, RENATER improved its connection to LyonIX by upgrading its throughput to 10Gbs, meaning 10 times as much before, in order to favour exchange between Education/Research entities connected to the national network and Lyon Internet actors.
RENATER has been connected to LyonIX, the IXP operated by Rezopole, with 1Gbps. By upgrading to 10Gbps, RENATER wants to meet an ever increasing growth of Lyon traffic.


Interconnection benefits


«RENATER always aims at optimizing Internet traffic in France, that is the reason why we develop our RENATERix offer nationwide. By upgrading its access link to LyonIX, RENATER optimises therefore bandwidth and exchange latency of Education/ research community in Lyon and Rhône Alpes region" states Laurent Gydé, RENATER technical Director.


LyonIX evolution


Rezopole has set and operated many IXPs, meaning physical infrastructure enabling members to optimise and speed their Internet traffic. LyonIX, Lyon IXP, has two sites, situates at 10Kms distance for more security: the LyonIX 1 in North Villeurbane and LyonIX 2 located in South Venissieux agglomeration.

LyonIX has set equipments that can handle 10Gbps connection since 2012.  Samuel Triolet Rezopole Director confirms  : « The majority of LyonIX users begun with 100Mbps then upgraded to 1 Gbps. Now we assit to first 10Gbps upgrades, a proof of Lyon ever increasing traffic.



RENATER (National telecommunication network for Technology, Education and Research) was deployed at the early 90's in order to gather telecommunication infrastructure for Research and Education. The Public Interest Group RENATER was created in 1993 to achieve this aim.



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