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Articles tagged with: GIx

Save the date: RUG 12, on June 21!

on Tuesday, 24 May 2016 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Save the date: RUG 12, on June 21!

The next RUG (Rezopole User Group) will take place on June, 21 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 AM at Rezopole premises. Register now!


Closing date for registration is on June 15th, 2016.


- breakfirst

- topics to be dealt: BGP Blackholing & RPKI (Resource Public Key Infrastructure)

BGP Blackholing: facilitator Vincent Pagès (EDX Network)

The different solutions available in case of DDOS attacks will be presented:

- reminder on the DDOS attack and the impacts/risks for the company,

- what are the tools to detect the attack (sflow, netflow)?

- the first approach of the blackholing,

- what position should be used regarding the peering?

- the solutions on the mitigation basis ("cleaning" of traffic),

- the CDN (Content Delivery Network).

RPKI: facilitator Ronan Bianic (Rezopole)

The Rezopole technical team presents:

- the best practices of the RPKI use,

- the different constructor implementations (Cisco, Juniper),

- the Open Source current (Quagga, Bird) or sufficiently advanced solutions to become future implementations (ex. GoBGP),

- the administrative system (the Certificate request, emission of an object signed to RIPE, etc.)

Learn more

Each RUG gathers 10 participants maximum. Find more details here.

Do you want to participate ?



Register now!


Do you have any questions?

For more information contact us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Rezopole participates in the 28th Euro-IX Forum from April 24th to 26th !

on Friday, 22 April 2016 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Rezopole participates in the 28th Euro-IX Forum from April 24th to 26th !

 The Forum is hosted by LU-CIX in Luxembourg.

 About Euro-IX

The Euro-IX association was created in 2001. It has aimed at developing and supporting the Internet exchange points (IXP) community in Europe and worldwide since 2005.

The Association's most important activity is organizing two annual forums: these international meetings bring together more than 100 participants from more than 30 member countries of the Association to discuss relevant issues faced by Internet Exchanges. These meetings are held in various capitals or cities in Europe and include two-day forum and a gala dinner.

To learn more about Euro-IX:




Fullsave: New member interconnected to LyonIX

on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Fullsave: New member interconnected to LyonIX

FullSave, hosting service provider and telecom operator, is now interconnected on the LyonIX Internet eXchange Point.

"FullSave is a regional operator and hosting service provider mainly present in the South-West of France. Firmly service-quality oriented, FullSave has been implementing its prestations as a Hosting and Telecom Service Provider for more than 10 years.
Wether it be for an information system externalization project, Cloud Computing, or telecom infrastructure deployment (fiber and/or SDSL), our choice is to always be able to provide a custom solution in perfect adequation with your infrastructure projects.
In order to improve the quality and resilience of our network, we set-up a multi-10Gbps national backbone via Lyon. In this framework, our presence on LyonIX is important in improving exchanges between Toulouse and Lyon. We are hence able to provide new services to our customers who manage a presence in Rhône-Alpes." declares Julien Rozelle, Sales Manager.


Find more about Fullsave.

Fullsave (AS39405) is present in the LyonIX 2A and 2G racks.

Neptune Internet Services: New member interconnected to GrenoblIX

on Monday, 03 August 2015 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX

Neptune Internet Services: New member interconnected to GrenoblIX

Neptune Internet Services, WiFi infrastructure operator, hosting and IT facility management service provider, is now interconnected on the GrenoblIX Internet eXchange Point.


"Neptune Internet Service Company is located at the very heart of Grenoble since 1995. We count on our team of 15 people to fulfil the needs and ensure the good performance of the infrastructures and applications our customers entrust us. We are present in several business sectors.
With our Internet Service Provider business, we offer connections through optical fibres, radio link, SDSL, for professionals. Within this framework, we operate for WiFi networks and Internet points for general audience.
With our hosting and IT facility management business, we feature in Grenoble two interconnected data centre. Our prestations are multiple and adapted to our customers' needs. Finally, we have a Web application developement and maintenance activity centered on Open Source solutions.

Since August 2015, we have interconnected our network infrastructures to the GrenoblIX IXP in order to reinforce our TRANSIT-IP capacities and increase our independence from our access providers.
From now on, the services offered by Rezopole will allow us to have access to a new support to the activities we are developping and also get closer with the Telecom actors within the Rhône-Alpes region." declared Guillaume Promonet, Product and Software Development Manager.


Neptune Internet Services


Find more about Neptune Internet Services.

Neptune Internet Services (AS60595) is present in the GrenoblIX 2A rack.

Aperezo 33 with Optimal Data Center

on Thursday, 28 May 2015 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Aperezo 33 with Optimal Data Center

The next Aperezo organized by Rezopole in Lyon, in partnership with Optimal Data Center, is going to be held on Thursday, June 18 at Tapeo restaurant starting from 18:30. Meet the Optimal Data Center team and the regional IT industry professionals around a cocktail in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere. Register now!




Register to the Aperezo #33



About Optimal Data Center

To ensure high technical added value productions, integrity and high operational availability of spaces/dedicated places must remain secure and the main technical channels in perfect condition.

ODC and its partner Cleansoft launch a unique offer in two parts:
1- A set of complete diagnostics existing in all aspects subject to criticality (second work, technical floor, Elec, Air conditionning, ventilation, fire, access control), bound recommendations of evolution and upgrade.
2- A realization of all the susceptible general contracting work mode, with or without Office Study/ Master of designated work, for various trades. Having constant goal the absence of shutdown. This offer is mostly desinged for Data Centers, server rooms, hotspots, industrial or hospital technical production floor areas with supervision equipment, GTB or GTC...


COVAGE NETWORKS: New member interconnected to LyonIX

on Monday, 11 May 2015 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

COVAGE NETWORKS, high-speed network infrastructure operator, is now interconnected on the LyonIX Internet Exchange Point.

COVAGE NETWORKS offers more than two hundred electronic communication operators, French and international, to interconnect at LyonIX via its national transmission network.

COVAGE NETWORKS serves and operates 25 Public Initiative Networks and offers a complete range of services: FTTO (business and civil services), FTTH (Home and Pro), VPN (Virtual Private Network), IP Transit (Internet access), Multicast (Distribution of audiovisual streams), Datacenter accommodation etc.


Find more about COVAGE NETWORKS.

COVAGE NETWORKS is present in the LyonIX 2G rack.

Aperezo 32 with F5 and Westcon

on Wednesday, 31 December 2014 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Aperezo 32 with F5 and Westcon

e prochain Aperezo organisé par Rezopole à Lyon, en partenariat avec F5 et Westcon aura lieu le jeudi 22 janvier au restaurant Tapeo à partir de 18h30. Venez rencontrer les équipes de F5 et Westcon ainsi que le professionnels du secteur IT régional autour d'un cocktail dînatoire, dans un cadre agréable et convivial. Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant ! 




Je m'inscris à l'Aperezo n°32



A propos de F5

En permettant aux entreprises et aux opérateurs de déployer efficacement leurs services applicatifs dans leur datacenter, dans le cloud, ou via une infrastructure SDN (Software Defined Networking), les solutions F5 garantissent la haute disponibilité, la sécurité et la fiabilité des applications à chaque utilisateur, en tout lieu et à tout moment.

En s’appuyant sur des API ouvertes, de très nombreuses alliances technologiques et des architectures de références, les clients F5 peuvent continuer à développer une infrastructure sur mesure pour optimiser leurs services applicatifs et  leur sécurité.

A propos de Westcon

Westcon est un distributeur à valeur ajoutée de solutions de référence dans le domaine de la sécurité, des infrastructures réseaux, datacenter et communications unifiées, disposant d'un réseau mondial de revendeurs spécialisés. F5 Networks est l'un des partenaires majeurs de Westcon.



New technical mailing list

on Monday, 30 June 2014 Posted in Archives LyonIX

Unlike the official mailing list (, where only Rezopole team can send messages) the alias  is a exchange tool for technical subjects. It allows interconnected members, once registered (archives are available only to registered members), to debate and share tips or procedures ...

 To participate, you just have to be interconnected and create an account on:

NeTIX and LyonIX are now interconnected at 1 Gbps

on Wednesday, 28 May 2014 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

NeTIX and LyonIX are now interconnected at 1 Gbps

NeTIX is a Bulgarian structure which is developing a Eastern Europe network and enables its customers and members to join many IXPs in Europe. With points of presence in Sofia, Bucharest, Warsaw, Prague, Istanbul, Belgrade, Frankfurt, Paris, Amsterdam, and London, NeTiX carries more than 50 operators networks in all these cities.

By interconnecting with LyonIX, NeTiX also has access to IXP in Rhône-Alpes: GrenoblIX, ADN-IX, SaintetIX. Thus, on both sides, this is a collection of more than 150 networks that can exchange free traffic, and that under peering agreements through the Route Servers. Connectivity between the Eastern Europe and the LyonIX IXPs will be greatly improved.


Pays Voironnais Network is transported to LyonIX

on Monday, 14 April 2014 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Public Service Delegation contract (PSD) Pays Voironnais Network (PVN) interconnected to the Lyon Internet exchange point, to the LyonIX 2 POP. The Pays Voironnais PSD proposes offers on optical fiber and DSL on the Voiron (Isère) region. It does not sell directly to the companies because it is an operator of operator. All the offers are thus presented by telephone companies or Internet.

Until today, not many operators had taken the step, to traffic services on PVN because it was necessary to them to join physically the network of PVN since Grenoble or Lyon causing significant costs, especially for the first customers.

From now Pays Voironnais Network allows all operators who want to provide services on the Voiron region to make it directly since LyonIX, with the same charges as if they were physically in Voiron, this local offer always remains valid.


So, PVN neutralises a relative isolation of Voiron in term of Telecom and allows to accelerate the offers and flow rates development, with a reduction in the prices expected for the end users (companies, public bodies).


The interconnexion advantages

For Alain Sommerlatt, person in charge of PVN, " it is a new start for Voiron economic zone because LyonIX assembles the majority of Telecom actors of the Rhône-Alpes region, and it will now be simpler and faster to them to join our network of Voiron fiber, without any additional cost. "

Samuel Triolet, Rezopole director adds: "we can thus expect this DSP revitalisation which already has a fine network, passing as closely as possible to the regional companies. Thanks to the providers Telecom and Internet concentration on LyoIX and GrenoblIX IXP, the DSP projects, as PVN, can propose more offers, more quickly, with better rate flows, and the end users will only take advantage of it."

To know more:

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