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Rezopole a adhéré à ARADEL

Rezopole has just joined ARADEL, the Rhône-Alpes Association of Local Economic Development, to bring its know-how and expertise to the local economy development.

Aradel will therefor collaborate with Rezopole on the communication phase around the Telecom Information Desk (TID), a web platform that directly connect ISPs / service providers and Telecom companies of a given territory. These companies are settled or in process of being settled

The TID favors local economic development since the service promotes Telecom offer of a given geographic sector. It also sustains new managers in their settlement steps and contribute to very high speed Internet and network development at local level.
To learn more about TID :


About Aradel

Aradel is a competences network for our territorries that:
- accompanies the professionalization and networking for economic development players,
- develops a prospective vision of the activity, tools, and models of tomorrow's economic development
- Arranges qualified watch on tools, good practices and weak signals of economic development.

To learn more about Aradel :


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