Together, your Internet even better

Digital Summ

Clust' R Numérique welcomes you to the Digital Summ'R event on June 30th, 2016 in the Lyon Cité Centre de Congrès. The Digital Summ'R is the first BtoB European event dedicated to the SME and mid-tier firms performance and innovation in terms of Software and Digital services sectors.

Learn more about Digital Summ'R

Digital Summ'R, organized by Clust'R Numérique, is an annual event consisting of 35 conferences or workshops allowing the digital industry professionals to stay or to keep a good length ahead. Every conference is based on an expert partnership and sharing of experience. It aims to be very pragmatic to allow all the participants to find out how to improve in their company the subjects raised during the conference.

Find more details on the Clust'r Numérique site.






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