Together, your Internet even better

A player in sustainable development

The Compagnie de Chauffage Intercommunale de l'Agglomération Grenobloise (CCIAG) is a local energy operator for the production and distribution of heat and related services in the metropolitan area. For nearly 60 years, the company has been facilitating and supporting urban development and renewal for an attractive, socially responsible and sustainable metropolis. Thanks to its innovative approach, it offers an ever greener energy mix to supply its heating network, the 2nd largest in France, currently 65% renewable and recovery energy, with a target of 100% by 2033.

Since February 1st, the CCIAG has been connected to the infrastructures of GrenoblIX, IXP / NAP of Grenoble.

"The opportunity to integrate GrenoblIX presented itself to us as we began to explore the Grenoble basin in search of operators that would allow us to increase our current external bandwidth to meet the company's growing needs as part of its digital transformation. At the same time, we were put in contact with the department in charge of Metronet (the dark fibre network of the Metro), which allows us to interconnect all our sites and connect to the IXPs in Grenoble at a lower cost.
The rental of a local loop, as well as the Internet access attached to it, has therefore been made obsolete by the use of Métronet for our MAN (Metropolitan Aera Network) on the one hand, and for the "last mile" to the transit operators present in the IXP DCs on the other hand.
In addition, our presence in the IXP will allow us to interconnect directly with local actors, and other LyonIX members, allowing us first of all to save even more on our future transit purchases, but also to reduce our latency times towards them.
In the end, we will have a better understanding of all aspects of the company's connectivity to the outside world, by becoming a LIR operator, and will no longer be dependent on the risks associated with a single operator."

AS: 209766
PoP: GrenoblIX 2A




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