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Articles tagged with: association

Rezopole is a member of CRiP!

on Wednesday, 10 May 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX, Archives EuroGIX

Rezopole is a member of CRiP!

May 2017: Rezopole joins the CRiP, Club of Infrastructure, Technologies and Production Excecutives. This NPO established in 2007 under the law of 1901 is presided by Mr. Philippe Sersot, Crédit Agricole Silca Deputy General Manager. The Club brings together nearly 400 companies and administrations representing more than 6000 members.



"Our commitment is the independence from suppliers and the production of operational content."




Rezopole a adhéré à ARADEL

on Thursday, 13 December 2012 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX, Archives SaintetIX, Archives ADN-IX

Rezopole a adhéré à ARADEL

Rezopole has just joined ARADEL, the Rhône-Alpes Association of Local Economic Development, to bring its know-how and expertise to the local economy development.

Aradel will therefor collaborate with Rezopole on the communication phase around the Telecom Information Desk (TID), a web platform that directly connect ISPs / service providers and Telecom companies of a given territory. These companies are settled or in process of being settled

The TID favors local economic development since the service promotes Telecom offer of a given geographic sector. It also sustains new managers in their settlement steps and contribute to very high speed Internet and network development at local level.
To learn more about TID :


About Aradel

Aradel is a competences network for our territorries that:
- accompanies the professionalization and networking for economic development players,
- develops a prospective vision of the activity, tools, and models of tomorrow's economic development
- Arranges qualified watch on tools, good practices and weak signals of economic development.

To learn more about Aradel :


La commune de Modane se connecte au Très Haut Débit via l'Italie

on Monday, 26 November 2012 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

La commune de Modane se connecte au Très Haut Débit via l'Italie

The Syndicat Intercommunal du Canton de Modane (Modane intercommunal syndicate) organizes on Thursday, November 29, a presentation of opportunities offered by very high speed Internet directly connected to the larger Internet companies (Google, Amazon, OVH, etc.) in the presence of local authorities and actors and Italian authorities.

This action reflects very high speed Internet generalisation across the Maurienne valley and competitiveness creation for local companies.

The SCIM (Syndicat Intercommunal du Canton de Modane) with the SFTRF help and its Italian counterpart SITAF, have developed an optic fiber link between very high speed networks of Susa and the Forum Alpium in Modane.
A 1-gigabit rate is available to French users thanks to a partnership with TOP-IX, supported by the Piedmont region, which operates Turin exchange point.

Top-IX is also interconnected with LyonIX exchange point, operated by Rezopole Association in order to improve
Lyon-Turin Internet traffic for both regions.

LyonIX :

Rezopole est devenue membre de Grilog

on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX

Rezopole joined GRILOG association, the Isere Cluster of software and IT services, in order to gather and strengthen relationships between Lyon and Grenoble digital sectors.

GRILOG is Rezopole communication partner for the
Grenoble Internet exchange point, GrenoblIX, inauguration. The event will take place on January 21, 2013, with the participation of local and Internet community in Grenoble and the Rhône-Alpes region.

GrenoblIX is operated by Rezopole and it aims at improving very high speed Internet for companies, telecom operators and
Grenoble public structures.

For more information:


About Grilog

GRILOG association gather companies, consultants, agencies and research laboratories, universities, schools and training organizations. GRILOG main mission is to gather, inform, facilitate, promote and represent its members in the Isere software sector.

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