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Articles tagged with: Gix

Register to IXPloration 11!

on Tuesday, 20 March 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Register to IXPloration 11!

Rezopole awaits you on Wednesday 11th April from 9:30 am in its offices for the next IXPloration.


Entirely free, this monthly meeting is a presentation event of LyonIX intended for structures interested by a connection on the IXP/NAP of Lyon. The connected members, who would like to better enjoy LyonIX, are also cordially invited.



   I register  


The number of participants is limited to 10 people.


9:00 – 9:30 am: Reception around a coffee


9:30 – 11:00 am: Presentation of LyonIX

                         - Economic and technological advantages

                         - Connection solutions

                         - Questions and answers


 11:00 am – 12:00 pm : Visit of LyonIX Point of Presence


Crédits photos : DCforDATA



New edition 2018!

on Tuesday, 06 February 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX, Archives EuroGIX

New edition 2018!

Need for the intervention of a qualified and available 24/7 staff?


Want to optimise your network performance?


Need to secure your Internet access and increase throughput while minimising costs?


Discover our new range of services and trainings designed especially for you...





Consulter le Catalogue Télécharger le Catalogue





The return of GOLD members

on Thursday, 01 February 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

The return of GOLD members

Do you want to be present in the RezoLink 2018 annuary but you are not connected to LyonIX or GrenoblIX?


This is now possible by joining Rezopole as a GOLD member. This status also allows you to be invited to our events: IXPloration, Aperezo et RezoGirls.


To benefit from it, there is a simple formality to be completed: you pay an annual subscription detailed here...




IXPloration n°10 le 14 février

on Monday, 22 January 2018 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

IXPloration n°10 le 14 février

Come discover LyonIX in the premises of Rezopole on Wednesday, February 14th from 9:30 am!


Join right now!


Attention: a limited number of places!


Completely free, this monthly meeting is the LyonIX presentation event intended for the companies interested in a connection to the IXP/NAP of Lyon.


The connected members who would like to take advantage of LyonIX, are also cordially invited.





9.00 – 9.30 am: Reception around a coffee


9.30 – 11 am: Presentation of LyonIX

                            - Economic and technological advantages

                            - Connection solutions

                            - Questions and answers


11 – 12am: Visit of LyonIX Point of Presence


Photo credits: DCforDATA



  Register now!  



LyonIX IXPloration is held at the Rezopole premises. For organizational & security reasons we place a limit on the number of participants up to a maximum of 10.



IXPloration 9 on January 10th

on Tuesday, 26 December 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

IXPloration 9 on January 10th

Come discover LyonIX in the premises of Rezopole on Wednesday, January 10th from 9:30 am!


Join right now! Attention: a limited number of places!


Completely free, this monthly meeting is the LyonIX presentation event intended for the companies interested in a connection to the IXP/NAP of Lyon.


The connected members who would like to take advantage of LyonIX, are also cordially invited.





9.00 – 9.30 am: Reception around a coffee


9.30 – 11 am: Presentation of LyonIX

                            - Economic and technological advantages

                            - Connection solutions

                            - Questions and answers


11 – 12am: Visit of LyonIX Point of Presence

 Photo credits: DCforDATA



  Register now!  



LyonIX IXPloration is held at the Rezopole premises. For organizational & security reasons we place a limit on the number of participants up to a maximum of 10.



IXPloration 8 on December 13th!

on Monday, 27 November 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

IXPloration 8 on December 13th!

Come discover LyonIX in the premises of Rezopole on Wednesday, December 13th from 9:30 am!


Join right now! Attention: a limited number of places!


Completely free, this monthly meeting is the LyonIX presentation event intended for the companies interested in a connection to the IXP/NAP of Lyon.


The connected members who would like to take advantage of LyonIX, are also cordially invited.





9.00 – 9.30 am: Reception around a coffee


9.30 – 11 am: Presentation of LyonIX

                            - Economic and technological advantages

                            - Connection solutions

                            - Questions and answers


11 – 12am: Visit of LyonIX Point of Presence



  Register now!  



LyonIX IXPloration is held at the Rezopole premises. For organizational & security reasons we place a limit on the number of participants up to a maximum of 10.



Meet us at the 14th Forum des Interconnectés!

on Monday, 27 November 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole

Meet us at the 14th Forum des Interconnectés!

[French article]


À l'occasion du 14ème Forum national annuel des Interconnectés les 6 et 7 décembre prochain, Rezopole aura le plaisir de vous retrouver au Double Mixte LYON (19 Avenue Gaston Berger, 69100 Villeurbanne). Rendez-vous incontournable des collectivités territoriales et du numérique, le Forum réunira plus de 900 participants : élus, dirigeants et responsables de projets des collectivités territoriales autour des enjeux du numérique et de la smart city pour le secteur public.


Parmi les Intervenant(e)s 2017 :



Karine Dognin-Sauze

VP Lyon Métropole,

Présidente des Interconnectés


Juliette Jarry

Vice-Présidente de la région

Auvergne - Rhône-Alpes



Retrouvez l'équipe de Rezopole sur l'espace dédié aux Infrastructures !


 Partenaires de l'événement :


En savoir plus

Plus d'infos sur :




Save the date: RUG 16, on September 29!

on Wednesday, 09 August 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX

Save the date: RUG 16, on September 29!

The next RUG (Rezopole User Group) is held on September 29, 2017 from 9:00 to 12:00 am at the Rezopole premises.

This edition will be about the 100Gb infrastructure implementation with feedback from Adeli / Maxnod, presented by Lionel Drevon.

In the second part, we will present the benefits of the interIXP routing.


Adeli / Maxnod is the first datacenter of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region meeting the Tier 4 high performance specification. Since 2016 its team looked at the challenges of implementing 100Gb and proposes its feedback on those developments.


    • Breakfast
    • Presentation of 100Gb by Lionel Drevon, director of Adeli / Maxnod:
       - 100Gb switching/routing equipments
       - Interconnection
       - Feedback on the 100Gb implementation
    • "Don't be afraid by InterIXP" presentation
       - InterIXP functioning and benefits

       - Routing optimisation
    • Round table


Don't miss it!



LONAP and LyonIX are interconnected!

on Wednesday, 12 July 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

LONAP and LyonIX are interconnected!

With London Access Point (LONAP), England has joined the inter-IXP peering at LyonIX. All the members of this English Internet eXchange Point can peer with those of LyonIX through announcements made by the two IXP route-servers.


This international agreement adds to previous interconnections: Italie-France with TopIX (Internet eXchange Point in Turin), Switzerland-France with CIXP (Internet eXchange Point of the CERN in Geneva) and Bulgaria with NetIX (Internet eXchange Point in Sofia).


This new extension was immediately confirmed by the traffic which has been established once the link was opened. The Rezopole team is at your disposal for any information concerning this new interconnection. You may also consult the weather-map of Rezopole in order to discover the rest of the inter-IXP regional and national connections!




New EuroGIX member: Kbleu!

on Tuesday, 27 June 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives EuroGIX

New EuroGIX member: Kbleu!

In 1990, no way to correctly receive television at Ferrette: the hertzian waves don't pass, they bounce. Three friends fond of technics set-up their cables: it was the birth of the local network, named Kbleu... and television reached Ferette!


Kbleu chooses to operate as a municipal or inter-municipal local authority structure.


In 2015, this authority manages the TV, Internet and telephony distribution infrastructures for the citizens of both municipalities. The friends are still there: energetic volunteers and experts, they practice sharing for the benefit of all. Proponents of open-source software and its spirit, they provide an alternative to the market-based model. And refuse to give-up and bend before the leading market operators...


Kbleu animates the local channel and distributes television, telephony and Internet, for all residents of Ferrette and Vieux Ferrette. Saying "Kbleu" means a cable (we are located in the south of Alsace...). It is a simple play on words of the malicious inventors.


Kbleu is present at EuroGIX, rack 1B02.

ASN : 50547





 What Kbleu appreciates:

  • Simplicity: clear offer of services
  • Quality: professional expert technicians
  • Public service: no shareholders, the net income is used entirely for network improvement
  • Reduced Costs: volunteers invest themselves for you!
  • Integration of inhabitants: multicultural programs
  • Investment in local life: KbleuTV, hosting of Internet sites for associations, partnerships with small and medium-sized enterprises, Internet filter for schools
  • Reactivity: a whish? Kbleu is listening to you... and does its best!
  • Challenges: Kbleu is successful in meeting all its goals!

  Kbleu today is:

  • A unique TV subscription of more than 130 programs including a pack of pay-TV channels
  • The 120 world's radio stations streamed over the network
  • A standard Internet subscription (25 Mbits) and THD option (100 Mbits)
  • A telephone subscription


More information on the Kbleu website...



New LyonIX member: Agora Calycé!

on Thursday, 22 June 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

New LyonIX member: Agora Calycé!

Supports a digital transformation of organizations via the migration of their Information System towards connected services, developing with them customised solutions and providing resources on demand in the IT, IoT and Telecom sector. Agora Calycé is an alternative to the large groups by providing a better level of proximity service.



Agora Calycé is present at the LyonIX 2D rack.

ASN : AS47833

Learn more

Find more details here: Agora Calycé



New LyonIX member: Hub One!

on Thursday, 08 June 2017 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

New LyonIX member: Hub One!

A group of services in information and communication technologies in business environments, Hub One designs and fulfills the professions, sites, and usage digital transformation. Hub One relies on its experience in an airport environment to bring customized answers to critical operational needs in real time to major accounts and SMEs...



"Our staff members ensure an end-to-end service, from the core network at the terminal, from the deployment in project mode to the maintenance under operational conditions. Our solutions and expertises aggregate professions of telecommunication, land-line and mobile telephony, radio operator, integrator in mobility and traceability, and all associated services."


Hub One offers a full range of telecommunication solutions intended for enterprises: telephony, Internet access, and networking solutions. In addition, Hub One proposes service quality, performance and availability of alternatives commitments.


Hub One is present at the LyonIX 2K rack.
ASN: 29283

Learn more

For more informations, click here: Hub One



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