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Articles tagged with: rezopole

Biographie Ronan Bianic

on Wednesday, 03 February 2016 Posted in articles



Ronan Bianic System & Network Engineer Rezopole.png Autodidacte passionné d'informatique depuis sa découverte du ZX81 puis des réseaux de télécommunications avec le Sagem 801, l'arrivée d'internet l'a convaincu d'en faire son métier. A commencé comme entrepreneur en créant sa société de services en informatique, il a peaufiné son expérience à l'étranger et dans des entreprises tel que Alstom, Hospices Civils de Lyon ou encore Total. Aujourd'hui Directeur Technique pour Rezopole, à votre service!

Biographie Veronika Guillon

on Friday, 29 January 2016 Posted in articles

VERONIKA GUILLON - Communications Manager


Veronika Guillon Communications Assistant Rezopole.pngTitulaire d'un diplôme Master 2 en Communication Internationale des Entreprises et Administrations à l'Université Lyon 3, Veronika Guillon a intégré l'équipe de Rezopole en tant que stagiaire en Marketing et Communication en avril 2014. Elle est Assistante en Communication depuis octobre 2015, Chargée de Communication depuis janvier 2018, et s'occupe des actions en communication de l'association et l'animation de la filière IT sur la Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.


Biographie Xavier Chatagnon

on Friday, 29 January 2016 Posted in articles

XAVIER CHATAGNON - Business Unit Manager


Xavier Chatagnon Manager Business Unit Rezopole.png Xavier Chatagnon est, avant tout, spécialisé en management et développement commercial multicanal. L'essentiel de sa carrière effectuée au sein de groupes tels que Auchan, Warner et Bertelsmann lui donne l'opportunité d'exercer dans de nombreux domaines opérationnels et fonctionnels. De chef des ventes à responsable de la promotion des ventes, de directeur du marketing à directeur du développement, chaque nouveau challenge est pour lui source de motivation. En 2005, Il crée sa propre maison d'édition puis se consacre au développement e-business (marketing omnicanal) et à la formation professionnelle. Passionné de musique, Xavier Chatagnon est également auteur (plusieurs ouvrages et biographies à son actif) et journaliste. Il collabore depuis plus de vingt ans à différents magazines de la presse musicale.

Rezopole documents

on Tuesday, 25 May 2010 Posted in article

Rezopole Annual Reports: 

2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009

RezoLink :

2021 Edition 2020 Edition 2019 Edition 2018 Edition 2017 Edition 2016 Edition 2014 Edition


For more information on the Rezolink, click here.


IXP Documents:

LyonIX presentation:

The Lyon IXP/NAP

GrenoblIX presentation:

The Grenoble IXP/NAP


Satisfaction survey: 

December 2019 survey (French) June 2019 survey (French) December 2018 survey (French) June 2018 survey (French) December 2017 survey (French)

June 2017 survey (French) June 2016 survey (French) January 2016 survey (French) 2010 survey (French)  




France-IX Lyon past events

on Wednesday, 14 December 2011 Posted in article



RUG 26, videoconference - December 17th 2021

IXPloration 32, videoconference - December 8th 2021

RezoGirls 15, Wild Code School, Lyon 02 - December 7th 2021


IXPloration 31, videoconference - November 5th 2021


RezoGirls 14, LDIGITAL, Lyon 02 - October 19th 2021

Aperezo 63, Hard Rock Café, France-IX Lyon, Lyon 02 - October 14th 2021


IXPloration 30, videoconference - September 24th 2021


RUG 25, videoconference - June 4th 2021


IXPloration 29videoconference - April 30th 2021


IXPloration 28videoconference - February 5th 2021



RUG 24, videoconference - December 18th 2020


RUG 23, videoconference - November 27th 2020

IXPloration 27, visioconférence - November 24th 2020


RezoGirls 13, 1Kubator, Lyon 03 - September, 29th 2020

IXPloration 26, visioconférence - September 24th 2020


IXPloration 25, videoconference - July 2nd 2020


RUG 22, videoconference - June 26th 2020


IXPloration 24, Locaux de Rezopole, Lyon 07 - January 30th 2020

Aperezo 62, Hard Rock Café, AOTA, Lyon 02 - January 29th 2020



Aperezo 61, Burger & Wine, Lasotel, Lyon 02 - December 11th 2019

RezoGirls 12, La Cuisine du Web, Lyon 03 - December 3rd 2019


Aperezo 60, Le Gratin Dauphinois, Rezopole, Grenoble - October 16th 2019


RUG 21, Hôtel de Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Lyon 02 - September 27th 2019

IXPloration 23, Locaux de Rezopole, Lyon 07 - September 26th 2019

Aperezo 59, Oscar les Puces du Canal, Euclyde Data Centers, Villeurbanne - September 25th 2019


yALPA 002, Hub des Alpes, Challes-les-Eaux - July 2nd, 2019


RezoGirls 11, Digital Campus Lyon, Lyon 02 - June 18th, 2019

Colloque Cybersécurité Inter-Associations de Lyon, Hôtel de Ville, Lyon 01 - June 13th, 2019

Aperezo 58, Razowski Lyon, Rezopole, Lyon 02 - June 12th, 2019

IXPloration 22, Rezopole premises, Lyon 07 - June 12th, 2019


RUG 20, Hôtel de Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Lyon 02 - May 24th, 2019

IXPloration 21, PVNum premises, Voreppe - May 16th, 2019

Aperezo 57, Family Kitchen, Altice SFR / Isère Fibre, Grenoble - May 15th, 2019


Aperezo 56, Sapristi, HosTELyon, Villeurbanne - April 10th, 2019

IXPloration 20, Rezopole premises, Lyon 07 - April 10th, 2019


RezoGirls 10, TUBA, Lyon 06 - March 5th, 2019


IXPloration 19, Rezopole premises, Lyon 07 - February 13th, 2019

Aperezo 55, Burger & Wine, Hopus, Lyon 02 - February 06th, 2019


yALPA 001, Conseil départemental de l'Isère, Grenoble - January 29th, 2019



IXPloration 18, Rezopole premises, Lyon 07 - December 13th, 2018

Aperezo 54, Hard Rock Cafe Lyon, Colt, Lyon 02 - December 12th, 2018

Forum des Interconnectés, Hippodrome de Lyon / Carré de Soie, Vaulx-en-Velin - December 4 & 5th, 2018

RezoGirls 09, L'Augusterie, Villeurbanne - December 4th, 2018


IXPloration 17, Eolas premises, Grenoble - November 22nd, 2018

Aperezo 53, Family Kitchen, Total Cloud, Grenoble - November 21st, 2018

IXPloration 16, Rezopole premises, Lyon 07 - November 21st, 2018


Aperezo 52, Aquarium of Lyon, Infractive, La Mulatière - October 17th, 2018

IXPloration 15, Lyon Saint Exupéry Airport business center, Colombier Saugnieu - October 17th, 2018


RUG 19-bis, Hôtel de Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Lyon 02 - September 28th, 2018

RUG 19, Locaux de Rezopole, Lyon 07 - September 21st, 2018

Aperezo 51, Oscar les Puces du Canal, Grand Lyon THD (Covage), Villeurbanne - September 19th, 2018


IXPloration 14, Rezopole premises, Lyon 07 - June 28th, 2018

Aperezo 50, Rooftop 52, DistriWan, Lyon 02 - June 27th, 2018

IXPloration 13Eolas premises, Grenoble - June 7th, 2018

Aperezo 49, Upper Place, Telenco networks, Grenoble - June 6th, 2018


IXPloration 12, Rezopole premises, Lyon 07 - May 17th, 2018


Aperezo 48, Burger & Wine, Jaguar Network, Lyon 02 - April 25th, 2018

IXPloration 11, Rezopole premises, Lyon 07 - April 11th, 2018

RUG 18, Rezopole premises, Lyon 07 - April 6th, 2018


Aperezo 47, Sapristi, Lasotel, Villeurbanne - March 28th, 2018


Matinale LDigital (RezoGirls 08), Campus numérique de région, Lyon 02 - February 27th, 2018

IXPloration 10, Rezopole premises, Lyon 07 - February 14th, 2018


IXPloration 09, Rezopole premises, Lyon 07 - January 10th, 2018



Aperezo 46, "Hard Rock Cafe", Rezopole, Lyon 03 - November 8th, 2017

RUG 17, Rezopole premises, Lyon 07 - December 15th, 2017

IXPloration 08, Rezopole premises, Lyon 07 - December 13th, 2017

Forum des Interconnectés, "Double Mixte", Villeurbanne - December 5th-6th, 2017

RezoGirls 07, "Lyon French Tech", Lyon 02 - December 5th, 2017


IXPloration 07, Rezopole premises, Lyon 07 - November 15th, 2017

Aperezo 45, "Chez les Gones", Arista Networks, Lyon 03 - November 8th, 2017


IXPloration 6, Rezopole premises, Lyon 07 - October 18th, 2017

RezoGirls 06, "Epitech Lyon", Lyon 03 - October 17th, 2017


RUG 16, Rezopole premises, Lyon 07 - September 29th, 2017

Aperezo 44, "Hard Rock Cafe", Euclyde Data Centers, Lyon 02 - September 22nd, 2017

IXPloration 5, Rezopole premises, Lyon 07 - September 14th, 2017


IXPloration 4, Rezopole premises, Lyon 07 - June 27th, 2017

Aperezo 43, "Harner", Grand Lyon THD, Lyon 03 - June 22th, 2017


RezoGirls 05, "Wild Code School Lyon", Lyon 02 - May 9th, 2017


Aperezo 42, "Burger & Wine", Zayo Group, Lyon 02 - April 12th, 2017 

IXPloration 3, Rezopole premises, Lyon 07 - April 12th, 2017

SIdO Showroom, Cité Internetionale, Lyon 06 - April 5th & 6th, 2017


RUG 15, Rezopole premises, Lyon 07 - March 31th, 2017

IXPloration 2, Rezopole premises, Lyon 07 - March 15th, 2017


IXPloration 1, Rezopole premises, Lyon 07 - February 15th 2017


Aperezo 41, "Hard Rock Café Lyon", Rezopole, Lyon 02 - January 18th, 2017



RUG 14, Rezopole premises, Lyon 07 - December 9th, 2016

Aperezo 40, "Razowski", ARISTA, Lyon 02 - December 1st, 2016


Convention ADIRA 2016, Hotel de Région, Lyon 02 - November 22th, 2016


RezoGirls 04TUBÀ premises, Lyon 03 - October 20th, 2016

Forum Femmes & Numérique, Inseec Campus, Lyon 07 - October 6th, 2016


RUG 13, Rezopole premises, Lyon 07 - September 30th, 2016

Forum L'instant Numérique, Roanne, 42300 - September 15th, 2016

Aperezo 39, "AOC Les Halles", Brocade, Lyon 03 - September 15th, 2016


RUG 12, Rezopole premises, Lyon 07 - June 21st, 2016


SIdO Showroom, Cité Internationale, Lyon 06 - April 6th & 7th, 2016


Aperezo 38, "Sapristi", Lasotel, Villeurbanne - May 26th, 2016


Aperezo 37, "Ninkasi Gerland", Grand Lyon THD (COVAGE), Lyon - March 24th, 2016


Aperezo 36, "Tapeo", Jaguar Network, Lyon - January 28th, 2016



Aperezo 35, "B-52", DCforDATA, Lyon - December 17th, 2015


Aperezo 34, "Tapeo", Rezopole, Lyon - November 5th, 2015


Aperezo 33, "Tapeo", Optimal Data Center, Lyon - June 18th, 2015


Aperezo 32, "Tapeo", F5 et Westcon, Lyon - January 22nd, 2015



Aperezo 31, "Tapeo", Bull et Overland, Lyon - November 20th, 2014


RezoGirls 03, ''Tapeo", Lyon - September 25th, 2014


Teldej 16, "Victoria Hall", Manhattan SA / CA Technologies, Lyon - July 11th, 2014


Inauguration LyonIX 3 - June 24th, 2014

Aperezo 28, "La gueule du loup", Lasotel, Grenoble - June 4th, 2014


Aperezo 27, "Le Rive Gauche", NC2, Lyon - April 24th, 2014


Aperezo 26, "Tapeo", Border 6 et Brocade, Lyon - March 26th, 2014


Aperezo 25, "Midi-Minuit", Alturna Networks, Grenoble - February 27th, 2014



RezoGirls 02, ''Chez Thibault", Lyon - December 5th, 2013


Teldej 15, au Château de Monchat, Retis, Lyon - November 21st, 2013

Event4Cloud, école de Management de Grenoble (GEM), Cluster Edit, Grenoble - November 5th, 2013 


Aperezo 24, ''Chez Thibault", La Fondation internet nouvelle génération (FING), Lyon - October 24th, 2013


Aperezo 23, au DataCenter CFI/SHD, CFI Maintenance Informatique, Civrieux - September 26th, 2013


RezoGirls 01, Rezopole, Lyon - June 26th, 2013

Teldej 14, "Têtedoie", LexCase, Lyon - 14 June 2013


Aperezo 22/ Inauguration des bureaux de Rezopole, "L'Indocafé", Lyon - May 30th, 2013


Teldej 13, "Le Radisson BLU Hôtel", Manhattan / CheckPoint, Lyon - 09 April 2013


Teldej 12, "Le Plato", Lasotel, Lyon - 22 March 2013

RUG 11, Rezopole premises, Lyon 07 - 15 March 2013

Aperezo 21, au Datacenter ELB, Villeurbanne - 14 March 2013


Aperezo 20, "Quartier Gabriel", Lasotel, Grenoble - February 2013


Inauguration GrenoblIX - 21 January 2013



Aperezo 19, "Brasserie Sapristi", les 11 ans de Rezopole, Lyon - 12 December 2012


Teldej 11, "Restaurant Christophe Manguin", Huawei - 30 November 2012


Teldej 10, "La Reine Astrid", APL France - 19 October 2012


Aperezo 18, "Burger and Wine", Lyon - 27 September 2012


Aperezo 17, "Salon Use IT", Winsoft, Bouygues Télécom et NC2 - 05 June 2012


Teldej 09, "La Reine Astrid", Serviaware, Lyon - 25 May 2012


Aperezo 16, "Le Bus Café", Linkbynet, Lyon - 13 March 2012


Aperezo 15, "La terrasse du pont", Classe Export, Lyon - 02 February 2012



RUG 09, Locaux de Rezopole - 14 December 2011


Inauguration SaintetIX - 17 November 2011


10 ans de Rezopole - 19 octobre 2011


Aperezo13, "Le Fair play", Schneider Electric, Lyon - 22 September 2011


RUG 07, Locaux de Rezopole, Vénissieux, - 07 July 2011


Aperezo 12, "Au Goût du Jour", NC2, Lyon - 23 June 2011


Aperezo 11, "Le B-52", DCforDATA, Dardilly - 26 May 2011


Teldej 08, "La Reine Astrid", Neo Telecoms, Lyon - 29 April 2011


Aperezo 10, chez Elb Netissime, Villeurbanne - 17 March 2011


Aperezo 09, "Les Feuillants", Classe Export, organisateur du salon Use IT, Lyon - 27 January 2011

RUG 06, IN2P3, campus de la Douas, Villeurbanne - 27 January 2011



Teldej 07, La reine Astrid, Zycko et Blade Network Technologies, Lyon - 03 December 2010


Soirée Beaujolais, Ineo Comm, Lyon, - 18 November 2010

Aperezo 08, espace Ricard, avec Neo Telecoms, Lyon - 04 November 2010


Conseil Consultatif de Rezopole, 24 September 2010


Colloque des Usages numériques, SITIV, Vénissieux - 06/07 July 2010


Aperezo 07, St. Trivier sur Moignans, Maxnod - 24 June 2010


Séminaire Très Haut Débit pour les PME, ENE, Lyon - 27 April 2010

Tech-e Party, Equinix, Genève - 22 April 2010

Salon FIRST, Groupe R&D, Lyon - 01 April 2010



Teldej 06, Zycko et Blade Network Technologies, Lyon - 3 December 2009


Teldej 05, la reine Astrid, Lyon - 10 July 2009


Aperezo 03, Lyon - 25 June 2009

Teldej 04, le JDS, Telindus, Lyon - 12 June 2009

Teldej 03, Lasotel, Lyon - June 2009


Aperezo 02, Le Lipstick, Lyon - 25 February 2009



Teldej 02, Wisp-e, Lyon - March 2008



Teldej, Jaguar-Network, Lyon 17 August 2007


Inauguration LyonIX 2 - 04 May 2007



Inauguration LyonIX 1 - 20 November 2003



The RezoLink

on Monday, 02 April 2012 Posted in article

[French text]

Le RezoLink est l'annuaire des participants sur les infrastructures de Rezopole.


Chaque membre a une fiche de présentation qui contient :

  • la présentation de la société et de ses services,
  • le logo de la société,
  • les informations de base (CA, site web, effectif etc.),
  • les coordonnées du dirigeant,
  • les coordonnées du responsable Réseau,
  • les références clients.


C'est un support de communication dont l'objectif est de faciliter les échanges entre les participants de Rezopole. Il est distribué en format papier auprès des DSI de grands comptes, des personnalités politiques et des directeurs des sociétés IT de la Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. L'annuaire est également diffusé lors des événements, par mail, présenté en RDV d'affaires, etc.


Rezolink 2018


Publicité dans le RezoLink

Les structures présentes sur nos IXP/NAP et les membres Gold ont également la possibilité de diffuser leur publicité dans l'annuaire et bénéficier de visibilité auprès des acteurs clés de la région.



  Fiche de publicité  



Rezopole events

on Thursday, 22 October 2009 Posted in article

Rezopole is an active Internet actor that animates the Telecom industry in Lyon and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, through three types of events: Aperezo, RezoGirls, RUG, and also the Teldej. In order to participate in the events you must be a Rezopole member.










RUG - Rezopole User Group




View the Rezopole Calendar


History of the Rezopole events

Find the complete list of past events of Rezopole.

The RezoGirls

on Tuesday, 14 May 2013 Posted in article




The RezoGirls meetings are dedicated to women who work in the regional IT sector. These events are linked to Rezopole's mission of network animation and the objective is to federate the feminine IT sector.

Each RezoGirls becomes an opportunity to share during the debates animated by professionals specializing in human and social sciences, in education and training or evolving in the digital world. All in a convivial and casual atmosphere.

Why the RezoGirls?

According to the Syntec Numérique-BVA Barometer (2014), the women in the digital technology occupy in France only 25 to 30 % of the posts. Among the leaders of 100 largest high technology companies, only 6 % are women and less than 10 of start-ups are created by women!

Women represent at the national level 48 % of the labour force but in IT they represent only 10 % of executives, and barely 20 % of the engineers.

This is why, Rezopole commits to support the women in the IT sector.

The participants

Mainly Women who work in a company or a department with an IT profile are welcome:

  • engineers,
  • communication and commercial managers,
  • administration,
  • IT companies CEO.

Recent editions

History of RezoGirls

Find here past RezoGirls meetings

You wan to join the RezoGirls

All you have to do is join Rezopole by becoming a Silver member (free registration).


Join our groups on:











Rezopole/France-IX Merger Project

on Wednesday, 18 November 2020 Posted in article


"Dear Members,


I'm writing to you today to talk about the future of Rezopole.


In 2001 Samuel Triolet and I founded LyonIX, an association that was renamed Rezopole in 2009. The ambition of this Internet exchange node (IXP) was to interconnect the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes networks with national and international networks. Since then, Rezopole has been contributing to the economic and digital development of our territory, by being the de facto leader of the Internet & Telecom sector.


A new stage in our development is now upon us: I am pleased to announce that Rezopole is preparing to merge with France-IX, the operator of the main IXPs in Paris and Marseille.


This project meets the objective of capitalizing on the financial, human, commercial and technical resources of both entities in order to be stronger together.


It is in line with our values that we have worked together to study the synergies and impacts for France-IX, Rezopole and our respective members. We have come to the conclusion that this merger is a very good opportunity for the future for both parties.


The next step will be the validation of this merger, which will be put to a vote at an Extraordinary General Meeting organized virtually on Tuesday, December 15th. We are expecting many of you to support us in this new adventure.


We are convinced that this partnership is synonymous with sustainability and development, while continuing to provide a local service at your side.


Yours sincerely,"


Philippe Duby

President of Rezopole

To consult :

  • the various legal documents, click here.
  • the synthesis of the exchanges of the Question/Answer session on November 19th, click here.






Satisfaction Survey Results

on Monday, 04 April 2016

Feed-back des participants sur nos GIX


Rezopole a mené en janvier 2016 une enquête de satisfaction auprès de ses membres pour mieux connaître leurs attentes et impressions sur les IX et les services mis en place par l'Association.


Voici les résultats obtenus :

1. La grande majorité (Q17, 94%) de nos membres est satisfaite de son expérience avec Rezopole.
2. Cela est corroboré par la quasi-absence de demande de services complémentaires (Q16, 88%), et que la majorité (Q14, 65 %) nous recommande au moins régulièrement.
3. Lorsqu'il y a un besoin de contact, les membres trouvent facilement un interlocuteur (Q15, 83%).
4. Le contact est plus souvent pris dans un cadre technique (Q6, 41%) que dans un cadre commercial (Q9, 24%). Dans les deux cas, plutôt de temps en temps (Q6, 53 % ; Q9, 59%).
5. En contactant les services techniques les membres obtiennent régulièrement une réponse qui s'avère efficace.
6. En contactant les services commerciaux les membres obtiennent régulièrement une réponse qui s'avère pertinente.
7. Pour se renseigner, le membre semble plutôt utiliser les ressources en ligne (Q8, 41%) plutôt que de se référer au PQS (Q4, 29%).
8. Les services tels que le Workshop BGP ou le GIT ne sont pas beaucoup utilisés. Le service le plus utilisé est le NAP.

Vous pouvez télécharger le rapport complet, avec le questionnaire, depuis la page de Documentation.


RezoLink 2020

on Friday, 03 May 2019 Posted in article

Rezopole develops Very High Speed Internet and manages the Internet exchange nodes (IXPs) in Lyon, Grenoble and Annecy.


The RezoLink 2020 is the directory of the players interconnected on Rezopole's IXPs and the network & telecoms experts of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region. It also lists local authorities and partner associations.


The interconnected players are varied structures: operators, ESNs, hosting companies, end companies, web and e-commerce players, public players. Each of them derives interests and benefits according to its activity and core business.


Available free of charge in pdf format, RezoLink is also distributed in 2000 copies by mail, as well as at professional events organised by Rezopole.











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